I usually check reviews to help me decide acquiring games, and the metascore is useful in that matter. I will list some of the games I've played that have high metascores but I didn't enjoy so much.

  • World of Goo (90) - Played less than 2 hours and got bored. I guess building structures with those things is not my kind of game. I don't know...

  • Super Hexagon (88) - This game is too close from crossing the border between challenging and frustrating. Or maybe I had no patience. Spent about an hour and moved on to next game on my list. Maybe, someday, I will try it again... Or not.

  • Gone Home (86) - With a score this high, I was expecting more. It's not bad, but wasn't anything special for me. A good and short story and nothing else.

  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (86) - I grew up playing this series and always enjoyed, but this one was a bit frustrating. First of all, you play with random cars, what's boring. It's far better when you can buy a cheap car and upgrade/customize like other versions. And there's no story at all. Sometimes you play as the cop, sometimes you play as the "bad guy". Really disappointing for me.

This is my little list. There are other games too, but I guess this is enough for now.

Feel free to make your own list.

9 years ago*

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Bioshock Infinite, the ending completely ruined it for me.

9 years ago

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Oh boy, where to begin?

  1. Bioshock 2 - I didn't exactly expect it to be awesome or anything, because if there ever was a game that needed no sequel, that game was Bioshock. It is to this day my favorite game ever and I felt downright betrayed that they even considered to desecrate it by making a second iteration that would surely be nothing more than a consumerist cash-grabbing cow. But the really warm reviews it got and the fact that it was after all, still Bioshock, made me say "Maybe it won't be that bad". But it was...exactly the what I thought it'd be: a shameless (or shameful, depends on how you look at it) and blatant rehash of the first game. Not helped by the fact that the main game-play and story element, playing as a Big Daddy, was the most idiotic idea ever conceived in the sequel of a triple A game EVER (like making a sequel to Silent Hill where you get to play as fucking Pyramid Head). And on top of all that the few other innovations it brought were almost exclusively BAD. That is without even mentioning what a half-assed bullshit story and characters it had.. Why? Why was this game made?

  2. Killing Floor - disappointed is a very mild word to describe what I feel about this game. It's like Left 4 Dead (which i don't like too much either), but SHIT. I cannot, for the love of God, find any valid reason for the mere existence of this game, let alone its incredibly undeserved popularity...

  3. Batman Arkham City - don't get me wrong, here. Unlike the first two in my list, I actually liked this game quite a lot. Still, Arkham Asylum was such an interesting, self--contained, compact and psychedelic experience that I feel turning the next one into a rather cliched sand-box diminished its value as a whole, even if it improved vastly on a lot of aspects of game-play, such as the boss fights.

  4. Path of Exile - I know I shouldn't ask much from a f2p game, especially if it has a fair non-pay2win system and to be fair, the game really isn't that bad, but I just don't know what the fuss is about. There are literally dozens of better alternatives in this genre than this and most don't cost too much. I can only see this as a solution for really poor people who can't even afford games like Torchlight 2. It has no wit, charm or sense of humor, story is just an excuse to go adventuring (like all MMO type games) environments are kind of dull and it has a really weird active skill system based on gems that you find in th world. I dunna...just not for me.

  5. World of Warcraft - played it for a few days. got bored out of my mind, so I stopped, never to pick it up again. Enough said... I REALLY don't get this one. It's like it puts a spell on weak people's minds and I'm immune to it. Or maybe I might have gotten hooked, but I'm just too much of a cheap bastard to pay for it. Who knows?

  6. Far Cry 4 - Far Cry 3 was absolutely AWESOME. Far Cry 4 was basically Far Cry 3.5, but without all the charm that the story and characters brought to it's predecessor. Pretty fun nonetheless, cause how can you not have fun climbing mountains and shooting snow leopards in the face with light machine guns, but it's, obvious by now that a game from this series cannot stand on game-play alone, awesome as it may be.

  7. Wolfenstein The New Order - it's nice and all (better than Wolfenbstein 2009, that's for sure), but I can't help but compare it to one of my favorite games ever, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and it just falls terribly short in that comparison (even though I realize it may be a bit unfair to do so).

