Kind of similar, but not the one. The game I'm trying to find had no cutesy feeling to it (and no eyes). It looked almost vector-ish, and there were no immediately noticeable level boundaries in the trailer. I remember part of the video when it demonstrated a 'boss battle' in passing, showing the character's worm-thing swimming along, while a huge, far longer worm swam underneath it, in an almost Shadow of the Colossus kind of scale difference.
(someone got it, it was Sparkle 2 Evo)
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I played this one game on a bluish disc that came with the computer (blue background-white space image with a satellite and planet iirc + English on the front-something like "EXPLORE" or such + it seemed like an official Windows/Microsoft thing). The disc had around 100-200 games, not all of which worked but contained Duke Nukem 1 for sure, along with a bunch of other folders I never bothered to check. It was some sort of war plane game and the folder it was in was called DOG or something. In the game, you can shoot stuff out of your vehicle, turn around (left as well as right!), and get killed. All I recall of the setting was that it involved a lot of green and was confusing to navigate. ...Yeah that was pointless.
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perhaps it was the one that recently got released on steam, sparkle 2 evo?
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I can't decide what's worse, the out of context 'wait for it', or the bad pun.
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I got one. Many years ago i played a demo about an action game in third person mode in which you control a warrior or something like that after approaching to a land with a small boat. I remember spike traps and some archers, nothing else. It's not Rune, though both graphics and gameplay were similar.
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I can't quite remember the small boat (though there are several characters, each with a different starting level), but was it "Severance"? I believe the full title was "Severance : Blade of Darkness", though GOG lists it as just "Blade of Darkness".
That's one of my all-time favourite games. <3
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I can't find that sequence in particular, but it seems that you may be right. Anyway the game looks pretty cool.
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Actually it is, i clearly remember it from this video
Unlike Severance, this looks like a really shitty game lol
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I'm looking for a game I've played loooong time ago on my old Mac with Mac OS 9.. It was some side-scroller game where you played as wizard (warlock maybe) with brown cape, your face couldn't be seen besides your glowing eyes and (as I remember) long nose or something...
Can someone please help me? :/
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Okay, are you guys ready to kick it old-school? I've been trying to find this game for about twelve years with no success:
It is a text adventure/interactive fiction game that I used to play on the family's old Apple ][e when I was like six years old. I swear the name on the disc was either "School Days" or "School Daze", but neither of those names have ever gotten me anywhere. You started the game by choosing whether you were male or female, and the game played out differently depending on your gender, and when you played as the boy one of the Game Overs had the school bully cornering you in a bathroom and "carving his initials in your face"
I need to find and beat this game, my six-year-old self demands retribution.
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I remember School Dayz as a side-view school adventure, that was AWESOME.
However I found the game you're actually looking for, due to a little bit of google-fu and a bunch of other people's previous hard work :
"School Days : A Highschool adventure".
You can download it through a FTP of an old gaming magazine, go to :
And then download the "Uptime_v12n9a.dsk" file. Probably needs to be emulated though.
I got all this info from :
So if you really wanted to offer thanks, these guys are the ones you'd need to send your love to. :)
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Haha oh man you rule, reading that thread and seeing other people going through the exact same "why can't I find a single reference to this game anywhere?!" that I was is fantastic, and then they actually found it! Thanks so much.
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The 'School Days' I know had a different ending, a "nice boat" ending.
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I used to play a 2D game on Windows 95 back when I was a kid. I forgot the name, but it came with a pack of other games, and one of them was called Blitz, which I think involved destroying a city with UFOs or something. The game I'm trying to remember involved two cannons on a randomly generated green terrain, and you'd just shoot back and forth at each other. Kind of like Pocket Tanks, but with stationary cannons instead.
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Are you thinking of Scorched Earth, perhaps?
If that's not it, give a look over and see if any of those ring any bells.
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No, it had even shittier graphics and no tanks, just stationary cannons.
I'll go look at the list though.
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There was this PS1 era game. A preview cinematic for it was on the disc for a game called battle tanx or battle tanx global assault or something like that and I think the battle tanx im referring to also had a preview for pandemonium but Im not certain of that part.
It was an RPG style game, very difficult (at least to me at the time anyway), one of the spells involved sending a swarm of bugs out. Im absolutely certain it was on the PS1 itself but cannot speak to any other systems it may or may not have been on.
