Day of the WB Classics, eh?
This is easily the best "normal" bundle they've had in a long time. Just because you own some of the titles, doesn't make it, "meh." This is incredible value for a HB newcomer.
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I agree, best one I've seen in quite a while, I DO have pretty much all of it though that I'm interested in so I probably won't buy it (Went ahead and got the T2 just to support a good bundle though, guess I'll make GAs whenever I get less lazy :P )
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Agreed, it's a very good value. Though personally I would have put Bastion in Tier 1 and moved one or both of Shadow of Mordor GOTY and Batman Arkham Origins to Tier 2. Anyway I was wondering when there would be another AAA bundle and also when Warner Bros. would do another one that wasn't a glorified store sale like those with Fanatical. Well here's the answer.
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Sorry to say this, but I own all games and I see this as one of the best normal bundle!
Probably I will buy tier 2 for GA!
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It's nice but I have everything.
Too bad there isn't the Arkham Origins season pass in Tier 1, I would have bought for that
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The season pass is mostly challenges and costumes. Nothing worth spending money for. The story dlc is nice, but again not that groundbreaking. You won't miss nothing by playing Origins alone.
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Well, you'll also miss out on Cold, Cold Heart, Which is a very good chunk of story DLC
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It's a good bundle, but most of the game have been available for very cheap already.
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Missing everything in tier 1 + all great games = insta buy for me there. I have 2/3 in the BTA though, so I'll skip that.
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I'm in Serbia and same for me. Quite a few HB monthly games have been redeeming for me as CIS/RU lately, weird stuff.
Guess someone skipped geography in primary school.
I already own all, but you can always use a VP to reveal the codes anyway
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Thanks. I saw Batman: Arkham Knight bundled before. It was on fanatical i think
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It was featured in some special deals from Fanatical (not bundles though) and in the recent Martian Mystery Bundle with a random drop chance.
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You're right it was flash deal.
I remember it was on bundle blast only for $7.99.
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When did HB became that lame? Everyone by now has all Batmans, cause they were re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rebundled billions of times. Mad Max is also very cheap game. For $12 only those games? Maybe for 5$ I would consider buying for 2 games I didn't own. But I would rather say no anyway.
Poor bundle. Tier3 could have SoW instead of SoM in tier1. That would be worth buying.
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Considering Arkham Knight is only ever on sale on Fanatical for ~10$ (yes often, but well still only there - and never really been bundled))...getting it + 6 other games for 12$ looks like a pretty nice deal.
If they'd have SoW in a bundle T3 would be somewhere around 20-25$. That would still be a decent deal.
And I agree that HB bundles this year were mostly really underwhelming, but with your expectations bundles can only disappoint you.^^
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Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition has been on sale for 8$ on Fanatical and GreenManGaming and for 9-10$ on plenty of other stores.
It may be good deal for people who don't own any games from this bundle and want to get them though.
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Ok then it was even a bit cheaper, my point still stands:
The game never was really bundled and you are effectively getting it here for 8$ + 4$ for the other 6games...which is a nice bundle.^^
And thinking this bundle should have had SoW as T3 for 12$ is just way too high expectations.^^
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It's not great deal if anyone already has a games. I doesn't matter what price it was. People already bought it. If, e.g. I bought Mad Max for 10$ and it will be later given for 5$, it doesn't matter for me, cause I bought it already (theoritical example). So, even if the deal is better, circumstances make it pretty poor.
This is indeed good bundle with I think good games. But it's too late for it now.
With what expectations? Don't make me a bad guy now. Just because I said the truth, that the bundle is very very bad (cause just good games doesn't make good bundle, if every human on the planet has those games, lol). I just don't need yet another re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rebundle. And this is what HB is doing recenly. Software Bundle copied from Fanatical, now this one. This bundle is just trash. It's only valuable if You don't have those games. But well... it's pretty unlikely, cause most of the people already got those games centuries ago.
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I have to agree with EinAnderer. With these expectations ain't no bundle to satisfy you.
