Their servers are currently overloaded, I suggest refreshing or waiting a bit.

“With the development of Wild Hunt coming to an end, the team has embarked upon the creation of two new really big adventures set in The Witcher universe," says Marcin Iwiński, CD PROJEKT RED co-founder. “We remember the time when add-on disks truly expanded games by delivering meaningful content. As gamers, we’d like to bring that back. We’ve said in the past that if we ever decide to release paid content, it will be vast in size and represent real value for the money. Both our expansions offer more hours of gameplay than quite a few standalone games out there.”

Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man’s Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.

Blood and Wine, a 20-hour-plus tale that will introduce the all-new in-game region of Toussaint, will take Geralt to a land untainted by war, where an atmosphere of carefree indulgence and knightly ritual masks an ancient, bloody secret.

“While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call," Iwiński concludes.

The upcoming expansions will offer gamers new adventures, gear and foes and will feature characters both new and dearly missed -- all crafted with maximum attention to detail and quality by the joint forces of CD PROJEKT RED’s Warsaw and Cracow studios.

Hearts of Stone will premiere in October, while Blood and Wine is slated for release in the first quarter of 2016.
Both expansions will be available on all three platforms: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4.

For more information on obtaining the expansions, please visit

9 years ago*

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not even out and they talk about expansion ? :O

9 years ago

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well thats a common practice nowadays

9 years ago

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They finished working on the game itself so they moved on to expanding it even further. Don't see anything wrong about that.

9 years ago

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Did they finish the entire game, or did they cut content and corners to be released later as "expansions"? The problem is that too many developers are doing the latter.

9 years ago

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Let me correct you here. Only companies are doing that lately. True developers are (in that case) putting their hard work into a 200h gameplay masterpiece and after they're finished they start to work on expansions.

9 years ago

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I don't see your point. Too many games are being shipped with cut corners and missing content that appears shortly after as so called "expansions." I'm not saying the people behind Witcher 3 are doing that, just that it happens.

9 years ago

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6 months later for the first one, is not that soon

9 years ago

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"I'm not saying the people behind Witcher 3 are doing that, just that it happens."

9 years ago

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It does, but those expansions come out like 2 months or less after the game comes out. This is coming out a lot longer than 2 months after the game. By this point the game is near complete and is being debugged. They also pushed the game back like 1-3 times so they aren't rushing the game either and are giving free small dlcs.

9 years ago

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If this were nUbisoft or EA I would be right there with ya, I wholeheartedly trust CDProjekt RED though :). They've done awesome things like free DRM copy if you own the Steam game, free expansions (Witcher 2), and generally just seem "pro-gamer"

9 years ago

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That's true, unfortunately it happens more often in the industry lately.
Fortunately, as madness mentioned above, first of those expansions is scheduled for October so I believe they're only starting to work on those packs.

9 years ago

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EA comes to mind..

9 years ago

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Yeah. :\

9 years ago

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Really? Concept designers are already free. Sorry is also ended, writers can create more stories then. Probably all the models, landscapes and so on are also finished. Why shouldn't they work on new things instead of sitting and just fooling around?
Now they are eliminating bugs, working details out, making gameplay as much fun as it's possible.
Why the rest of the team shouldn't start developing next project?

9 years ago

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Are you sure you replied to right comment? :D

9 years ago

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I am sure not, my fellow friend :D. I was writing it on mobile and ashamedly missclicked :P.

9 years ago

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I thought the same...

9 years ago

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They don't yet, almost done which they said in the beginning of their post. "With the development of Wild Hunt coming to an end"

9 years ago

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"Finished", "almost finished", it's not really that big of a difference considering the game is coming out next month.

9 years ago

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For many people, including myself it feels better when this stuff is announced after the game is out. If it comes out in 2016. I don't see why they couldn't announce it a month after the Witcher 3 is out, so people aren't annoyed by it. Especially since it might get delayed because it's them making it. lol

Maybe they had to do it for their stockholders ratings or whatever those things are called.

9 years ago

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I was trying to put myself on their place and came to a conclusion that if I were to finish the thing I was working on for past few years and just came up with an awesome idea how to improve it (in the future) I couldn't refrain myself from announcing it either. :D

9 years ago

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a) it basically guarantees that the game will be supported after launch - it is an incentive to buy the game for some people = profit for CD Projekt
b) they are offering the expansion pass for sale now = Cd Projekt gets money earlier = its better for the company, they can show better sale figures when persuading the investors to put the money down etc.

