Here's what I'm currently using:
Relighting Skyrim
Enhanced Blood Textures 3.6b
HQ Skyrimmap
Minecraft Notched Pickaxe (hehehehe)
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Pure Waters
Dragon Priest Mask Quest Markers
Better Embers
Fall of the Space Core, Vol. 1
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
There are many more useful mods, but I didn't want to change the gameplay too much :3
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Skyrims has way too many porblems for a vanilla playtrough, at least if you like any sort of challenge from your games.
you can install all the graphics mod you like, thats up to your own taste, or PC power.. xD
Some caves have high level mosters, some low level mosters, it forces you to think about new tactics or sneak, or jsut come back later when you are high level enough, and when you become a dragon slaying dovakiin, some caves can make feel powerfull, put weight on the adventures you have lived in, because when you started a bear could tear you appart but now you can kick his furry ass.
that one is a MUST in y opinion.
Unfortunally the nexus mod manager has decided to reinstall all my mods right now so i cant tell you the names.. ill come back later if your interested in this one xD
Inventory overhaul and SKyUI too is a must, clearly Skyrims UI is designed with consoles in mind, makes it easier to navigate with a mouse, unless you plan to play with a controller, offcourse xd.
Archery overhaul is a great mod if you plan to use an archer character, gives weight to the different arrows, improves the "bullet" drop, changes the loading system, now if you hold your bow for longer your hits will make more damage, and offcourse if you frantycly trow arros they will do less damage and add body locational damage, hits in the head make more damage, also depens if hes wearing a helmet or not, and what kind of armor is the traget wearing, etc...
most of the mods are just "make your life worse", the ones who are not big boobed anime characters at least xd, but these improve the game greatly.
Also a bit of advice if you want to enjoy the wolrd dont use the fast traveling system, it makes you skip a big part of the game wich is offcourse explore and get lost in the world, if you must use the carriges that transport you from town to town.
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mm I'm a lil worried about it to be honest, I want to put the unofficial patches and mostly aesthetic changes, I've read a few notes and there's a particular order to load them up I'll probably make a mess. :D
I wonder how many graphical enhancements I can put up with a 290x before melting it XD
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a 290x should be able to take everything xd
first HD textures, then the 2k textures, and static mesh improvement, maybe new trees and grasses, that should be a good base.
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Ugh, I'll pull up my old mod list once I get home, will edit this then. Only mod I know off of the top of my head is an old crossbow mod for Morrowind called The Widowmaker... That isn't what you asked for, but it'll have to do for now!
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From my tracking centre. I have not checked them yet, it is for a future run. Some of them are not compatible/has the same function, so READ THEM CAREFULLY (always do that for all the mods you wanna try). All of them are just aesthetic/bug fixing (but Falskaar, that is a must have)
• The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
• Realistic Lighting Overhaul
• Enhanced Lights and FX
• SkyUI
• Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM
• Unofficial Skyrim Patch
• Wet and Cold
• Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
• Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
• Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
• Immersive First Person View
• Get Snowy
• A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
• Footprints
• Falskaar
• Run For Your Lives
• Immersive HUD - iHUD
• ApachiiSkyHair
• Enhanced Character Edit
• Pure Waters
• Serious HD Retexture Skyrim
• Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio
• Splash of Rain
• Pretty Face
• 3D Paper World Map
• Realistic Water Two
• Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One
• Open Faced Guard Helmets
• Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
• Cloaks of Skyrim
• DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field
• Skyrim HD - 2K Textures
• Better MessageBox Controls
• Better Dialogue Controls
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All you need is this: Best mod ever
Can be downloaded from Nexusmods.
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Well, I'd consider him "less annoyances" then, as unlike Bethesda NPCs he has more than 5 lines on banter :P
You need Inigo or some mute-party-NPCs mod. .
And for sure don't get that "more banter for Bethesda NPCs" mod -, I thought it will be fun. Then I started new game and took Faendie to that first dungeon. We spend there like 10 minutes, in where 5 times he said he's not bragging, but can accurately shoot something far away. In a blizzard.
