Hello, just notice that my copy of UNDEADS (now renamed to Mortos) revoked from my Steam account. I activated it around 1 year ago from Build A Greenlight 25. Anyone have same issue? What a reson to revoke game?

Here proof

P.S. found a discussion here

8 years ago*

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I guess I got it from the same bundle, but it wasn't revoked... yet.

8 years ago

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I think a lot of people are getting confused. I had 2 keys activated on the same account, but only the beta key was revoked. One was a beta key from a giveaway, and the other from Groupees. The key from Groupees did NOT activate as "for beta testing". If your key was revoked and it was a beta key, then it wasn't from Groupees.

I'm not sure if any Groupees keys were revoked, despite what people claim. Could be that they had 2 licenses like I did and thought the revoked one was from Groupees.

8 years ago

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Has the person who started that discussion been banned? Wow.

8 years ago

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Yeah, a good my friend, very sadly...

8 years ago

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From what I read, he was banned for saying "You are disgusting" towards developer (and few comments in other discussion).

Classy developer is classy...

8 years ago*

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And now they've locked the topic, truly a neverending supply of class.

8 years ago

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Wow. So not only do you support a Dev by buying their games in a greenlight bundle, you vote for them, get a valid steam key on purchase when game is approved, the Dev repays that by revoking the key later? Can they get more pathetic and unethical than this?

8 years ago

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Someone needs to take away the big red button from devs when it comes to revoking Steam keys and community bans. It shouldn't be able to happen with a simple click of the fingers.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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how do you know that it's red?

8 years ago

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I think people should pay more attention to this post "If you have received a key free by the moderators / WebSite / Developer can find the game in discount in the store."

The developer is basically saying if you won a key in a giveaway, I'm taking it back and you can buy the game while it's on sale. I dare say he used giveaways to get his game greenlit, now he's taking them back.

8 years ago

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It certainly looks like that. Maybe they realized they can't get reviews from keys so they are forcing those people to buy the game again on the store. Whatever it is, this should be reported to groupees and then to steam by them, because it's illegal behavior.

8 years ago

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I think in regards to the giveaway keys, which I'm most mad about, Groupees customers can at least contact them and bash out an equitable solution.

Anyway, I think he used giveaways to get his game greenlit, honoured the giveaways at first and sent out keys, then realised no one was buying his game, so he puts his game on sale and revoked the keys. Maybe by accident he also revoked some keys that went to Groupees too.

8 years ago

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Oh I understand you well. My point is they are doing something wrong in either case. You can't give something and ask for it back a year later because you changed your mind. I'm making a game myself and planning to submit it to greenlight and I'd be happy if it goes through, but people like this destroy the trust in all developers. Also, if a game doesn't sell, make another, better game. Advertise more. Build community. Don't revoke keys ffs.

(I didn't even have their game, I'm just commenting on general behavior that I do not approve)

8 years ago

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I am getting more and more disgusted with shitbag developers pulling crap like this. Good luck to you, MancSoulja, I appreciate you making this public.

8 years ago

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Another shitty dev

8 years ago

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I also wanted to create a thread about this but then I wasn't sure it is important enough to do it. Good You started it.

Check what dev told about this:
"Hello hunters, if you have taken the key on steam contact Steam Support.
If you have taken the key on grupees contact groupees assistance.
If you have received a key free by the moderators / WebSite / Developer can find the game in discount in the store.
Keep game on steam store are sure way for life license "

In my opinion that's a complete **** and should never happen. It's like telling customers to **** off...
Another dev that doesn't deserve to be supported anymore I guess :/

I wonder if he provided new keys to Groupees (since he advised people to contact Groupess)... That would be the least what he should do...

8 years ago

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You are right, bad move of him

8 years ago

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The developer also writes like some 12 year old kid, I guess dev is just some stupid salty idiot.

8 years ago

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And this is reply from him? Oh my... :(

8 years ago

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Well looking at the evidence so far I think I can form the opinion of disgust towards this developer.

8 years ago

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I'm starting to think Valve should ask developers for a scan of their drivers licence and literacy test when applying to greenlight.

8 years ago

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He doesn't know what an "h" is.

xD ave a nice day

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Tat dev sould get pucked.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There needs to be a "Toxic Devs" steam curator group for people like this and Digital Homicide.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why hasn't this been done yet?

8 years ago*

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Anti-Consumer Practice Report:

Although I like the name "Toxic Devs" better lol. :-)

I hope someone who was affected reports it to them.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Ahaha! Nice one ^^

8 years ago

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I checked my Licenses page,the ITEM name is "Mortos" ,not "UNDEADS for beta testing"

8 years ago

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Maybe my key was from old bunch and your from new one

8 years ago

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Mine got revoked too. Oh well who cares.

Looks like reviews done after getting key revoked count as steam purchase, I guess that's good for dev, more reviews counting towards rating.

8 years ago

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So it is that easy to game the new system? You just have to give the 'reviewer' some keys, wait till they have playtime and revoke them?
And there I thought the 'reviewers' now need to buy the game on Steam, review it and refund it afterwards.

8 years ago

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Yeah. I assume these things will be fixed in (Valve) time.

Edit: I assume it just checks if user has activated cd-key and if not, then assumes it was direct from steam.

Edit 2: I wonder what happens if you have game both from cd-key and steam store (ie. DLC).

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by SashOK1993ukr.