9 years ago

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a) True, I was thinking of that as I wrote that. I guess it gives people reason to not trade it in, but still it's a 299+ hour long game, they shouldn't beat it that quickly? And if they traded it in before before beating it, they probably wouldn't want the DLC anyways?

b) I don't think the expansion pack is on sale now and won't even be any time soon? They didn't even announce a price?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ah, just steam late to the party as always.
Surprised they didn't give a price on their blog thing.

I guess 30 hours for 25$ isn't too bad.

9 years ago

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Exactly. It sounds like they will be massive expansions, like years ago with Baldur's Gate and so on, not simple DLCs.

9 years ago

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a) some people may choose to buy some other rpg, arguing that it will have dlc; so they will have 300 hours of gameplay plus dlc. Now The Witcher has that too, so some people may look at it in more favourable light.
Basically, I'm not saying that announcing DLC before game hits the shelves is a big incetive to buy it for everyone, but it may convince some people who are on the fence. So why not announce it, if they are working on it anyway? Plus it surely whets the appetitie of the die hard Witcher fans.

“While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call," Iwiński concludes.

even if it is not avilable now, I'm assuming it soon will be

9 years ago

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Well, probably most of the team, like graphics designers, story tellers etc., that works on the game are done and now most of the job are done by programmers (repairing game and optimizing it) and "bug catchers", so the rest can work on DLC.

9 years ago

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At least they are expansions and not those shitty day one dlcs with very little content

9 years ago

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Do You smell that?

9 years ago

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Not really

9 years ago*

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A-a-and You ruined it!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Kinda worries me that DLC/expansion whatever was announced before the game is out and even went gold. Wouldn't it mean they were making the expansion as they were making the main game?

9 years ago

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As much as CDPR is trying to stay loyal to the old times, and to the PC, they're selling their souls to consoles and all other bullshit that we have right now. AFAIK at reveal of witcher 3 they said that they'll have all dlc and expansions free for PC and they'll try to get them free on consoles too. But that no longer seems to be the case.

9 years ago

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"We’ve said in the past that if we ever decide to release paid content, it will be vast in size and represent real value for the money. Both our expansions offer more hours of gameplay than quite a few standalone games out there."

9 years ago

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Ah, never mind, I found the article I was refering to, there was no talk about free expansions pack to begin with. :P

9 years ago

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Well, team that works on the game now it almost 100% coders as all other areas are done. Writers, concept artists, model creators, music team etc. are jobless so why not shift them into planning expansion content? If you know map of Witcher world, the areas announced now are nowhere near islands where W3 is taking place, so there is no reason to suspect zero-day DLCing US companies are so fond of...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Because you'll be happier if they announce it after you've paid full price I presume? They are just being honest, this will be their first paid DLC so they wanted people to know before they cash in.

9 years ago

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it's more addon than DLC, 10-20h DLC?! and it won't be next day released but half and one year after

9 years ago

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Expansions =/= DLC

All DLC is already included in the game for no additional charge.

9 years ago

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Very good news. I am already readying my 300 hours for this game!

9 years ago

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I trust CDRP but i want to see how the game runs on my rig i'll wait for now but if the game runs ok then hell yeah worth a buy the witcher series has been outstanding so far if needs be i'm willing to drop £500+ on a new GTX 980 just to get 60FPS on ultra settings but i hope they optimism it more before launch.

9 years ago*

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It depends on which resolution you plan to play. With a 970, you can probably get a 45-60 fps rate at full hd.

9 years ago

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The GTX 980 is reported to be around 17% more powerful then then GTX 970 the last showcase CDRP did was with a gtx 980 on max setting at it was solid at 60FPS with max settings at 1920 x 1080. A single gtx 970 on the same rig with the same setting should offer 52 FPS.

That said that was last month and if CDRP can optimism the game more a GTX 970 might just be enough for solid 60 fps on max settings at 1920x1080 hence why I'm waiting to see if a single gtx 970 can run the game maxed out.

9 years ago

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It's good to hear that, 52 fps is more than enough for me ^^

9 years ago

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I can't really understand the hate here. They are giving people who are currently not working at the title something to do (like people doing concept art and such - they probably have their hands free, since different guys will be working on the game this close to launch). So you basically have a guarantee the game will have extra content in the future - and btw. that is what people expect nowadays.