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I love it because I can understand him perfectly :D (I could say that my English level is 'Gopher'. Put me another youtuber and I start missing words)
But yes, explaining something takes him ages. But you are sure you learnt it at the end ^^
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Hmm, I like the following mods and consider them necessary:
Other mods that I use to enhance my game a bit:
NEW 2.2*
No graphics mods, I can barely run vanilla Skyrim on minimum graphics settings.
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I'd be cautious with ENBs. There are many that exist solely so people can take pretty screenshots and slo-mo videos of the landscape. Which means Skyrim looks stunning when there isn't much going on. But throw in several moving characters or a crowded fight scene and watch your FPS nosedive to unplayable.
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I recommend playing Skyrim for a while without mods for a while and when it starts to get boring, install some mods.
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I played Skyrim on a console first and it was not very buggy and so far I have not installed any mods to fix bugs. Though it has been a while since I played Skyrim on a console and my PC can hardly run a consistent 30 fps on the lowest settings.
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I modded Skyrim up the wazoo for my first play-through. I wouldn't recommend doing it any other way.
That being said, it's not the easiest thing to mod. However there are a few really good guides available for doing so.
Above all, use Mod Organizer to apply your mods because it's the only one that doesn't change the game's install folder. It keeps your mods in a separate area then applies them in the order specified as the game loads. That way if you screw something up, you haven't changed anything in your base Skyrim install that will require you to restore from backups or re-download from Steam.
As for mods that you want to apply, the Unofficial Patches are critical as they fix all manner of bugs that continue to be found long after Bethesda stopped issuing their own patches.
SkyUI is also necessary because the game's menuing system is still controller oriented. The mod makes the menuing system far more compact, efficient, and K+M friendly.
Since you also mentioned mods that fix the problems with the game, that is a matter of taste. The S.T.E.P. project linked above is an attempt to identify the best mods that improve Skyrim without introducing changes that alter Besthesda's intended design and gameplay. But as many people have pointed out, the gameplay in some cases suffers. So that's where the modding community has really done the game a service.
Skyrim GEMS is a site dedicated to the linking to the best mods available, that is ones that are very popular with the community. If you look under the gameplay section, you'll find links to changes to combat, magic, and various other aspects. Unfortunately no one can tell you exactly what you like, so this takes some digging and reading up on various mods to find out exactly how they change the game and if it's something you're up to trying.
One final thing about mods -- and I'm only talking here about ones that require scripting or have to save significant information -- once you start a game with them, it's not a good idea to back them out. Some mods tell you they can be removed with a clean save. The problem is there really is no such thing. Removing a mod then starting from you last save can have unforeseen consequences including game crashes. This doesn't apply to mods that are strictly texture replacements though. Mod Organizer can help you tell these kinds of mods apart.
Good luck! It's an awesome game ... with a little help! :D
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My personal favourite would be RealVision ENB
There's also some mods listed below by the person who wrote this guide and plugin. I feel the only "must-have" mods are the unofficial patches. I also highly recommend the expansion-eqsue mods, because they add a large portion to the game.
Legacy of the Dragonborn
I can give you a complete list of my mods (The more... Unsavoury? ones, shall we say, won't be said publicly, feel free to add) if you wish it. I currently have 326 active mods and 158 active plugins.
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yes I saw that real vision enb and I was going to install that, I wanted to use the nexus mod but as bluewolf suggested 'll use mod organizer, i'll throw in the enb, unofficial patches and maybe the skyui :D
I'll give the game a few test runs before actually playing it, so I'll be able to see if it crashes or fucks up :D
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I read above that you use a 290x, it should run like butter. I'm running a GTX 770 and I pull 50+ fps in most areas. Although some areas with a lot more shadowing will cause some intense FPS drops. I think it was in the partners base? I forget what they're called exactly, but in their basement, it slows to a crawl for me, dropping to <5 FPS.
The only thing I would say to be warned about is that with a fairly recent revision, the ENB causes a FoV issue. If you get black dots all of the screen like a CRT, just change into first person view and back, or vice versa.
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Hello everyone! I've quite a nice question for you all:
Why I never win?Why my cv went down?Who let the dogs out?What Skyrim mods should I use for a first playthrough?
I've never played it so far and I don't want to change too much of the game, but I know there are plenty of mods that fix bugs, quests and random shit, making the game even more pleasing, so, any suggestions? thank you :3
There's a giveaway hidden somewhere :D
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