Thanks ^^ Look out for the blue heart giveaway a little later, of course~
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Uh... I haven't had any in ages, so.... I dunno o.o That was my first thought, actually, but then I realized that I don't have one of those. Lol
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Ugh. FL has NOTHING. I'm so jealous ;~; I think the most adventurous drink I've had has been Coke with vanilla.
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hey but half banilla croke and half whiskey and you got yourself liquid happiness ^^
Four Loko is pro'ly the most adventurous thing i've had - wait, scratch that, i actually had an energy drink what came in a bottle that looked like a rocket ship. that was freaking legit.
also another energy drink called Bawls.
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Out of context, that sentence is.. Insane? Yeah. xD
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A bit too expensive for me, but I really like the mechanics. :)
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Looks like you could do with a BUMP!
Best of luck with the campaign!
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I really like the look of the game.
While I can't contribute to the Kickstarter itself, I am hopeful that it will reach its goal!:)
I'll give this thread a bump, and I'll try to check in for the duration of the campaign to see if the goal is reached.:)
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The artwork looks pretty awesome, very nice style. I wont back though as I am not really into platformers, but have a bump.
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D'aww.. Give it some love! I'm really enjoying World of Final Fantasy.
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The concept seems interesting, however I have already used up my KS budget for this month on the last viking campaign you shared. xD
I have bookmarked the page, and will review it again when I get my pay cheque next week.
I browsed thru the project, it seems to be in a very early stage of development. They only have a concept, and some art. Not much details are explain, heck even the FAQ section have only one relevant question.
I've witness the your power to communicate with KS project creator, so I shall post my questions here. :P
The video kinda makes me nausea when watching the platformer stage. The camera movement keeps moving here and there. I would suggest moving the camera further away, and prevent the camera from following the jump movement of the bot so the camera seems more stable.
About the procedural part, is it kinda like Binding of Isaac, where you replay everything from the start to the end, and every time you gotta start from scratch? Or is it like Terraria, where the map is procedural, but there are some parts of the game persist between maps (like equipment, stats etc)?
No offense, but the pixelated face on the OST cover kinda ruins the coolness of the OST cover. I understand that they want to give credit to the musician, but perhaps they can do it in a more subtle way? Maybe put the pixelated face at the back cover instead of the front cover? Just my opinion.
I also wish they consider releasing on Vita. This game seems very suitable to be a played on a handheld.
They do not have a backer tier for physical products?
KS backer exclusive? :P
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Welcome back, hon <3
I can only answer number 5: they have stickers (which I waaaaant). pins, and post cards. Was there something in particular you were after? I know the dev also intends to make a demo available, so hopefully that'll sway some folks.
For the rest, i'll head over and email Rox ^^
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I think it comes with a physical version of the OST, not the game. The game will be a redeemable key. I cannot confirm that o.o
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Alright, here you go:
1: The camera has some issues and is definitely still being worked on, we have some space within which you can move without camera following. However the primary camera issue we face is that once you've collected enough energy, the player can move around a lot quite quickly, so we're looking at a possible approach with zoom level being set further out if you have more energy and also hoping to learn from games like sonic the hedgehog and jazz jackrabbit in terms of high speed platform camera techniques.
2: When you first boot up the game, the alien planet map is generated and the same random seed is then used throughout your gameplay and controls the platform level generation on tiles in the map. This also means that if you revisit the same tile on the same map, it'll contain the same platform level. In the standard difficulty, if you fail at a level, you're thrown back out onto the map with reduced energy, and can choose to replay it, or pick a new nearby tile to play (kind of like losing money or xp on death in a dungeon crawler like diablo)
3: That's not a final cover, it's a placeholder. I'll be working with Disasteradio and/or Anna Johnstone to make something far cooler for the cover :)
4: I would love to release on Vita, however, every console platform has a bunch of sizeable fees associates with getting it approved, plus the extra dev time. So we're leaving consoles and handhelds as stretch goals at this stage if we reach our initial funding. If the stretch goals are not met but on launch game does well on PC and Mac then we will have funding from that which we can use to start looking at other platforms again. Personally I really really want this game on consoles and handhelds as we already have controller support, and the gameplay feels quite natural that way.
5: There are some physical goods in the Deluxe tier and above.
6: Yes there as some KS exclusive gameplay items in the tiers, with the deluxe tier including the rainbow laser, and the secret squirrel club including a secret new skin for Dynabot.
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If they could add a stretch goal for handhelds, or at least mention some plans about releasing on handheld in the future, they probably could win some more pledges in. Answer #4 is a good FAQ to be added into the FAQ section, so that other backers will know what the dev's plans are for handheld.
As for me, I'd pledge more if I know the project have plans to release on Vita. Some of the past projects that I encounter, the devs have absolutely no plan to release outside of PC at all. Not that I don't like that, I'm cool with that if the devs are more comfortable on just maintaining the PC platform, and I appreciate those devs mentioning this as to not give false hope for Vita backers. But if they have future plan for handheld, I'll be glad too!
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I think he's holding off on stretch goals until the campaign gets closer to being funded.
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Since my last thread was such a rousing success, I've decided to try again. I'd like for you to folks to check out Dynacorp--We Come in Peace on Kickstarter. It's an adorable puzzle platformer featuring a hyperactive robot with the ability to drill, befriend alien creatures, and fire a giant death ray.
If any of those things interest you, please consider contributing to the campaign :3 Even if you won't/can't, please bump the thread so others can see it!
**Please post here if you back it. I'd like to see how effective the awareness thread approach is.
And now, here are some appropriately-themed giveaways; invite only and level 1+. They'll run the course of the Kickstarter:
Solar Shifter EX
Survive in Space
And Tynon was a sweetie again, so here <3
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