You know what sucks? When devs cut content from the game and release it later as day 1 dlc or sth. This is clearly not the case of that, so what's the problem?

9 years ago

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Agreed. Very much looking forward to this, as if I wasn't excited enough already.

9 years ago

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^ this was my view as soon as I saw the news. Its good that they are going to carry on supporting the game with larger content in the long-term future.

9 years ago

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You know what sucks? When devs cut content from the game and release it later as day 1 dlc or sth. This is clearly not the case of that, so what's the problem?

You should get a cookie.

9 years ago

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This is exactly what I came here to say.

The game is finished, in post production and about to be released. They are simply letting their fans know that they already have 2 expansions planned, and will take you back to the way gaming used to be. When rushing out to get the latest expansion on Tuesday and give up the rest of your week rushing through the new content.

In a world where so many Early Access and Kickstarter games are constantly soaking money from people without even releasing a finished project, I absolutely love a development team saying "Hey, just so you guys know, we are not going anywhere. This is our plan for the next 18 months. I hope you are as excited as we are!"

Also, the fact that they tell you to wait...if you are unsure in the least...should tell you these are people who want their game to be loved and played for years, not just some guys looking for micro-transaction riches. I mean, look at games like DayZ or Godus, and how long they have been in "early alpha" while soaking money from it's customer base. CDPR is doing a good thing for the industry here...I trust.

9 years ago

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+1 to you both.

Just one thing lingers on... will they deliver the 16 free DLC as promised too? I hope they do

9 years ago

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Weren't they just mostly cosmetic stuff? They can easily cram that into breaks between both expansions...

9 years ago

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You are right! Just checked it on Gamespot

The first bundle of DLC for The Witcher 3 will be released later this year. This content will come in the form of the Temerian Armor Set (horse armor) and the Beard and Hairstyle Set for main character Geralt.

Following The Witcher 3's first add-on, DLC bundles featuring two expansions will be released every week thereafter. Other content will include more quests and personalization options.

9 years ago

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I need to upgrade my PC :)

9 years ago

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Hahah, wise decision!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call" Iwiński concludes.

AAA game development is expensive, even if you consider CDPR an indie dev you can't deny they are AAA quality! Since this is going to be their biggest world, longest campaign and side quests and richest world yet, I understand they will be charging a Season Pass. HOWEVER, they did announce 16 free DLC expansions for Witcher 3 last year, so I don't know what's happening with those...

On another note, I also understand people who are upset about the dev announcing DLC when the game isn't out yet, but to those people I want you to ask yourselves just one thing, what would make you angrier:

  • Knowing that there will be paid DLC before the game is out.
  • Knowing there will be paid DLC after you've paid full price for the game.

I think the dev is quite decent and open to the gamers, hope they deliver free DLC as promised and not just paid DLC.

edit: THEY WILL still give 16 free add ons, cosmetics and small quests but hey, EA or Ubi would still charge you for them!

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Redania isn't even close to indie devs anymore. After all, they're responsible for the most awaited (globally!) game of 2015! :3
Regarding your concerns - yes, we are getting 16 free DLCs and, beside that, two massive expansion packs. Those are different things.

9 years ago

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yeah and no-no at the same time

9 years ago

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hell no if it will be 25$ for the expansion pack they it will be horrible i will almost fell like i am buying from EA(not quite though)

9 years ago

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Well they might do some sales too and get them cheaper, considering they will be +30h of gameplay at least they aren't goint the cheap EA and Ubisoft route!

Nor the Bethesda horse armor bullshit, they will actually give away for free 16 small DLCs, roughly 4 new quests and then a bunch of new cosmetic looks, INCLUDING horse armor lol

9 years ago*

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I'm sorry, but if you're comparing CDP Red with their expansion packs (adding over 30 hours of gameplay to the base game!) to Electronic Arts, a triple (?) winner of Golden Poop, then we can't be friends.

Those are not just some bullshit add-ons like a horse armor or new clothes for your Sims. Those are expansion packs, both longer than some standalone games produced by companies like EA or Activision, adding not only plot but also locations known mostly to hardcore fans of the series (both game and book series).

9 years ago

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I would wait with rating of this DLCs to the time they are released and people REALLY played them?

