Hopefully The Walking Dead season finale airs soon. It's actually so strange watching an apocalyptic show / movie given how crazy the world is right now.
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I think you mean SERIES finale. That show has not been good since the 6th season. I HAD to force myself to watch the seventh season. I watched the premier of the eighth season and said that I was done. Haven't been able to watch it since, with the exception of the final episode of Rick.
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Nope, the season finale. The show still has at least a couple more seasons to go (going by the comics), and the creators have implied that it will go on for more.
And I just disagree. Season 7 was great, season 8 had some good moments, and seasons 9 and 10 were truly amazing. The whisperer act brought a whole new feeling to the show that made it alive (ironically lol) and scary again.
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Well, to each their own. I started out loving the show. But season seven was just so god awful for me, and many other viewers.
But you can't please everybody.
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Seasons 7 and 8 definitely had some low moments, but if you binge-watch them, they aren't so bad. And since season 9, with the new showrunner Angela Kang, the show definitely feels fresh.
A lot of critics who said negative things about seasons 7 and 8 praised seasons 9 and 10. Some even said they're a return to form. You can see this in the ratings on RottenTomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_walking_dead Not that this is a source one should use as accurate metric for quality, but it gives you an idea of how the overall perception about the show changed in season 9.
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Thank you, I might pick the series up again at season 9 :)
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I agree. It's funny they claim unfinished vfx is the reason the season finale isn't finished yet, considering how trash AMC's vfx is most of the time.
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I think they want to run the finale, FTWD and the new spin-off back-to-back. So we're probably gonna get the finale only in July or August, unfortunately.
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The new season of F is for family was awesome.
I love this show and hope I'll not have to wait again so long for a new season.
Also I already miss Bojack.
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I miss Bojack too... I think I might rewatch it.... again
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yeah it sometimes over the top but there is something great in this show. at first you think it's some family guy copy but there is a lot between the lines.
love it
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Can I ask what's your current must-watch binge show?
I'm catching up on The Haunting of Hill House (my girlfriend doesn't like horror so I'm using the sad time alone) and wow, I'm sorry I waited so long. Amazing show. Almost watched it all yesterday
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Well I am close to finishing it (Three more episodes of Season 4 to finish) and then all I have to watch/finish is season 5.
But if you didn't know, the show is actually getting rebooted - in the words of Dean Devil (the creator of the show)... Leverage 2.0 starts filming next month! All the original cast other than Timothy Hutton's, Nathan Ford will be returning. Whether it will be it's own thing or carry on from Season 5 (which would make 2.0 season 6) I am not sure. Either way I am excited for it!
Snippet from a comment he posted on Instagram :)
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Beautiful! I can think of quite a number of shows I'd love to see rebooted/restarted as well so I hope this becomes a trend because so far all I've seen was Revenge and Gossip Girl (?) getting "reboots" with whole new cast after what...? 4 years lol and it seems like desperation to me.
Shows like Leverage on the other hand have so much potential for sequel because their concept is not finite so good writers could keep them going forever.
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Shows like Leverage on the other hand have so much potential for sequel because their concept is not finite so good writers could keep them going forever.
I said the same thing. Due to the style of Leverage it could go on for quite a while without getting repetitive. I think it could easily have 10 seasons and I'd enjoy most of them. I think 2.0 is being made on IMDB.tv so a lot of old shows could be getting rebooted. Lets just hope they don't ruin the memory of the originals :)
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If anyone is interested, there is a website called TrackSeries that is very useful for people who watch a lot of series.
It allows you to follow the shows you watch, tick off episodes/seasons you have completed, it tracks the amount of episodes you have watched all together, and it also tells you how many episodes of the series you follow you have still to watch.
It also has a calendar feature that tells you when an episode of a show you follow is being released, which is useful in keeping track of them and also makes it easier in avoiding spoilers.
Also, this is a rough estimate of my stats :)
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Any Mr Robot fans out there? I just havn't watched a series better than this one (yet?).. It's seriously a masterpiece
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uh you have to watch it! I am more the movie-person and not realy a series-person, but I freaking loved it I got so emotionally invested I couldn't think of anything else for weeks haha :D
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It was, it really really was. They also did the ending just perfect end ahhhhh :D
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Uh it really gets! I know what you mean, I think I felt the same in the middle of seaoon two but in my opinion really everything ties super nice together at the end so I definatly think it gets better.. But I also have to say it may be that you have the same feeling about the randomness during season three.. still I think it gets better and it is worth it (:
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I watched only one episode of season 2 and put it on hold. I'm not a fan of the dude playing the character already and he feels like he is sleep walking through that one even more than he does in the Avengers.
I may check it out later but I have better things on my watchlist right now.
Season 1 already felt pretty disappointing and far-fetched by the end but at least the acting was awesome. This one... just from episode 1, what's the deal with him having to fight I don't know how many guys just to see a dude he knew in another identity? How about he just told them he wanted to see that dude and save us 7 minutes of tedium?
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