This is basically me, its not super fun really...really not super fun times.
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Thirded. Far from an introvert, here. But definitely have to process this kind of thing daily, in both personal relationships and work. My daughter appears to be the same.
Childhood sucks donkey balls.
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I don't really understand half of that page.
The self test is wtf-ey.
There's duplicate questions too, but myeh. I ticked like 3 or 4, so I'm apparently not. Ho-ray?
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It might be because I am illiterate, in fact I am sure it is, but I didn't understand most of the crap they were asking. The problem with these kind of questions is we all may or may not do some of the things in that list for different reasons. I ticked 10, so I am probably highly sensitive... which explains why it is easy to make me cry xD I am such little bitch.
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Highly sensitive might be the best way for me to explain to my friends why I hate meeting people.
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Calling your friends lemmings is a bad way to keep friends.
just say you are not into meeting new people.
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nothing is dumber than diagnosing yourself based on an internet article.
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Because professionals do a super A+ job always, oh wait, no, everything I was ever told by a doctor(Went to a ton) was fucking false or they could not even figure anything out, waste of time going to them, decided that years ago and have diagnosed myself by doing a shit ton of research and guess what? Figured out my issues and feel a lot better then I did(still a couple to figure out but still did a lot better then Mr. and Mrs. pill pusher)....but hey maybe my area is just terrible, but until proven wrong I rather do things myself, surely I would never trust one site like this though, never trust one source.
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I lol'd so hard when I read that "Hillary Clinton" posted that xD
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Couldn't agree more.. My ex had countless appointments with doctors and professionals, it was only until her 25 that she got correctly diagnosed with fibromyalgia together with hsp. Before that she got diagnosed with things like lupus, MS, manic depression , .. as you can imagine those were turbulent times. Basically just hopping from the one conclusion to another preparing for the worst, all because the Doc said so. In such cases it's your duty to trust in your senses and to keep digging if you feel it's necessairy. It's not self-diagnosing but blind belief wich is wrong.
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I sincerely hope you are...maybe you just had better luck with doctors but when I say they NEVER could help me, I mean it, yet researching myself has done much much better, but sure think I am joking because you disagree with my methods, really nice of you :-).
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I can't help but thinking that you're hypochondriac.
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Nope, actually nothing wrong with me right now, I do get migraines a lot but thats about it.
You got to that conclusion how exactly?
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From your words about countless appointments with doctors who didn't find anything wrong with you.
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Maybe its because most doctors are not in it for the right reasons, you did read EephusSwift post right? Thats an everyday thing, being basically ignored and everything that comes along with it. You can be bleeding out of your ass in front of them and they would still say your young a fit, no worries ;-)!
Hell I have had doctors try to give me pills before they even diagnosed me, fucking vultures, most of them are vultures.
As I have stated, I am not a hypochondriac, hell at the moment thanks to my own research and remedies I am pretty much 100% fine minus the headaches, which in reality I am not super concerned with at this point, I learned to live with it personally.
If you can't understand what I am saying after this post I kinda just give up explaining it, sorry.
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Yeah, I'm sure an emotionally troubled layperson is way more qualified to diagnose themselves than trained and licensed professionals with an unbiased point of view. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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"emotionally troubled layperson"
"unbiased point of view."
Oh my, are you joking here, even the dumb usually know that doctors basically do whats best money wise, hence my pill pusher sentence....
But no go ahead, take all the advice from your doctor without any research, lets see how you feel in 20 years lmao.
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I'm not sure if you're just a sad person full of paranoid bullshit or if American healthcare really is that much worse than the rest of the civilised world and trustworthy people don't exist in where you live. Or both.
Either way, I never said you shouldn't do your own research. Just that self-diagnosing disorders like this is never a good thing. There's a good reason even licensed professionals aren't supposed to self-diagnose. You seem to have no knowledge of how things work at all, so what makes you think reading some web pages makes you better qualified to make such a judgement than people who spent years studying such things? The symptoms of HSP could be related to at least half a dozen different disorders or simple personality traits. You could be neurotic, autistic, etc. I doubt you'd even be able to tell the difference.
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Haha sure buddy, btw your the one who came off as a jerk in this conversation.
I have always had crap luck with doctors, I am pretty damn healthy right now thanks to myself so whatever man, throw some more insults at me, call me dumb, hope it makes you feel better :-).