DA:I can be played for 150h with doing this meaningless side quests, when core game is for like 40 - 50h. So believing in everything that devs are telling us about game lenght is just riding in a hype train ;)

We should evaluate game depending on it's gameplay, not on devs promises / previous games developed by them.

9 years ago

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Where did I rate those DLCs? I only repeated what RED already stated - their length and content.

9 years ago

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Ok, I choosed my words poorly. You are saying that these DLCs willl for sure last 30h, like it is information based on actual gameplay. But it isn't and this playtime maybe only devs building up hype.

And you clearly already rated these DLCs by saying that they superior to other, shorter DLCs from other companies (I'm not talking about cosmetic dlc, but about shorten story based ones like from bioshock, borderlands etc. They are most of the time 3-4h pieces, but again noone can confirm that you won't be able to end witcher 3 dlc in 4-5h).

And it's obvious that you are hardcore witcher fan, because you are defending this game in every thread I've ever read on this forum ;)

9 years ago

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I don't think this is about "rating" the expansion. I mean they said they plan to make this stuff last longer then other stuff out there, which was done in the past (like with Jagged Alliance or Commandos). I think we can applaud that thought, right? I mean we will know if the content is long/not shit after it releases, but we can agree that making longer expansions would be a move in the right direction, right? The plan is great and we are glad about that. Because that is all the we've got right now. A plan. A concept. So I think they deserve a benefit of the doubt, no?

Because if we go the other way, and distrust the developer, then we can't be sure that The Witcher 3 is not a racing game until it comes out.

TL;DR: At this stage of developement we evaluate only concepts, because that is all we have, and what CDProject has put out there seems pretty good.

9 years ago

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True that, I'm a hardcore fan. :p

What I meant is the fact that obviously (and I also think it's mandatory for) devs are stating the expected average time required to beat those expansions. And in case of CDPRed (being totally objective) I fully trust they know what they're doing and that they're doing it at their best.

They are most of the time 3-4h pieces, but again noone can confirm that you won't be able to end witcher 3 dlc in 4-5h

Of course, there may will be people able to beat the expansion faster than the average but that doesn't change the fact that those packs are as long as dev stated. The problem appears when basically everyone beats them in shorter time. But for those scores we'll have to wait til the release.

9 years ago

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This expansion pack will have more content, than 90% of the AAA games that came this last 2/3 years.

9 years ago*

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It is true but still a bad sign

9 years ago

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Suit yourself, you are not obligated to buy it. So for people who want to support the devs and want more, definitely a thumbs up.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't really like it, but CD Projekt Red deserves the benefit of the doubt.

9 years ago

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how i fell about them right now

9 years ago

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Did you even read the announcement or are you just commenting after reading the title?

9 years ago

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Exactly, Regis. Chill out. They will be massive expansions! Like I the time's of Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights, not simple DLCs :).

9 years ago

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Still it is a bad sign for me in the first game they did 2 expansions indeed smaller than this 2 around (3-4h) but were free not a whole 25$

9 years ago

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You say that 2-3h expansion were free so 30h ones should be free too?

9 years ago

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Screw logic, am I right?
Comparing little dlc's with massive expansion packs is not the right way to do it

9 years ago

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another great move from CD Projekt
bless you i'm proud of you guys

9 years ago

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I'm almost certain that i can run this on low since i only have a 3 gb Gpu.
But i will most certainly buy the base game + expansion when it goes down a little.
Putting the word out about a paid dlc is fine really.
Considering the time you'll spend on witcher 3, at some point you'll want more.
and if you're willing to spend a little to support the devs and get more content that is new and not
cut from the base game, then by all means spend for the dlc.

9 years ago

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what are your specs?

9 years ago

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i5 2320 @ 3.0 Ghz
8Gb ram
R9 280X oc 3gb

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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You didn't really read anything except the title did you?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Seriously? Read this thread and then comment. They said they might do sth like that in 2011, it's bigger then most of the stuff out there, it's not quite like normal dlc etc. etc. Also this:

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Sigh... Again, if you were to read this entire thread, you would understand that this is not a regular dlc, why it is reasonable to charge for it, and that they said they would do so in 2011 (or even sooner). Until you do that however, I don't think there is anything we can talk about.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Ok, I'll indulge you because I like you.

