I'm using anything 80 and above as high.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (99) - For the best reviewed game on Metacritic, I didn't think it was all that great. It could be the age, but I just didn't like it.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (94) - Hate this game, I don't know why, but I just do. I'm hoping maybe giving it another go will change my mind, but for now, I hate Oblivion.
Mass Effect (89) - The story was somewhat interesting to me. But the combat was just boring and repetitive, I never felt like I had to give commands to my party, which tears out a big chunk of the combat system.
Alan Wake (83) - I was told how amazing it was, played through the whole game and loved the story and the settings. But I hated the gameplay. It was just too repetitive and the enemies didn't really have any variety.
Metro: Last Light (82) - I still think think this was a good game. I just didn't like it nearly as much as the first. It didn't have the same feel to it that I liked so much about the first one.
The Wolf Among Us (80) - Again, another game that I enjoyed. But it disappointed me in the fact that it was such a chore to play. It crashed on me quite often and I had numerous bugs and glitches that made me have to reset the game, the one that occurred the most for me was where the dialogue options would be blank.
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Can't remember if it was Oblivion or Morrowind that I just HAD to stop playing because of the bugs, even for a Bethesda game... It was a long time ago, so they we're eventually fixed, I guess.
I kinda agree with you in Alan Wake. Gameplay fews repetitive indeed. And if you ever think about playing Alan Wake's American Nightmare, don't expect it to be any different. It's nice, but nothing else.
The Wolf Among Us is on my account, but haven't played it yet. Hope I don't encounter those bugs/glitches.
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I found it clunky and hard to control.
Also, c'mon, Navi should have brought the score down to 90 ... at least!
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Ermagherd 3D! Teh new shiz.
I guess.
To be fair I like it and beat it when it came out, but that is likely the reason why it's a 99 and not, say, 90.
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I wasn't new to the games. I had played a lot of Morrowind before I got Oblivion ... and I just downright despised it.
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keep in mind, most of these are solid games, by the time i got to play them i was either a fan of the series or people seemed to be enjoying them way more then i ever did. i wouldn't say i feel disappointed, i just stop playing and move on:
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - 83
Borderlands 2 - 89
Dead Space 2 - 87
Half-Life 2 - 96
Criterion´s Most Wanted - 78
original Most wanted - 82
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - 77
If it was back when the only thing i had was my genesis or a bit later my dreamcast and whatever i bought would be the only game i had to play for the next few months i would be more disappointed...maybe even pissed
Like when i bought that south park rally game, now that's disappointment
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I understand your point. With the variety of games we have at our disposal, it's easier to just let go a game you are not enjoying.
But I was able to finish some of the games you mentioned (Borderlands 2, Dead Space 2, Half-Life 2) without feeling bored. Maybe at some point some of these felt like they were lasting longer than they should.
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I did finished DS2, overall solid game, but being a fan of the first one i wasn't happy about this little changes they made.
I saw what they wanted to do with the franchise, and called what later became DS3, which i also finished, not sure why.
Half-Life 2 was also a good game, it just felt simpler and way more linear, like your on rails through the entire game
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Never played the first nor the third so I wasn't expecting anything. Guess this makes a difference.
And yes, HL2 is a bit linear. It rewards the exploration (especially with achievements) but it's still more linear than what I like in a game.
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I agree that some games are overrated/underrated. There are games that I feel that deserves better scores. But I still see some usefulness in the metascores.
Dragon Age: Origins was disappointing for me too. I usually don't like linear RPGs. I like to explore, to get used to the system. But i finished it anyway.
HL2 I played this year. 96 seems too much, but we have to consider the time it was released...
Can't say anything about Agarest. Never played. What can you talk about it? Why do you enjoyed so much?
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I agree with HL2, somewhat. It was one of the first games I got after joining steam and I checked highest rated games to buy. I liked it "ok" (what I played of it), but I still haven't finished the game in over 3 years. It just kindof lost my interest as I moved along and got to the part where they bombed me with those brain eating things. It just seemed like jumping the shark to me - I was like seriously?
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Hmm I Found Dragon Age Origins a good fit for scratching my itch. As for Half Life, I was in a net group (Read that as LAN Party) when it first came out, and the Multiplayer aspect of it was a major upgrade over the other FPS that were out at that time - Doom 2, Rise of the Triad, Heavy Gear etc. I was disappointed with the solo play, but networked it was a blast <Insert C4 Tripmine joke here>.
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I think sometimes niche type games can have a high metascore because they appeal to a specific audience, and suit that audience well, but might not translate well to other gamers.
An example for me was Lunar Flight. It's a moon lander simulation. Has an 8.5 metacritic score, and all I did was crash and uninstall after about 2 hours mostly frustrated and not knowing what I was supposed to do. But lots of folks seem to really like it.
From OP list, I really enjoyed Gone Home. It's got a niche audience that centers on walking sim, exploration, story - but I think it does that very well.
Another from OP list, I also thought World of Goo was very well done and highly fun, but would guess that it translates better to many types of gamers overall.
I also think the age you play games at matters. When I was younger I loved playing fps like Doom/Quake; but now I really find that type of gaming uninteresting. But when younger I spent hundred of hours on those.
