Hmm...not sure why I'm writing this. Noone probably cares but well...

Anyway, the most famous Polish PC-gaming magazine celebrates 18 years on the market

Personally I expected some bigger deal from em but it is still a nice issue. And they say they are going to celebrate it also in next months :)

Cost - standard 3.80 euro. In the mag - 5 PC games on 2 covers: Assassin's Creed, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X, Cinders, Strategic War in Europe and Off-Road Drive. And a demo of Postmortem. + usual bunch of stuff like gameplays, e-books, bonuses etc etc.

Some ppl said that Deus Ex Human Revolution would be more adequate for such celebration as a full game version...but they gave it in earlier issue :P

One more bonus is the 50% off voucher for game store I'm not sure but it seems that its vaild to use with any number of games. So probably I'll be able to buy 5 games for half of their summed price.

Inside the mag.
Beta tests of:
-Metal Gear Solid V
-WoW: Warlords of Draenor
-Wolfenstein: The New Order
-TES Online
-Age of Wonders 3
-Divinity: Original Sin
-Dead Island: Epidemic

Reviews of:
-South Park Stick of Truth
-Dark Souls 2
-Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
-Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
-and lot more

+lots of stuff about magazine past


Front page:
Front of the bag:
Back of the bag:

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Yea it surely does :) They said that one game got 10/10 score. Ppl believe that its Dark Souls 2 but who knows :P

I wonder if anyone will be surprised about the games. There was once an article about how ppl smell that this mag has some not-so-legal connections that allow em to give good games on their cover (Far Cry 2, DMC 4, Dead Island, Deus Ex, Prince of Persia or Stalker series) at this price.

As for me Assassins Creed is a bit missed as for such big issue. Its a good game but I can bet that 90% of buyers already have it in their collections :)

Anyway, Happy Birthday for CDA :)

11 years ago

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good sounds

11 years ago

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What's the review score for Dark Souls 2? :)

Also, DXHR as full version.. damn, need to buy game mags again :D

11 years ago

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The mag will be avalivable to buy at March 11. But they said that one game got 10/10. Most ppl believe its Dark Souls 2 :)

Deux Ex was a full version in the 2/2014 issue along with The Raven Episode 3 and Neverwinter Shadowmantle. 1/2014 got Dungeon Siege 3, Shaun White Skateboarding and The Raven Episode 2 while 3/2014 got Splinter Cell Conviction, Men of War: Vietnam and Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded.

11 years ago

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I think South Park got 10/10 but we'll see :)

11 years ago

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Yup, also possible. I havent played it myself but my bro did. And I can hear him laughing right now :D

11 years ago

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Or Thief.(chuckles)

11 years ago

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Got the issue. Dark Souls 2 got 10/10 :)
Gameplay quality: 10/10
Graphics: 7/10
Audio: 8/10

-better than Dark Souls
-No more frustrating elements of gameplay
-good climate
-perfect level design
-creative boss fights
-multiple changes in game mechanics

-little bit ugly
-"do I have to make up cons on purpose ?"

10 years ago

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Some SG users know them because they gave free stuff in their website multiple times.

11 years ago

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I'm surprised anyone still cares about this mag.

11 years ago

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Your post doesnt make sense. Biggest mag in Poland, pretty much without competition. It has good stuff to read, not only about games but also some other texts connected to the gaming and its giving pretty good games with each issue for 16PLN.

Sure, noone would care about such mag. And maybe noone cares and they just magically stay on the market ?

11 years ago

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they will be dead soon, and : Your post doesnt make sense. Biggest mag in Poland, pretty much without competition. (that summs it well)

11 years ago

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Sure, they are dead for 10 or more years. I remember when another big magazines failed but this one always was at a good level.

11 years ago

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Sorry but their level of writing is pretty low compared to other publications available. May be worth something for the games or if your English is pretty bad/you prefer to read in Polish. Maybe if I were more sentimental I would think otherwise.

11 years ago

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Which publications exactly You're talking about? There are not so many PC gaming related magazines in PL so it'll be easy to point which one is better and why. Go on. Take Your time.

11 years ago

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I'm not talking just about Poland but there is no problem getting Game Informer there.

11 years ago

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Maybe You're right if we compare it to magazines from whole over the world. But their target is area of Poland,so You must admit that there is no better magazine here.

11 years ago

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ouch, i didn't realise low lvl. Tell me about these low level articles and other, better publications in internet, pleas.