Remember when there was no dlc? We used to get expansion packs like Diablo II: Lord of Destruction or Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Things that were super great, because it was like getting Diablo 2,5 and BG 2,5, thay had the lenght of a big chunk of the main game. (btw. Witcher 3 is estimated to be 100h of content, those expansions - 30h, you can do the math).

Things like that were great, were considered another part of the saga, and it happened wasy before EA was ripping people off. Those are the expansions we are talking about, and you'd have to agree it takes a lot of resources to produce that sort of thing - in fact, developers of the Witcher said themselves they will only ever charge you, when they do sth. like that:

see here:

or the version from friggin' 2011:

So it seems that what CDProjekt is trying to do, is to bring back the good old days, and basically givie us Witcher 3.5 (or maybe 3.25). Granted we don't know if they will deliver - the bar is set pretty high if you invoke the expansions of the olden days. Still, I would say it is pretty optimistic news - the fact that they are at least trying to do things right (and not rip us off like EA).

Btw. you would know all of this if you had read this thread (or even the very first post in detail really).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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1. The main game is estimated to be 200h for 100%, get your facts straight.

and even less if you don't want to get all the small collectibles

Wtf, then it's not 100% if you don't get collectibles.


Maybe compareable to Mass Effect 3's big DLC and those sure aren't worth more than 10€ each.
I wouldn't be suprised if those expansions will be a rip off.

Comparing CDPRED to EA and implying they would rip us off.
Your logic is invalid.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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What the fuck, you were talking about 100% the game yourself and you're saying that "You don't have to 100% a game to finish it."
Of course, "comparing companies in the same marketing area" is valid, but comparing EA (a double winner of the Golden Poop) to CDPRed is just awfully stupid. Especially considering the fact that the latter is not a company, but a developer.

"I'm critical to everyone whose jobs and their competitors are based on making profit first and everything else second."

[sarcasm] Yes, because that's exactly what CDPRed is doing... [/sarcasm]

I have no intention of continuing this conversation with you since you clearly don't know what you're talking about and you have no intention of expanding your knowledge.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Still, you'd have to agree that this kind of content costs money to produce, and charging for it seems resonable. The question is - are they worth the price - and of course we won't know that untill they are released, their lenght may vary etc..

The thing I'm constantly focusing on is the fact that they evoke the expansions of the past as the model their basing their stuff on. And you know what was good about those? They were pretty much able to stand on their own.

The closest thing that comes to mind that is similiar, and that was made recently is Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link. It basically tells you what happened during a small period of time when you didn't control the protagonist during the main story. What is good about it, is that it is neatly woven into the whole narrative, but it is a separate story: you don't need to play The Missing Link to fully enjoy the standalone game. You want more Deus Ex for the price we are offering? Cool. You don't? Don't buy it - you are not losing anything. Everybody wins. It seems that it is the same case here (or at least everything we know about those expansions leads me to belive so).

Again, we won't know how good the expansions actually are untill they are released. And believe me, if they suck I will be the first one to call them on their bullshit. But everything we know thus far seems to tell me it is not gonna be the case. And don't they desereve at least a little benefit of the doubt, since they have been treating their fanbase so great thus far?

Basically, I'm opposed to this knee-jerk reation - "omg, the are charging us for extra stuff, to hell with them", as it seems to be rooted in too much misinformation and prejudice, and seems to be simply unfair.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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What about "innocent unless proven guilty"? I mean if you are gonna be prejudiced about everyone who cares for profit, you should probably be suspect of everyone, including your grocer (well maybe some charity organizations won't count).

I would also infer that you consider me a fanboy, which is cute. I simply look at the history of the company and find that there is no reason for us to say they are liars/frauds yet. That is not being a fanboy. That is being fair.

I mean if you would phrase your concerns in a manner of: "You know, this may be a cash grab, let's see what they put out and then decide" I could very well respect that. It's just that, when you say that CDProjekt is pretty much dead (which is what sparked this conversation) it's a bit too much.

I swear, if this whole expansion buisness goes tits up we can form a tag team and go all around the internet telling people what a bad company they are. But until we know for sure, shouldn't we withhold such definitive statements as some of yours till the expansions are out? It seems to be common sense.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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Well, I don't see how can we really function as a society wthout presumption of innocence. And sooner or later you will have to trust someone with something in life. But I digress. I feel like we actually think alike a lot, you know?