  8. Crysis - it's a good game, even great in some areas, and it looked(and still looks today actually) absolutely gorgeous, but it was over-hyped as shit. It even received marks of 9.5 and above. I mean...COME OOOOOON!!!! It's not the second coming of Jesus just cause it's really pretty, people...

9 years ago*

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Thanks for the detailed reviews man... Some of the games you mentioned I've already played (Arkham Asylum, Far Cry 3) and is good to know what to expect of the others.

Never played BioShock. I know I should and will eventually, and it's not the first time that people say that 1 was far better than 2.

Far Cry 3 is AWESOME indeed. And even if 4 is just an "updated version" of 3, I still want to play it.

9 years ago

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Bioshock Infinite is about 1 USD is you vote on the Game Awards..

9 years ago

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I meant the previous Bioshock games... I've played Infinite already. But thanks, anyway.

9 years ago

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Some of you will kill me, but i have to say Bioshock. I started to play the first one and i feel it boring, i don't know why. I givet it up before 5 hours. I will give it another oportunity when i have more free time.

I dind't started the second one and today i bought biosock infinite.

Could i play infinite without break the story?

And Crysis 3. I feel that was too short. When I realized I had already finished

9 years ago

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Infinite is totally different story. You can play it alone.

9 years ago

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Ok, thank you.

9 years ago

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Though playing it certainly isn't worth the time.

9 years ago

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Sorry im not very good at english

are you saying that you didnt like bioshock infinite?
Could you tell me why?


9 years ago

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Far Cry 2 (85)
Mass Effect (89)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (88)
Ubisoft and EA stuff.

9 years ago*

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  1. Borderlands (81) & Borderlands 2 (89) - Yeah I'm an idiot, didnt learn my lesson the fist time. Heard the hype of it, saw gameplay and felt that it seemed like a good game. Played Borderlands till finish, had to force myself & didn't enjoy it one bit. Played Borderlands 2 just to be certain I wasn't mental at not liking the first one. Turns out I really just don't like the gameplay and grinding for some reason.

  2. Portal 2 (95) - Don't get me wrong this game is solid and well made but it just didn't warrant the high praise to me. Played it fully just to see if my opinion changed, it didnt. The first one was a stark contrast, there were a number of awe moments for me somehow.

  3. Terraria (83) - Another solid game that I just didn't understand. It hard crafting, dungeoneering, coop etc but it just didnt stick to me. Felt way too annoyed at the game to continue cuz of the constant mining.

  4. Awesomenauts (78) - Just plain not interesting.

  5. Team Fortress 2 (92) - The amount of frustration out-weighed the enjoyment for me. It felt clunky to me. But still respect it as one of the community favourites.

  6. Don't Starve (79) - Like Terraria the amount of resource gathering and things I had to read on the wiki were too much of a chore. The gameplay and mechanics were well made but just didn't retain my interest and attention.

  7. Grand Theft Auto IV (90) - Bought this solely based from what I heard from my friends when I started playing games again after a long hiatus from teenage life into adulthood. Found it to be a pointless game

Don't get annoyed at what I said above, this is just a personal opinion on how I feel about them. With that said none of those games I feel are badly made or anything, it just wasn't for me.

PS: A game that I dislike more than anything else even without playing is Dota 2. Cuz over here, every single person I know in real life who plays games, love it to bits that I won't ever hear the end of it XD

9 years ago

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Well, I was impressed with the creativity of Borderlands and enjoyed BL2 as well. Guess it's a matter of taste.

Portal games receives high scores because they're unique, in my point of view.

Terraria is one of those games that takes time for you to understand and start liking... At first I was confused too. But then I realized I was addicted and when the achievements were added, it made me go back and replay it.

About TF2, I get your point. I enjoy it, but sometimes seems I'm not that good and will never be. There are some mechanics that I simply can't learn how to do.

9 years ago

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For me, the whole Mass Effect trilogy didn't live up to the hype or high praise. I bought the $5 trilogy pack during the last PSN sale and spent around 100 hours playing through them all. The first was terrible with the exception of the freedom of choice. I hated the vehicle levels where you explored the planets for the side missions. The 2nd game was far better and my favorite of the trilogy, but still nothing amazing. The third game was just disappointing and a terrible conclusion. I'd have scored the overall franchise a 6 out of 10, with the second game getting an 8, and the first and third getting a 5 and 7.