I cannot find the title on any list of PS1 RPGs so Im assuming its mostly forgotten, Im not even sure I would ever be able to play it again but bloody hell not remembering the name bugs me sometimes.
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Got any more details than that?
Was the game played from a first person perspective? Do you remember anything about the story or any highlights from the trailer? Was it a fantasy setting, or did it just have magic? Do you remember anything that stands out about any characters/enemies shown?
You might have better look going on youtube, looking for the Battletanx PS1 trailer and then trying to hop around related preview trailers for PS1 games.
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I cant help you directly but I maybe can point you in the right direction.
Since Battle tanx is from publisher 3DO I guess it's safe to say the rpg is from 3DO as well. They wouldnt advertise a game from a rival company I think ;)
When I presonally think of 3DO the Might and Magic games come to mind.
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Since you mention 3DO as publisher, I guess Warriors of Might and Magic in particular is the best bet.
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turns out you are partially right.
it was crusaders of might and magic.
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There's this one game I played a lot of years ago where you are with team blue or red and you battle the other team. You can choose between classes one guy has a rocket launcher, another looks like a mechanic and this one fat guy with a machine gun. What's it called???
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After clothes, shoes, perfumes and movies they started ripping off videogames too?
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Well, at least their commercials are honest ^^ They look just like the TF2-Videos, but without the fun.. so I guess that describes the actual game too ;)
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How about some really old title? This is my first memory of playing a video game, and I'm not even sure what it was on. Played on one of the old systems with a joy stick, I only remember a couple of screens. One you would be moving left to dodge bats in a castle, another had you attempting to dodge fireballs from a dragon.
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Most certain it isn' t that unless it was a totally mutilated
version. This was a action game , not something in that
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Mutilated Version ;) Not sure if that comes any closer though ^^ Otherwise we probably need some more info about the gameplay and visual style, whatever you can remember.
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Certainly closer, but still too nice looking. Imagine Atari graphics more like Pitfall.
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Well, we still have some Dragon´s Lairs to go through ;) But I´m getting a feeling its not the game you are looking for xD
C64 Version
Atari Version
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I actually owned the C64 version. :P
The Atari version of it is the closest of what you have posted, but I can confirm it isn't that.
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Dodging bats in a castle made me think of Dark Castle
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Without the combat, this is pretty close for what I remember of the gameplay style, but I can confirm it wasn't that nice looking or on the Mega Drive.
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I have one that I actually found 2 or so years ago through googling, but I forgot it, lost my links to its wiki page and the searching, well, not so much luck this time... Yeah, I suck.
It's a SNES game, and at first it plays out in actual 3D, much like TES: Arena; but whenever a fight comes up, the game goes into 2D mode. You have a rather small world map that you can roam freely, sometimes encountering "clouds", which contain enemies and trigger fights. One thing I never understood until a happy accident was that there are portals throughout the maps, and once you enter them, you actually have to stand in one place and spin in one direction to activate it, then it will transport you to another portal that you may have discovered.
It was a game set in a fantasy world of some sort, you controlled a Conan-like warrior with a big-ass sword. I remember it had a few bosses even in the first "section" of the map that I could barely beat at the time. You had to pass through a mountain pass to get to the next section; the first half of the level was left-to-right and the second was backwards, as you were descending the other mountainside. Pretty clever if you ask me. Would love to play it again, but alas, no luck finding it.
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Parts of your description sound a lot like the original Might and Magic series, and other parts sound nothing at all like my experience with the series.
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The 3D/2D you mention make me think a bit of Drakkhen, though that doesn't really match the rest of the description. Or maybe the sequel Dragon View.
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Dragon View seems a lot like it! I'll dig into it deeper, might be the one I'm looking for. Thanks!
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A post to find games that you cant remember the name? Thats a good idea :D
I´m searching for 3 games for a long time without luck, I will try to explain wath I remember, sorry for the gramatical errors (sure I have a lot :P)
All games are around the 90s years :P
1º Game (arcade)
This game was a platform game, the player is like Son Goku, from Dragon Ball, it fires balls from the hands to kill monsters, and get power ups for different shoot types, I remember that has a ring in the red suit.
This game have a sequel, the player has grow, and remember that the first stage are in space, and killing valkiries (or some type of warrior womas) and when killed, they grow and explode.