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I'll third that, I think we are all getting a bit too ... what's the word I want? Exuberant? towards our bundle expectations.
This one is about as good as any ever, the sole downside being a lot of people probably have some or even most of the games from sales or the monthly, etc
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And I don't agree cause he was talking bs. I replied do his comment why that was just a stupid talk. "Expectattions"? Ridiculous pseudo argument. If having decent bundle instead of re-re-re-re-(etc)bundle is high expectations, I think even a poop would satisfy both of You ;)
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When you expect SoW to be on a 12$ bundle one year after release so you can call a bundle decent, that's just dreaming.
Even if i agree with you with the part that i have no interest in the bundle because i own all the games, i still consider it a solid one.
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I just said, that instead of trash, they should make real deal. I won't call garbage bundles like this good. Good games, but everyone have them already. Everyone who wanted them and pretty much people who didn't also bought them from billions of bundles. This is just a rebundle. And SoW was just an example, for Your information, because SoM was here.
Also games cost like 10-20 times more than they should, so... it's not really super cheap if they would sell this game for 12$.
Hate me if You want. I just won't care. But if games wasn't expensive for people, bundles wouldn't exist at all.
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Yeah. And tons of those games are just given away here. So no. People buy bundles just for single games or for having a profit.
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Won't agree in any word You said. If there was a bread for 100$, people (rich people) would still buy them to survive. Poor people would just die but won't buy. Just because someone has misjudged value scale, doesn't mean, even if those people are plenty, the thing is actually worth. And the FACT is, people are OFTEN paying more than they could or even should. And working as a seller I've seen this so many times. People are not smart. Not at all. Even If You want to help them, to get better thing for less, they will prefer overpay. Also... preorders just prove my statement pretty well :)
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I don't have time, not don't want to argue with You.
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Bundles are on their way to not existing btw, I don't know if you noticed that most of the bundles are just bottom of the barrel shit from IG, and Gogobundle and such.
And one thing you really should realize: it's not HB who makes the bundles. They can not shit out steam keys for games. Or origin, or uPlay or whatever you crave. They make a contract / agreement with the publishers / developers, and whatever they offer, they give that away. Go and hate WB for not giving shit cheaper and touching you at all the wrong places, HB is still just a middleman / frontend for whatever others are willing to give to them.
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IG and Gogo are crap. So I don't know what are You trying to prove, giving an example of pseudobundles to show how real bundles are going to extinct.
Oh, wow, no crap Sherlock. You discovered that not HB made the key out of nothing! WOW. CONGRATULATION!
Also don't be mad. Your butthurting is pathetic.
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Don't know what kind of people are you used dealing with but i won't hate you because we disagree. You can have your opinion and i can have mine. That said, i wish you a pleasant day! :)
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Games are cool. But bundle itself is bad. Cause most of people own most of games for a loooong time already.
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and what did you payed for the purchase?^^ in the end it wasnt free as you had to pay something to get it
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Bundle-I-already-have-everything :O
I want the season pack but... meh :\
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I regret buying the batman bundle and the wb bundle on fanatical the last time they had the sale :'))
But, this is pretty good bundle if you don't have these before though, happy to see a decent bundle.
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Not buying Shadow Of Mordor GOTY the last hundred times it went on sale was a good decision after all. I didn't intend to buy more bundles but this is too good to pass, I'm interested in all the game's from tier 1 so definitely getting that. For anyone thinking about getting the BTA, Bastion is one of my favourite game ever. It's visually beautiful with a great soundtrack and a wonderful narrator, definitely worth trying.
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Humble WB Games Classics Bundle
3 tiers
23 October 2018 - 06 November 2018
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Everyone receives a ROW key.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Everyone receives a ROW key.
Mad Max
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight - Season Pass
Everyone receives a ROW key.
Humble Bundle region locks: T1+T2, T3
🌟 NEW 2023-11-10: Mad Max, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition back in stock
Tier 1 - $1
Tier 2 - BTA (lowest so far: $3.69
Tier 3 - $12
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