Well I didn't even bother installing the launcher and it would take much better than what they have been offering to make me do it but on the other hand, they don't really care whether people "need another launcher" or not.
They're about to launch their cloud service worldwide, they're not very keen on giving their competition a leg up before they do that, it's understandable.
Plus they probably pay way less dealing with the devs directly than getting keys for other launchers.
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They're about to launch their cloud service worldwide
Hang on.... I thought Twitch was owned by Amazon (isn't that why Amazon Prime gives free Twitch Prime)
Doesn't Amazon already have their own cloud gaming service?
Edit: Nevermind, I read this as Twitch is gonna launch another cloud gaming service instead of Amazon is gonna launch their cloud gaming service Luna worldwide.
Anyway... Fuck Amazon! I wouldn't do business with them if I was dying of dehydration in a desert and they were the only place around selling water.
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Well people now think Epic's dogshit client/store is the 'be all end all' cause they got some freebies out of it so prepare for like 10 more stores/clients in the future. Best case scenario some of them are SO shit they'll fold (Bethesda client-rest in piss). Worse case scenario they'll start paid exclusivity and more expensive freebies and people will go "Features in my PC gaming client? But that's just bloat! AMAZON FTW(shopping cart coming in 3years.)
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You can't even buy games on their launcher, as you call it, is just an app for people that get games trough Twitch Prime. They do not have any exclusive content either, you're just complaining because you'd have wanted those games on Steam instead, or maybe even keys to get levels here or even trading.
Also, this is nothing new, they've had that launcher for years already. I'm talking 5+ years.
I personally, don't have a problem with it, a game is a game regardless of the platform it's in, Twitch Prime is quite cheap and I've also discovered some great games on the service.
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Nice assumptions, I actually prefer GOG "keys" over steam because coughdrmcough. I'm not sure why you think that I'm complaining. Point is, there is more and more bloatware "required" to just play a damn game.
Example: EA launches a game that has Origin account required, comes with Denuvo DRM and is on Steam. If you don't see anything wrong with that sentence, then I guess you miss the point of the thread.
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Is yet another digital store with their own launcher really needed??
That sounds like a complain to me.
Point is, there is more and more bloatware "required" to just play a damn game.
Except the games downloaded on the Amazon App are DRM free, you only need the Amazon App to download the games, you can play them without any launcher or the App after you install them. Just like GOG, but you'd still rather have them in that specific platform for some reason.
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Your cake day is your anniversary on a site. You've been on here for eight years, so happy cake day!
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If what is true? The platform the game will be available on depends on the publisher and the arrangement they get with Amazon. We've had games redeem on several different platforms since the beginning, but the majority have always been on their own launcher, this being the case since 2016, they removed the need of the Twitch App on 2020 giving us the current Amazon App since. This is nothing new.
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I think those are deals for a specific duration between Amazon and those publishers (or stores)
For example:
so let's hope a new deal will happen soon
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Title, last one seems to be DKO which activates on epic, everything else is for their own store/launcher. Is that it for twitch prime offering games on other online stores?
Is yet another digital store with their own launcher really needed??
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