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Yeah... I get that. Games that are outside of the box, that aren't a different version of something else you've seen before usually receives higher scores.
Maybe someday I'll give another chance to World of Goo. This 90 can't be in vain.
And yes, the age is important. I remember to enjoy a lot games from the Tony Hawk's series back in the day. I bought a remastered version recently and, other than the (always) awesome soundtracks, the game itself disappointed me a lot.
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Outlast. To be fair, I'm not very far in and I started playing right after Alien: Isolation because some crazy people claimed it was better than Alien and I was in a mood for more horror. Turns out Outlast cannot even compete with Alien, though.
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To be fair, I'm not very far in
some crazy people claimed it was better than Alien
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I don't remember having that option, maybe it was added through and update, Skyrim's UI for example was designed with consoles in mind, maybe some gameplay stuff initially didn't take advantage of a keyboard in F3. Or I was just delirious at the time.
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Funny seeing people mention HL2 again and again. HL2 is excellent. But it's over 10 years old now. It helped innovate the genre, but the genre has also moved past it.
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Lemme see if I can answer your OP.
I own BL2. It's good, but the desire to finish it isn't there.
I hated the combat in The Witcher and stopped playing pretty quickly. Might give it a go again some time.
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Yeah, it's ridiculous, some complain that it's linear. Well no shitzu, all FPS were linear back then in general. People have been spoiled with new sandbox games, they think linear=evil. Poor HL2 gets undeserved criticism from people that didn't play it when it was the peak of FPS.
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Yes. It works for this topic as well.
Funny thing is that all the 3 games you mentioned, I actually liked, especially Binding of Isaac. I wasn't expecting much and found myself highly addicted for quite some time. But well... There aren't rights or wrongs in this.
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ARK: Survival Evolved
got bored pretty fast
asked for a refund
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Really? I'm loving it - I'd like a more in depth crafting/breeding/vocation system, but the graphics are amazing, (Even if only optimized to NVidia Cards), the AI seems to be well done, and with the constant updates, it seems to be creating a well balanced learning curve.
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I don't know, it was a mistake from the very beggining I guess, I'm not that into survival games but I like dinosaurs, saw some videos and looked good for me but at the end got bored after a few minutes of play.
but anyway, me not liking it doesn't mean is bad c:
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Do not listen to Meta Score !!!
Follow User Score !!!
For me, there is a lot of high Meta Score games disappoint me:
Skyrim: Bethesda throw to us a crappy game, and let the mods community do the rest. But there is one thing really good in this game: music.
Devil May Cry 4: It's fun at first, but later I hate this game, do not know why lol
Metal Gear series: to be honest, It's not a bad franchise. But imo, this game only be good to those people who follow this franchise from the first time, It's mean they have to play all main series version of this game. If they are not, the story is pretty hard to understand.
Alan Wake: I play a horror game, and I feel sleepy !!
Final Fantasy: I do not know why people think this game was good. I've tried first with FF13, quit after 20 hrs trying to figure what is really going on. Later I tried FF7, people say this is the best FF game ever, sorry but I will wait for a remake from Square, the graphics is too old... Will give it one last try with HD Type 0, not now :D
Sorry for my bad English !!!
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I Loved devil may cry 4 , the history and Soundtrack is amazing , (Everyone hates nero but if you look very good ut makes a good char). I played the pirated version when it came out , so when i got the money i bought it to have it in my library lol XD.
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As I said, later I do now kno why I hated that game :D
But to be honest, Capcom have a lot of good franchise: Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Megaman, Okami, Darkstalkers, Final Fight, God Hand ... Too bad some of them has been cancelled TT
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User score isn't always reliable. Anytime there's some sort of negative thing the community gets a hold of, they tank that score. Skyrim and paid mods, Sim City on launch, Fez and Phil Fish, can't recall the other examples, but you know what I'm talking about.
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If that gane have more than 500 players rating, I think we can believe in them !!!
Sometime we need to read their reviews, a lot of good game is sunked because of some reason like terrible graphics, terrible performance, terrible abcxyz !!!
Hope you know what I mean :D
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Diablo III, not sure about the score but it's pretty high. Hugely disappointed me, I pored thousands of hours into Diablo II both online and off. 3 was kinda just, meh. I do play it occasionally when I gotta scratch that RPG itch, but I don't like it very much. I prefer Path of Exile, more in depth like Diablo II was. Like I said, it's a fun game but just way too different than it's predecessor.
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I felt like it didn't capture the atmosphere of the first two games.
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Oh, let me add SPORE as perhaps most disappointing game of all time for me. When I hear "metascore" I tend to think of the User Metascore, but realize that most people talk about the official critic score. Well Spore has a critic metascore of 84. The User metascore of 5.1 is much closer to the truth imho. If not for the creature creator and that first cool microscopic game level, that game would score far worse imho.
