15th century England was a hotbed for Henry VIII, but he was not in it for feminism. :3
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Looking at how CG has been leading this crowd so far he doesn't seem to plan to allow anybody other than himself, moderators and support to have that info, and is mostly assumption on my part but I think that the reason why is that he wants to give noobs a second chance if they fuck up once or twice. If this info is publicly available people would immidiately start using as a criteria to discriminate user from entering their GAs, which may lead to unnecesary toxicity/unfriendliness in the community. Also open air witchhunts with pitchforks and torches are not completely out of the realm of possibility.
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i don't think it's just about willing, i believe the "support notes" have way more info then just suspension reason being a game name, and those notes can get too personal for public or even GA creators viewing. support will verify whether a suspension has been served already, but they only state the bare minimum.
if any of that is correct they'd have to go thru and redo the entire suspension history and redesign it around this idea.
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yeah, it could just be the "willing" too though, i don't really know how support notes or suspension history really is stored. as far as the "last sync date/time" that one certainly would be easy and pretty harmless too really. that info already has it's own field in your sync page, it could just be tossed publicly on profiles additionally.
Last synced with Steam 4/6/2017, 7:00:24 PM - 5 minutes ago.
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the groups one i could see a little bit of backlash for group admins getting harassed for "add please" when they aren't even currently recruiting cause people noticed private groups thru the public info. the others i can't foresee any issues though.
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Mhh, yeah. Would be better to leave that out just in case.
I think that bit by bit this discussion can be steered into an actually reasonable suggestion, the question at this point is if ambi is willing to listen, he seems to be a tad too angry right now.
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For checking to see if rules have been broken. On SG you're allowed to keep a private profile, with the only restriction being that to access the site you need to have made your profile public for a sync within the last week. It's unlikely that cg will ever agree to ban private profiles. However, when you make a giveaway and the winner has a private profile you can't check the winner for rule-breaking unless you can persuade the winner to go public (or friends-only) for you. Being able to see the most recent sync data would make it much simpler for the giver.
I take it that amidot has recently had trouble with a winner who refuses to let him see his account.
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That sounds like to much work, at that point I wouldn't care any more and just click send.
But I can see the point, specially to check if the winner already has the game, I guess that library and wishlist info wouldn't hurt anybody and wouldn't cause a witch hunt either. I wish ambi was able to express his complaints in a calm way, I can't understand what he's talking about half of the time.
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I like this idea, but I'm afraid it will never happen.
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And, even better - just implement winner checking automatically. sgtools can do this, so this is quite possible. Of course, whitelist of games that can't be checked needed too, the same way as on sgtools, but even so - it would dramatically decrease number of rule violators. It is even possible to make this system not report again for the same violation.
But again - I doubt it will ever happen.
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but that info isn't necessary at all to you if it's already a fixed issue. i brought that same issue up in the other topic. it really heavily just depends on how that info is stored in the sg database as to whether the suggestion is even remotely possibly, and then further it relies on CGs personal decision which is influenced by the support staff that's already stated no several times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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we are talking about something you cannot possibly know about to slow you down at all.. "user xyz was suspended for not redeeming zyx game" yet they have already fixed that by redeeming it and pass sgtools completely. you have no right to know past suspensions that have already been completely resolved.
again, the only way it could possibly work is if the database was setup in a fashion it could simply flag a suspension tag on a giveaway itself with only the bare minimum information about it, and it would have to remove the tag upon correction syncs. if it is not already setup in that way, all past suspension would have to be totally re-worked around this suggestion which would never happen, if it is setup in that way, then technically it could be possible it would just be upto CG at that point.
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i know what you want and the reason why you want it, but some things have to already be in the correct place in order for it to function like that. i want my pc to cook me a hot meal, but until i attach it to a oven it won't quite work out. you can want information all day long, but if it's not stored in the database in a deliverable manor for any form of public viewing beyond support, it simply can't happen.
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Making a winner's suspension history available to the GA creator is practically harmless and would significantly cut on the number of tickets. But people will always object to anything suggested. At least no one pulled the server-load ticket (yet).
I don't understand what kind of sync data you want. Date of last sync? Suppose it was a whole week since the last sync, how would that affect the method in which you check and report winners?
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the thing is, it's only harmless if it's a really nice and tidy database with everything filed away under different db fields. so that it can pull only the necessary suspension history relative to a possible re-roll. when odds are it's a jumbled mess of suspension notes all inside of one database field like a notepad about each user. the only way it would be implemented imo for privacy reasons would be if it could only show history for re-roll worthy suspensions, not for every little thing that user has done in the past.
suspended 03-05-2012 for not activating little inferno [link]
suspended 05-17-2014 for inappropriate behavior (told user443 to go kill themselves) [link]
suspended 09-12-2015 for referral link to gleam [link]
if that is all inside of one field in the database, how's it gonna only pull the appropriate suspension history when each user may type things differently? (no-act, non-activation, no activation, did not activate, etc)
edit: ^ all that being about suspension history.. as far as game synced results, last sync time, & even wishlisted games sync being shown, that's all harmless though afaik.
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