I too believe being sceptical is key. That is why I do not actually advise preordering anything (I say it is a gamble in this very thread). But if, as you say, "there's only logic, conclusion and empiricism" didn't we learn that CDProjekt always played fair with their customers? That is why I'm against bashing them now. If they play this right, those expansions will be good at best and irrelevant at worst - there is still a long way to becoming like EA; and that I think is actually quite positive, don't you?

If you really want to use logic in your reasoning, you can't pick only the worst outcome of a situation and stick to it. You will lose perspective. Granted, you can't take the most favourable too.

I am mearly saying that we shouldn't bash them now, because they have not done it yet. Comparing them to EA and saying that they are pretty much dead as a company now is still unwarranted.

Be sceptical all you like. Belive it or not I am sceptical too. I won't blindly buy this stuff. I'll wait for the reviews. I just think your words are at least one level too harsh. You may not trust them, but don't bash them until they have actually done something wrong, you know? They stoped being a company you liked just because they will do a thing that maybe turns bad (or maybe not)? Isn't that really too harsh?

There is nothing wrong with being concerned, but being angry for things that have not happened yet is taking it too far.

9 years ago

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And the game's not out yet. -.-

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's not a dlc ffs.

9 years ago

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You mean it won't be downloaded? Or that it will have no content?

9 years ago

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Don't go full retard

9 years ago

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You started it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Where does it say the expansion pack isn't DLC?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I totally trust them and I guess I will buy The Witcher3 and expansions after I upgrade my PC.

9 years ago

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Lets put things in perspective here for all the 'expansion/DLC already' whiners - CD Projekt RED has a history of making pretty good games.
We're not talking about your average 6~12 hour CoD clone with multiplayer tagged on.

Is it possible that Wild Hunt will be a massive disappointment? Sure, thats always a chance.
But regardless of the success of the game I can guarantee you one thing, it will not be for lack of content.

Now it is also well worth noting that "way back when", before DLC - when expansions were a thing. And when expansions meant getting a fully featured campaign equal to the base game in most cases. During those times the studios working on titles would ALSO proceed their development working on the expansions before the title even hit the stores.
Because thats how game development works.

In an average team you have a variety of 'tasks'.
There's writers, there's a range of artists (going from flat concept art to getting the work fully realized in game and anything in between), there are programmers of differing caliber working on various parts required whether its the engine, the inner workings of the interface or the actual meat of the game (whether its combat or other things).
As development progresses certain fields will be needed more or less than others.
In game development that can mean one of three things:
1 - A studio is big and successful enough to have multiple projects going at once and once one project is done the staff gets pulled from it and sent to work on the next title. (Generally we're looking at studios that deliver regular annualized releases and the like.)
2 - A studio isn't big enough to do so and primarily relies on project-based workers. Hiring as they need to and firing as projects end. (This is where all those articles about lay-offs at development studios come from.)
3 - A studio plans ahead knowing that a title will sell enough to warrent DLC, expansions or any form of future content and will keep on their staff to work on said content for their game. Investing in the future and assuring a flow of revenue.

And lets not forget that. At the end of the day, even the most passionate developer still needs to run a business. There is nothing wrong with a game developer trying to make money off of their products.
Being able to distinguish a 10~20 hour campaign DLC/expansion from a regurgitated map-pack or bundle of skins is a pretty vital skill as a modernday consumer.
But don't take my word for it. Wait untill the reviews start rolling in - THEN decide whether this game is worth your money or not.
That atleast will make you sound less like a paranoid and self-entitled twit by avoiding the spouting of baseless claims that they are cutting content.

Yes, some studios DO cut content. Others do not. CD Projekt RED has a history of quality content and staying true to their fans and customers.
If you're gonna throw around conjecture, atleast try to base it in relevant facts.

9 years ago

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"free dlc" facepalm..

9 years ago

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I don't think you know what the term DLC means.

9 years ago

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expansion/dlc|potato/chips,does not matter, it's all just additions

9 years ago

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You know what is funny? They announced they might do something like that in 2011...

There is a difference between dlc and expansion. I mean if you want to be technical abut it, expansion is a kind of a dlc, but is much bigger then the usual stuff.

9 years ago

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But they didn't do it in 2011, and that's why we support them. Now they made a step in the wrong direction.