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+1 - Spore was a major letdown for me - was really hoping for a nice Gene Splicing game with random evolutionary traits from the talk up - I remember playing a game in highschool (Back then I has the fastest PC of all my friends - a 486 with a whopping 8 MB RAM, and a brand spanking new 250MB HDD). I had just finished this shareware game where you added random genes into the DNA strand of an insect to give it stingers and spikes etc and dialled up to BBS to but the full version - the Company went bankrupt and I was never able to find the game again. Spore promised to be the realization of that for me but never delivered :(
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Yeah, I was so looking forward to creating an ecosystem to put my creatures into. I'd purchased the creature creator prior to game launch and had quite a good time building creatures - imagining their strengths/weaknesses in an ecosystem - and wanting to be able to build a world and populate it with different types creatures/different bioimes/etc - and then having the evolutionary process kindof take over like you might see in the old Maxis Sim Life game. I was building creatures to fill various niches. Turns out absolutely nothing about the build of your creature even mattered except what they ate, and whether they could dance. Seriously. It's difficult to express how disappointing that realization was after all the buildup. Even when you got to the sandbox space stage nothing mattered. It was more like cookie cutter checking off boxes of how many animals needed, how many plants, etc. Drop them all off on a terraformed planet, rinse/repeat ad infinitum. Some of the views from the planets were really nice though. I'd sometimes settle a moon around a ringed planet just to watch the sunsets on the horizon.
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Fallout New Vegas (or any Fallout title for that matter) I just can't get into it. I've gotten mods to enhance the experience but I simply can't get immersed in the game. :/
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I haven't tried FO1 but I did try 2 for a bit and still the same. I do try to watch gameplay and read reviews to help "push" me into liking it but I just couldn't get into it.
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Dragon Age Inquisition gave me cancer. Good thing Witcher 3 exist. I am cured now.
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BioShock Infinite. Boring, spent most of the game collecting coins and Voxophones and Listening to Voxophones where these character talk about random mess that put me to sleep.. ANd because of how this game barley gives you any money to buy any weapons and upgrades you'll be afraid to rush through the area. Also this game has a terrible two weapon limit. So you probably gonna spend the entire game sticking with the same guns the entire game. I think everybody going waifu Elizabeth is the only thing they got thats going for this game..
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Psychonauts is dated a little, but awesomesauce. The sheer creativity of the levels. Fantastic.
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It is awesome. However, the game play is pretty standard outside of people's minds, and the first couple minds are not awesome. It's hard to explain, but I've given it to people and none of them really get into it. It's from an era back when you'd give a game more time to find itself, or capture you. Because of the way each mind is different, it manages to make the game play feel different. But it takes a little time to build to that, and everyone is so impatient now--myself included. That's part of what having myriad choices or options does.
The same thing is true of other things, like television shows, where there are lots of options and so both the viewer and the producer have little patience. There are many stories of how back in the day this show or that show was allowed to find its audience as it struggled in the ratings or was generally ignored and then it eventually became a ratings juggernaut (Cheers, Seinfeld) whereas more recently critically-acclaimed shows with a loyal fan base are driven out into a field and shot in the back of the head.
The same thing is true of games, and is why I responded to people down on HL2 or Psychonauts. Both of them were absolutely beloved at their release by a wide swath of gamers and critics, but all these years later the genres have moved on to a degree, and while those who loved the games then can go back and play them and still appreciate it in full, or for what it was at the time, to most newer players they just seem out-of-date, too linear, graphically and aurally unimpressive, and--at best--quaint.
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Deus Ex is a good example. I got into it a few years after it released, but not so late that the graphics made it too awful. And I love it, and it was a great game, a game that I mention when I talk about best-ever games. But I see it now, and it's like, wow this game is ugly as hell.
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Every time a thread like this come up I have my answer read. Fallout 3.
Fallout: New Vegas as well, although I played it for only about 3 hours so I reserve the right to change my mind, if I ever manage to force myself into giving it another chance.
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Like you said to the other guy Fallout 1 and 2 are completely different from 3 and New Vegas, apart the post-apocalyptic world.
I remember to like the previous ones, but had to put aside due to bugs or compatibility issues, I guess... Never tried again since then.
And well, I really like the newer ones, especially New Vegas. Don't know why some people don't like it.
And by the way, New Vegas is not very different from Fallout 3. The core idea and gameplay is mantained with some adjustments.
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I usually check reviews to help me decide acquiring games, and the metascore is useful in that matter. I will list some of the games I've played that have high metascores but I didn't enjoy so much.
World of Goo (90) - Played less than 2 hours and got bored. I guess building structures with those things is not my kind of game. I don't know...
Super Hexagon (88) - This game is too close from crossing the border between challenging and frustrating. Or maybe I had no patience. Spent about an hour and moved on to next game on my list. Maybe, someday, I will try it again... Or not.
Gone Home (86) - With a score this high, I was expecting more. It's not bad, but wasn't anything special for me. A good and short story and nothing else.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (86) - I grew up playing this series and always enjoyed, but this one was a bit frustrating. First of all, you play with random cars, what's boring. It's far better when you can buy a cheap car and upgrade/customize like other versions. And there's no story at all. Sometimes you play as the cop, sometimes you play as the "bad guy". Really disappointing for me.
This is my little list. There are other games too, but I guess this is enough for now.
Feel free to make your own list.
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