I know I'm in the minority with disliking this franchise, but I had a very hard time getting into the overall story and never got attached to any of the characters to a point where I cared what happened to them through my gameplay choices.

Bioware did such a good job with the Star Wars KOTOR games, so it was an utter disappointment to play through the Mass Effect trilogy and be so underwhelmed. I wouldn't purchase any other ME games if they made more regardless of how cheap the price. I just wish they'd make a KOTOR 3 or at least finish the story in some way. Was hoping the new KOTOR 2 patch was hinting that they would revisit the franchise.

9 years ago

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Can't make a fair judgement of the entire trilogy... Just played the second one. Like some things, dislike others, so 8 is a fair score.

9 years ago

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Of all the games I've played there are really only two that stick with me where I completely disliked a game the rest of the world seemed to unanimously love.

Braid (90). The storytelling is pretentious, the repetitive gameplay where a puzzler disguises itself as a platformer is annoying (oh God, the sound every time you rewind) and I really don't see why people hail this as the second coming of indie Christ.

LIMBO (88). Look, it's not that I hate indie games. Some of my best friends are indie games. But Limbo isn't one of them. Trial and error puzzle platforming with a game that takes delight in killing you in as many creative and unforeseeable ways as possible. It must be art because it's black and white, but I still don't like it.

Edit: Oh, after seeing it upthread an honorable mention has to go to

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (94). This is essentially a single-player MMORPG. From the MMO world, we get crappy NPCs with the AI of a rutabaga and endlessly recycled sound sets, a vast open world mostly occupied by lots of repetitive semi-randomly generated filler dungeons and an on-rails main quest that's so ignorable it hurts. It's certainly possible to spend hours and hours on this game, but it wouldn't be hours I enjoy.

9 years ago*

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I kinda agree with you... People talked a lot about Braid that it made me acquire it. Can't say I loved. But I can see how creative and different it is.

The same works for LIMBO.

9 years ago

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Pillars of Eternity feels short, empty and kinda...soulless i guess?

9 years ago

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Really? I was planning on acquiring it... Hope I don't dislike it like you do.

9 years ago

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Bioshock Infinite (94) bad story, with bad gameplay and level layouts. With somewhat nice world-building.

9 years ago

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Assassin's Creed Broterhood (88)
Aka drunk person designs controls by slamming hand on keyboard. How many use keys do we need? 3 sounds good, and let's make them inconsistent. Which key should we use for attacking? Well, left mouse is the norm, so lets use that, except for when you use a cannon or something similar, at which point right mouse button sounds like a good idea (Is the left mouse button use for anything during these sequences? No, it's just inconsistency for inconsistencys sake). Want to "dismount" something, well let's pick 3 random keys for that as well, and let there be no logic what so ever in which key we pick (all of the sudden left mouse button is used for "dismounting" when on a boat, and nowhere else, and none of the other two dismount keys are even used here? Well that makes perfect sense!)

Fallout 3 (91)
Aka the endless tunnel crawl with a bad story. I love New Vegas, I kinda dislike Fallout 3.

Oblivion (94)
Aka bland world, tone of quests clashing with game design and level scaling the game. I like Morrowind, I like Skyrim, I really don't like Oblivion. From the horrible voice acting (and NPCs changing voice mid dialogue), to how the main quest always told you to rush somewhere else (thus creating no natural points where it made sense to go and do other thing) to just how boring the overworld was, Oblivion was one of the most disappointing games I've played.

Black & White (90) Overpromising and underdelivering, black & white is the perfect example of why ol' Pete should never be allowed to speak to media. The game also seem to have very little faith in its best element, the creature, and had a nasty tendency of taking it away from you.

9 years ago

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I really like New Vegas as well... I enjoyed 3 too. Don't know, I like the franchise, the concept, so it makes me "ignore" some of it's flaws.

Black & White is that one with giant cows that dances? Haha. The idea was interesting but I never had the patience to proceed in the game for some reason.

9 years ago

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B&W had 3 starting creatures, and yeah one of those was a cow. It had a few interesting concepts, but there really was not much to the game beyond those. And it's really the game that marks the point where ol' Pete just stops making good games (though for those with good memory, it's not his first overhyped game, Dungeon Keeper was supposed to have a lot more than it did in the end, but that game was at least really good).

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by leonalbu.