Another weighty reason to start using EGS now - check and mate, Gabe

3 years ago

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So...will you start using EGS now?

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....the store has been around for three years and they didn't have a shopping cart until now? That's... tragically hilarious in its own way.

3 years ago

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absolutely, heres why:

View attached image.
3 years ago

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It's not even for free like the main trump card of Epic Launcher

3 years ago

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BUT... in my region, normal price for Below zero (no special) is like $10, so when it's on sale on steam it is like $7.50. So until EGS starts offering pricing in my region and the prices are much better than what I pay on steam, there is zero motivation for me to actually spend any money there.

3 years ago

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I will start buy there when they won't demand a card connected to my paypal even if I have absolutely enough money on my paypal account. Which propably means - never.

But I'm gladly taking free games. Thank you very much

3 years ago*

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Epic just needs wallet cards(like steam) & a wallet(like GoG & Steam) as well as a stipulation in their contracts of exclusivity with indie devs that they need an actual PR team when they do the announcement looks at the travesty of Ooblets

3 years ago

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Those are good points and probably the next big step. Steam started to accept my local currency (mexican peso) according to an article by Xataka around Octuber 21st 2014, (Wikipedia states that It was on 2013 so no clue which is the right one). It wasnt until Octuber 30th 2015 that I bought my first game that was Killing Floor so It took 1 or 2 years to accept the platform. Valve created Steam Community around 2007 and there was a small digital store there according to Wikipedia. Epic store and the OS was launched december 8th 2018.
My point is, they´re not going that slow if you compare them to Steam, It took less time to accept my local currency and find a third party payment (similar to the one I used for buying Killing Floor), and considering the time some users take for accepting a gaming platform (I include myself) I think the future of EGS is not that bad despite all the sarcasm.

3 years ago*

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But here is the thing, Steam was basically breaking the barriers so it shouldn't take Epic 3 years to add an extremely simple thing like a cart. Epic doesn't seem to actually want to be competition to steam outside of making shit exclusive for 6 months - a year and giving devs better rates that most other gaming platforms(outside of Discord) due to the money fortnite generates for them. If Fortnite starts to actually decline, Epic would actually be forced to try and be the competition they claim to want to be.

3 years ago

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I don't have a clue on how well or bad are their finances, maybe they're relying too much on Fortnite and the backup from Tencent, maybe a lot of devs and gaming studios are somewhat scared about all the backlash that comes from being on EGS, have you seen the discussions on Steam? we don't need to go that far, you can see It here.
At the end of the day, I just want some competition. It would be terrible that they would fail at the end and It's not even my money. Maybe Sweeney and the shareholders need to start reading this forum, can't be that complicated with all that cash to improve.

3 years ago

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Sweeny has actively said that the 70/30 isn't financially feasible for Epic and that they can only do it because Fortnite is doing extremely well for them.

As for devs being scared, I'd say the large check they get for exclusivity on EGS makes them pretty bold to say bs they have to regret later. looks at the last Metro 2033 game and at the devs of Ooblets

3 years ago

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I remember the Ooblets devs saying that their audience who followed their development were more on the "casual" side of gaming, who didn't care about the Epic exclusivity controversy. So their announcement was more to celebrate that Epic would give them funding to complete their game without worry.

But, uh, then things happened I guess. I still think they should have been nicer about things and they should have known about the reception that Epic exclusives had, but the hate they got (and are still getting it seems) was way too massive for what they actually did.

I don't even hear about Epic exclusives anymore. Are they still a thing or do the exclusive games have bad marketing?

3 years ago

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The Ooblets devs attacked the potentional playerbase & current patreons at the time when they announced their move to epic. It didn't help they closed the subreddit as well(which they later claimed it was due to "antisemtism"). They really said "fuck your money, we got that epic fortnite money" and never truly apologized for it.

I'm only going on assumption that FF7 being on epic is just an exclusivity deal, mostly since there is no news for now that it'll release on steam as well. I do think in general they haven't had any new major indie game going exclusive on Epic after Shemune 3's announcement

3 years ago

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