fishing is great, but gear would cost money. if got some newer phone could download draw somethign for free . frisbee with friends can be very fun and relaxing. or with a little bit of cash you could start doing actually very fun if you some place to place it. reading books is a great past time aswell, there are already too many good books out there that, there is not enough time to read them all, but if keep reading all the time atleast will have consumed a great deal of them, yay library. go to museums can be interesting aswell, if any good ones around. 60k town should have atleast a few. or why not kill some spare time with making a vitrual map of every crime insident past couple of years in your city. with pins and links to each event. or go 10 years back in time and record your very own jackass or dirty sanchez, if you don't have a cam you can start doing such things in public, someone will probably tape it and put online.
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Дежурный совет: попробуй Мартина, цикл Песнь Льда и Пламени.
У Кинга куча хороших книг и даже несколько офигенных среди прорвы просто неплохих. Цикл Темной Башни - дико крут, но очень своеобразен.
Пратчетт подойдет любому, отличное чтиво.
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Zombie Survival Guide: I'm very weak for Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy book serie. Also Larry Niven has some good books and an interesting book serie about ringworld, sci/fi. Trying to finds this one book about genghis khan and his influences of the world still today, in my language the title has globalization in it, hehe. can't find it atm though, but was an interesting read. I also enjoy Peter Benchley's books, well most of them.
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Try solving some of the puzzles posted on the forums.
Some of them should keep you busy for a LOT of time.
The best part is,if you don't manage to solve them,you can spend the remaining hours of the day banging your head against the wall,because you lost a skyrim giveaway with 10 participants.
Have fun!
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Learn to like jazz, learn to play jazz, join a band. Worked for me.
Or if you're truly sick of your life, and everyone in it, you can take up golfing.
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So you work, play games, play sports/work out, do stuff with friends and STILL don't have enough to do? How the fuck do you manage that?
The best thing I can suggest for you to do is manage your time less effectively.
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Pen Spinning?
This is how it looks:
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Something creative or constructive. Be it some form of art (from simple pencil drawing to digital 3D modelling/animation), creating something useful (from DIY, woodwork, metalwork etc. to writing small programs or applications or contributing to an open source project), making something entertaining for others (from writing/making music to creating an entire computer game). The amount of things you can do is limited only by your imagination (and also admittedly the physical constraints of the universe).
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Learn juggling. Either ordinary, or contact juggling. If you can't get proper juggling balls, get tennis or billiard balls. If you can't get your hands on those either, get three stones. If you can't even obtain three stones, you have much bigger problems than simply not knowing what hobby to take.
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There's even a game client called Fantasy Grounds for DnD and any other D20 game system. But it seems really hard to find DM these days.
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Любой может быть ДМ'ом, достаточно до этого немного поиграть и почитать основы. Мы обычно играем вчетвером, так однажды нашего постоянного Мастера заменил просто игрок и что? Вышло непредсказуемо и здорово, при том что тот игрок этот едва ли знал хоть какие-то тонкости процесса.
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Бумажная самая тру, главное, это хорошая компашка и место для встреч (со вторым вечно проблемы). ну и конечно ЛАСТИК, где этот ластик?! Его никогда нет, несмотря на предварительную покупку десяти штук.
В качестве развлечения между играми, можно составлять сеттинги или придумать забористую квенту персонажа.
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I think there are two things no one yet mentioned: try to come up with new sweets (highly rewarding ;)) or try to make your own audio amplifier, it takes lot of patience and time and it's not that expensive (at least not in the short term) and you can get everything online. If you're not into music well...try something else that requires soldering, be it super awesome lights or USB coffee heater ;)
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Not really, you just find something like this: and follow step by step.
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So, there are some things that i think are awesome and you can enjoy it :)
Parkour/Freerun -
C-Walk -
LARP - what can be more fun than bash some of your friends with foam sword?
RPG - Be anybody, do anything. You just need to find group of friends.
Street Art - Google Banksy, he is the best one. What can be better than make an Art? If you dont want to destroy things that arent yours, just make some instalation, statues or something like this, you dont have to do graffiti. When somebody go around and see your art, it will make him SMILE. And that is what it is all about.
Play an instrument! - What about keyboard?
Make YT Channel - There is no better feeling than when you make others smile, remember.
Draw - everybody can draw, you must just try it.
And when you wanna make something useful/funny look also here
I hope i help you and please sorry for my bad english :)
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220 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Nogift4u
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I'm bored. Really. Any fresh ideas on what fun things to do? Without any money involved and stuff like "Go and hang out/ watch a movie/ play some gaemz". I would really appreciate some fresh thought on what you guys do when you get bored of gaming. Thanks.
EDIT: Also... I got 2 Booster Trooper guest passes left. Feel free to add me if you want some.
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