11 years ago

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I gotta agree. I've been a fan of 'em for quite some time but in my opinion the stuff they write is getting worse and worse. There's so many free sources of reviews, first impressions and all that on the internet that buying a mag with already outdated stuff (month long time frame) is just pointless in my opinion. I would've considered buying it if it was on demand, in a phone/tablet-friendly format.

11 years ago

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Just because its pointless for you doesnt mean its pointless for everyone. Sure, we live in a world where interenet is everywhere. But its been like this already for few years. And the mag is still up despite this. Also I'm one of the ppl that doesnt like to read news on the internet or on my iPod. I prefer to buy a mag, sit comfortably, get smth to drink and just read. Like a book. (Also not reading books on PC or listening to audio books. I just hate them.)

11 years ago

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That's why I used "in my opinion" and "I would've". As for the "me no likey digital" - I read most of the news and stuff like that on my pc/phone but when it comes to books - nothing can beat the smell of the pages, especially those which Fabryka Słów is printing on.

11 years ago

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Hah, totally. The smell of freshly bought book is...awesome :) Which remindes me that I need to buy third and fourth tomes of "Pan Lodowego Ogrodu" published by the Fabryka

11 years ago

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Third's awesome, fourth is kinda slow at the beginning but it gets better. Great series in general.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Cuz they are awesome ;)

11 years ago

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It isn't cheap in Poland. For polish gamers it is like a 16 euro for you.

11 years ago

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As daraya79 said - they are awesome :P.
3.80 euro is 16 PLN. And as Koshara said - 16 PLN for you might be like 16 euro. Long story short but financial situation in Poland is bad.
We have eastern salaries with mostly western prices. Last month I've earned 1780 PLN which is +/- 425 euro. So basically, PS4 costs 400 euro. I should be able to buy it but ding - wrong. It costs smth like 1900 PLN in Poland. So basically, u can buy PS4 after month of work (I assume you earn smth like 1500-1700 euro) and I have to work at least 2 months. And also having a console is a bad idea cus of the game prices.

11 years ago

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Best computer magazine ever. After work i will buy it, 5 hours and it will be mine :D

11 years ago

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[Polish mode on]
Dla mnie ten magazyn upadł już dawno temu. Kiedyś (circa '97-'01) teksty były lepsze, od 2003 w ogóle CDA nie czytałem, w zeszłym roku wpadł mi w ręce jeden numer. Poziom tekstów jak dla gimnazjalistów, albo co najwyżej licealistów. Język płytki, prosty, żarty nieśmieszne. Jedynie kupiłbym teraz dla gier, ale te kupuję na Steam, więc za kasę z CDA wolę sobie kupić jakiś ciekawszy magazyn, np. Mówią Wieki.
[Polish mode off]
Couldn't care less. They were good back in the old days, like around '97-01, but now they've hired new journalists and their reviews are simply unreadable for me (or simply: they're full of shit).

11 years ago

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Cóż, wydaje mi się że nie do końca masz rację. Fakt - ze starej ekipy nie ostali się wszyscy, ale sam magazyn dalej trzyma poziom. Z tym poziomem dla licealistów masz trochę racji ale ja widzę to inaczej. Kiedyś ich teksty były nieco poważniejsze ale dalej z jajem. Teraz są z deczka mniej poważne. Dla mnie wygląda na to że po prostu musieli się dostosować do rynku. Coraz mniej ludzi "starszych" ma czas na interesowanie się takim stuffem. Za to młodzież jak najbardziej.

Ja sam generalnie czytam po to żeby się dowiedzieć co w świecie growym się dzieje. Czasem recka mnie zachęci do kupna gry. Czasem tekst publicystyczny sprawi że poszukam w necie czegoś więcej na jego temat. Nie czytam aby ocieniać, czytam dla frajdy :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I always love someone/something's birthday. Congrats!

11 years ago

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...wait a minute... there's another WoW expansion!?!?

11 years ago

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Yup. Smth about getting back in time to old Draenor and stopping orcs from drinking demons blood or smth :P

11 years ago

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i so want HAWX 1 and 2 but a damn error doesn't let me buy them..contacted support but nothing :/

11 years ago

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Still have few CDs dated like 1999 year from this publisher (I believe it came with the magazine, but I have only CDs someone gave me). Ah good times

11 years ago

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Haha I just found those CDs. One says - 17 Pazdziernik 1997, and 2nd - 24 Maj 1998. Daaaaym

11 years ago

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The '98 one has 2 CDs in it :) And they are in pretty good shape too, well that's funny, it's been 17 years and I still have them right here :)

11 years ago

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Pazdziernik = October, Maj = May :)

11 years ago

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  • This is pretty cool, don't buy magazines a lot in general but these are nice promos!
11 years ago

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