Most doctors here are all about pill pushing and money basically, everyone I know is fed up, maybe it is just America, gonna leave it at that, bye bye now.
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Read an amazing article on about the ridiculous over-prescription of ADHD medication in the US over the last decade or so.
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Those articles make me sad, didn't the creator of the med actually come out and say its being used wrong 90% of the time? I wish I had that link right now...I heard a crazy rumor that schools have been prescribing it now out of the nurses offices, I hope thats not true though o_o...
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Gotta find the right doctors. You know. Ones that actually fucking listen. Bedside manner is a fail in this country (can't speak to others).
When I finally found a doctor that would listen to me about my chest pains at age 27, instead of telling me, "You're young. You're fine.", I finally got a diagnosis that was confirmed. Not heart issues, but a condition I have to live with and deal with. But all the pricks that told me to "get over it", essentially, stressed me out more when I knew I had real pain. I drive an hour to get to my doctor now. And it's worth it every time (which is thankfully rare).
I know I can't self-diagnose on many things, but I do need a doctor who will at least trust me on my symptoms. Doctors that don't listen are far more dumb that self diagnosing. They help cause self diagnosing.
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After a routine health check back in school I got contacted by a doctor who told me they made an appointment for me on a suspicion of me having congenital heart disorder. It was quite awhile after the check and I'd never had any complaints to tell those doctors.
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Just a little story to show you that doctors actually care about their job.
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Just wish it was more, sad really, guess thats a negative of a capitalist society. :-/
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Not sure about that (have no POV from a non-capitalist system, personally). There is a real disconnect between science and comm sometimes, in general.
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Yeah well guess thats where the whole money is the route of all evil saying came from, sad really, wish the world was a bit different, or a lot :-)!
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Sure, some do, just haven't meet any yet. I hope to one day but I havent been to one in a while, been pretty much good lately.
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"You're young. You're fine."
I get this basically everywhere, I have went to to many doctors, I basically cured myself of everything so far just by finding my own way of doing things, only thing that remains in migraines which I get a bit to often, I tried going to doctors for that, got put through tests, nothing, yet sometimes they can last for days, I recently figured out ways to deal with them to though...
Pretty much the deal with it routine from them all though sadly, that or "take these pills with 1000 side effects and long term damage that are not even safe, you damn ginny pig."
I am not saying all doctors are terrible I guess but man are a lot of them terrible...
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Agreed. Many of them are in the field for wrong reasons, it would seem. And if communication were a core tenet of the medical establishment, then we'd be far better off.
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Yeah, I don't think it's that hard to notice whether you are sensitive or not, you got to be really ignorant or self-absorbed to miss something like that or believe that you are when you aren't.
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I scored 8 on the test, so I guess I'm just an above average sensitive guy, not overly sensitive.
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The 'Self Test' sounds so unscientific, doesn't it? And it probably is. It's even said in the latter part of the test:
"If you answered more than fourteen of the questions as true of yourself, you are probably highly sensitive. But no psychological test is so accurate that an individual should base his or her life on it. We psychologists try to develop good questions, then decide on the cut off based on the average response."
Probably the idea is not to score a specific amount of 'points' but to answer questions about yourself, which may or may not touch you deeply.
Also some notable things to consider in the article:
"Your trait is normal. It is found in 15 to 20% of the population--too many to be a disorder, but not enough to be well understood by the majority of those around you."
One of the reasons why this is really big to me. I'm amazed this is the first time ever I hear about this trait. Maybe I have been living in a barrel, who knows. Anyway people should obviously know more about the trait.
"This trait is not a new discovery, but it has been misunderstood."
"Sensitivity is valued differently in different cultures."
Everyone may not feel this as important as I do for example or maybe some people take the whole thing for granted. Culture has got a huge impact on it, consider this.
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The blurb sort of touches on the many causes for hypersensitivity, but doesn't really go into it. Not surprising when you consider its job is to sell the book, not explain the phenomenon.
Anyone wishing to know more about hypersensitivity should start with their local library. The stuff on the 'Net could actually just make you more confused.
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Are you a highly sensitive person?
I had never heard or read about this trait until now. Wow... it explains so much.
This is more of a fyi for some people and less of a discussion on the subject. But if you wish, feel free to comment.
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