9 years ago

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Seriously? They want to bring back times when things like Diablo II: Lord of Destruction happened and that is a step in the wrong direction? They never did anything that big for the Witcher series - but now they do, they say they are going to charge us for it (like they said they would), but we are saying to hell with that, we don't want more of the great game you have given us? We'd like some cosmetic stuff for free, but an expansion (who's nobody forcing you to buy btw.) is too much? I don't quite see the logic here.

9 years ago

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Lord of Destruction? It's like when you buy an addon to be able to switch the resolution?

9 years ago

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I don't get this joke. I mean, LoD added two new classes and another act to the game among other things. I talked about it to give an example of how expansions to games used to work back in the day. Unless it wasn't a joke?

9 years ago

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In my region, the season pass costs ~1% less than the main game. Hope that will be fixed. But I'm not going to preorder the expansions anyway, they are mistreating my loyalty. I've paid for Witcher 3 almost a year ago, and now they say: "Hey, man, we still don't have a game for you, but if you're so into preordering you can give us some extra cash for a DLC we're already making".

9 years ago

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And what exactly is wrong with that? You trusted CDPR with your money, you pre-ordered the game. Now, they're close to finishing the development so they thought they could add more stuff they wouldn't be able to create before May 19th.

9 years ago

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Because it's like asking for a new loan from the same person before you returned the previous one.

9 years ago

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I don't see anything wrong about it if it's your best friend who's asking. :)

9 years ago

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Uff... never ask friends for money, unless your objective is to loss them. XD

I agree that 'CD Project Red' has good reputation, but in general I'm against per-ordering, regardless of developer and publisher.
But on the other hand, I'm not of ones who has to play games on there release either, so I might be wrong.

9 years ago

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Well, freedom of choice, of course.
CDP Red is the only developer whose releases I pre-order. They earned my trust with hard work and attitude towards their fans. ^_^

9 years ago

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I'm more of a "new to me" gamer than than a "new release" gamer. Hell, I just beat Dragon Age: Origins for the first time two months ago. It didn't need to be new to be awesome.

9 years ago

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But will you feel comfortable asking for a second time before returning your first debt, especially if you already had to delay the return date? Would you feel a little... ashamed? Because that's what the devs should feel like.

9 years ago

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I'm sorry, but now you're just wrong.
You pre-ordered the base game - that means you trust the developer enough to give them your money before the product is released, therefore you shouldn't be shocked/mad at them when they move the release date. It can happen, they're just people! Would you rather they were to release a broken crap like Ubi$oft just to meet the deadline? I don't think so.

About the expansions, I'm too tired to explain it for the 100th time so:
And here.
I hope that's enough links.

9 years ago

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You didn't answer my question.

9 years ago

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I would feel a bit stupid, that's true, but my best friend wouldn't mind that at all since, well, he's my best friend. :)

9 years ago

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Because everyone who lends you money automatically becomes your best friend.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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May I try? The way I see it, preorders are always a gamble. It is always an option they give you because it will benefit them, and some people will always go for it. No one is forcing you to do it though, and they explicitly said - don't preorder if you are unsure. They are giving you options basically - that is all, so I don't see how the loan analogy works here.

9 years ago

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Call me old fashioned but shouldn't they release the game itself before they go on about the dlc's?

9 years ago

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They are talking about "expansions" not "DLC" in today's world meaning.
And why wouldn't they... main game is almost fully flushed out, not much work has been left for whole studio's staff.
So, in stand of just sitting on their hands, they are showing that they will support their game long after release date.

Also, considering which studio are we talking about, they have accumulated so much good will from their users that even if you take this announcement as bad thing, it still shouldn't shook you faith that they will deliver. You can always wait for reviews, and those should be out before release date.

9 years ago

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Pretty sure Sony and M$ forced them to do it.

9 years ago

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Don't think so, neither of those companies are gaining anything special considering those expansions are coming out on all platforms.

9 years ago

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I think i want to at least try the game before buying DLC.

9 years ago

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No one says you have to buy expansions now. :)
Even Iwiński said:

“While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call."

9 years ago

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I think it will good and i'll buy it anyway, but still they could wait until release at least :)

9 years ago

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For everyone still doubting if it is DLC or not

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Good I'll pirate Witcher 3 to my heart's content.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. I seem like I'm needing a giveaway from you?

Clown will be clown, I guess.

285 games vs 1600+ games....


Idiots are born daily, sounds about right?

9 years ago

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Well, I'm definitely not loosing anything if you blacklist me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, click.

9 years ago*

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So am I.

9 years ago

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