Also DLCs:
#57939 » [Instant Rewards] Dead by Daylight Spark of Madness DLC Key Giveaway - Level 5 Required - 4970 keys available -
#57940 » [Instant Rewards] Dead by Daylight Headcase In-Game Item Key Giveaway - Level 5 Required - 1970 keys available -
#57941 » [Instant Rewards] Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition Steam Key Giveaway - Level 10 Required - 1970 keys available -
#57942 » [Instant Rewards] Dead by Daylight Of Flesh & Mud DLC Key Giveaway - Level 5 Required - 1970 keys available -
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Daylight Deluxe Edition Steam Key Giveaway is the Upgrade DLC.
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The Deluxe Ed. key is an upgrade pack. You can only use it if you have base ;-;
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Took time to level up? I know I spent some time leveling up but there was like over 1K keys when I managed to get one :)
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I was like level 5 when i started to level up for that game, and started like 2 weeks after they put it up, someone here really helped me with upvoting some stuff and got 3 points per upvote, actually after it, i was surprised how easy it is to level up, as long as you put some more effort in then just saying two words it's easy to level up, and already managed to level to 17.
There were some problems with this or that, and i stopped posting there since for a few weeks.
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I hit lvl 10 just as the keys ran out. Still annoyed that I just missed it -.-.
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One thing I know, my girl ain't no hobbit.
She might be stumpy; that don't mean she a hobbit.
She's not a hobbit 'cause she couldn't be.
She got no Bagginses in her family tree.
Yes on occasion she hangs out with her dwarf friends.
But she never went on no quest with her dwarf friends.
Except for one time she went to kill that dragon.
She took his gold and she-
It wasn't no dragon, so my girl ain't no hobbit.
That was a Quizno's and my bitch went to rob it.
'Cause they got that ham that she rubs on her cellulite.
While she drinking her grog and singin' those merry songs... at night...
My girl ain't no hobbit.
Please God, tell me I'm not engaged to no hobbit.
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You are right:
Items: [110791, Dead by Daylight: Deluxe Edition Upgrade]
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But .. but ... their description reads (important part highlighted):
Death is not an escape. Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed. The Deluxe Edition includes the base Game, the Official Soundtrack, the Digital Art Book and two Masks for PAYDAY 2.
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I didn't have enough time to level up and get the base game a month ago. But now I'm level 10 and it looks like I'm completely ducked. Loser is my second name.
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fuuuu.... level 9...
why did they have to remove "This or that"? xD
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why did they have to remove "This or that"? xD
Disgusting, filthy, worthless script-kiddies :D
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playing devil's advocate in defence of script-kiddies - many ppl would not try to script AlienWare levelling if they finally fixed their damn forums. Like a lot of times you click page number in forums and page does not load, no indication whether it is loading and just lagging or not, something that should take minute or two (25 tot votes 50 post upvotes) usually took 15+ minutes most of which was just waiting and getting frustrated. Add to it random connection errors, timeouts resulting in automated IP bans etc, forcing you to use VPN until they answer and unban you - no wonder a lot of ppl started using scripts - a lot more that would be using them if the damn site worked properly.
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Yeah, I agree that the Alienware Forums are a huge pain in the ass and the servers are apparently a few Texas Instruments TI-30.
When I tried to level up for the main game I had the thing with the page numbers all the time and even when it does work it takes up to a minute to load the next page. Luckily I never had the IP ban thing.
However while I don't have the exact dates This or That has been disabled for months and was only introduced weeks earlier.
So it appears they cought on to the scripts pretty much instantly and I would be surprised if those people got to use them for more than 14 days. So the only thing they achieved was ruining an already shitty experience for everybody else.
Edit: Please no changey tread title every 5 seconds ;) Luckily I had a feeling and copied my comment before posting but when you change the Title all comments that currently get written are lost as soon people try to post them.
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well, it was actually much needed edit this time ;p as it turned out despite description was not for full game just for Deluxe Upgrade DLC so title had to be changed ;p And I lost my reply as well, luckilly mine was just lyrics copy-paste ;p
As for ToT I don't know when exactly was it reintroduced but anyway it wouldn't be the first nor 2nd nor 5th time Alienware is acting like a headless chicken having no idea what to actually do with their levelling system, especially considering how bad their servers arew. Before that there were screenshots, videos, avatar changes and other pointless things wioth stupid limits (like 1 video or 5 screenies per time frame -= so if I finished game and had 20 screenies I would upload 5 of them per day for 4 days, if IO had no new screenies in day X I would just make fake ones to UL them etc). Their levelling system was a mess since forever. They should just either go with forums upvoting only or just 1-click thingy like on - instead they try to fix it the worst way possible - figuring out new and new tweaks which by definition cannot work, because their servers cannot handle their new ideas.
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well, it was actually much needed edit this time ;p as it turned out despite description was not for full game just for Deluxe Upgrade DLC so title had to be changed ;p
Fair enough. Well luckily I had my comment copied anyway :)
To be honest I think they are fighting for lost ground. When you don't have an active Community that actually discusses stuff like i.e. here on SG I don't think bribing people to use your site can work. No matter what kind of "forced labor" you use.
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what they do is certainly not helping - it's endless spiral - you got points for upvotes, but only worthwhile place to post is on GA, because there you get hundreds of upvotes, on forums beside ToT you get almost nothing. So you don't post nor visit forums, When you don't people won't be voting there on you because they don't go there as well. And so on and on - forums are dead and their voting system only keeps them this way because it is worst place to post your comment to get votes.
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Posting on forums is fine, you can get upvotes from time to time. I agree most upvotes comes from posting on GA where everyone is active. Their main problem is getting ARP for making threads, everyone is just spamming with them when they see they can get points. A lot of spam topics kill the forum, since noone will spend days searching quality post there.
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Naw, it's good ;) I was just being a little bit obnoxious and as zelg pointed out it was an important edit to save confusion.
Luckily I had my comment copied anyway because I somehow had a feeling otherwise I would have been more annoyed :D
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Spark of Madness DLC and Headcase In-Game Item Key have gone?It says there are no keys left.
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Thanks a lot!It is eu.alienware,so I should use eu.
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Thanks was able to grab them for a friend that had them wishlisted ^ ^
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Note: the
Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition is really
Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition Upgrade DLC
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I'm level something, I'm lvl 5, and only 28 points away from Level 6, I do wish I could get this game...
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This isn't for the base game. But yeah I wish I was level 10 when they actually had the base game as a giveaway.
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np, and not sure if it's today (Friday Aussie time, or Thursday American time)
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I'm in the USA on the east coast and it's 12pm here on Thursday.
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It's really hot and humid right now, it's like 95 degrees outside. I'm more of the colder weather type, but many people here like going to the beach on this type of day. It's hurricane season so hopefully it won't get too bad this year.
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Not that bad, 1 day, it was 104 / 100% humidity, no breeze or anything, and I worked in a shopping centre, so no ventilation.... I died that day, 2 old ladies whined about no aircon, yet go to a bigger centre and they dont have aircon... I give up on humanity..
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Wow no AC in the shopping center you work at and 104 outside with all that humidity had to be extremely rough.. hopefully they add AC eventually.
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It broke down that day... It felt like I was carrying cement bags on my shoulders. It was insane. But after that day was over I sat infront of my fan, lol.
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Update: "We have given out new keys to everyone that claimed one. IF you didn't receive an email from us, please check your giveaways here for your new key." Announcement on AWA about Deluxe edition upgrade pack fix
Note: It is possible to activate Deluxe edition(2nd key) if you already used Deluxe edition upgrade pack(1st key), since Artbook is missing on the upgrade pack.
Note: Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition is upgrade pack for base game
Site is slow, so it might take some time to get a key. If you are not in EU/US you might need to use VPN
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