2º Game (arcade)
This game was a fighting game, like street fighter, but with a difference, when you play with 2 players, you can fight 2 versus the com . I think only have 3 or 4 characters to choose, and if the 2 players make a special attack at same time, the attacks joins and make a big special attack. I remember 2 monsters, 1 like a slime monster, in a cavern, and a big robot (I think was a one of the finals) that was in the background and attack with a big hand.
3º Game (Megadrive or maybe Supernintendo)
This game was a strategy game, of Dinosaurs Vs Aliens. The game was in real time, not turn based, and you control the dinosaurs. The first dinosaur that you can create, is a stegosaurus, they only walk around the grass eating it, and every X seconds give you energy, necesary to create more dinosaurs. They where food for carnivores dinosaurs too :P. Sometimes, if you have more than 2 dinosaurs of the same specie, they put a egg.
Ok, thats all, thank for any help you can give me, and for read a lot of text :D
And sorry again for the gramatical errors :P
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i asked about this game a month ago in SG and another forum, but to no avail. here's what i remembered from most of it, some details might be wrong, for example the ethnicity of the main character etc. I hope some GoG veterans could help me out.
any help would be appreciated, i really want to re-play this game if possible.
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Fascination by Coktel Vision?
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it is the game, tyvm bro. i didnt know it is a sensual-themed game. didnt realize it coz i was playing the game as a little kid, no hormones yet, i guess. damn, it is going to be FUN replaying this game again especially with the adult theme ;)
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That was a free indie game back to early 2000's, maybe even goes to 1997.
Game was pixelated enough, top-viewed shoot'em all which main character was female, killing soldiers. Game was extremely gory, you could even see that limbs can be dismembered. Game's intro was FBI's arcade game intro reference, but it was humorous.
Do you know this one? Please help me to find this one :)
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I've played it about 10 years ago but it could be even older. You control small airship, you fly through huge base with corridors lookig like they are specially created for those small airships to fly in (from what I remember you can't exit this ship).
I didn't play it long but I remember this game had a lot of control keys, almost whole keyboard. Keys like alarm, signal, shoot rockets, flares etc. Controling ship alone was diffucult, you could move horizontaly, verticaly, forward, back, and TURN right left, up and down.
You could also launch small dron that was leading you to exit. You could regain 'life' of ship by collecking small balls (like in Metroid Prime).
That's all I remember. This game is one of bigger mysteries of my childhood gaming life :P
Thanks for any help
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There was a game on PS1, drive a robot that builds units that fought to destroy enemy towers.
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Got an old one too. It was in one of the "50 games" type packs, so I doubt someone will remember it, but it's worth a shot.
It was a space arcade game where you flew around in a triangle, almost asteroids style, spaceship. It was a top down view with a black background and very simple line graphics. You flew around fought other ships as well as tried to take over "planets" by destroying defenders (turrets?) and landing on them. Landing was very precarious due to gravitational pull so you had to use your thrust to not crash. the "planets" were basically just a big circle. You could also find temporary boosts that would increase your damage.
I was a lot longer then so the difficulty always got to me. Am thinking ~1998.
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So there are few games I remember playing, but don't remember names.
First one: Racing game for Gameboy (probably Color, but worked on normal Gameboy I think). It was on one of those Million-in-1 cartridges. View was from top. There was some kind of tuning/auto service shop, the game was in Japanese so it's hard to tell what it was. It's all I remember.
Second one: Shooter for PSX. I remember playing it at my aunt's place, multiplayer with my brother. It was TPS, I think, I'm not sure. Might've been FPS, but you could jump and grip edges, so I'd say it was TPS. We played on some sort of desert stage, with houses(your typical desert-style houses, windows with glass etc.). You could jump in the houses through windows. Eh, what else. I remember there were some upgrades hidden in the house, and that they had some sort of balcony. I don't remember anything else.
Third game: Some sort of Asteroid-ish space shooter with ship building option, you had to shoot other ships(obviously). I had a demo from some magazine. I don't remember this one well, I just remember I had fun playing it. Ah, and it was for PC.
I'll appreciate any help.
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I haven't looked at all for this, but I am fairly curious as to what these are and how they fared in the world of public reception.
They are both PS1 games. Both third person fighter games. In one, you're a skeleton warrior and you just kind of walk around slashing stuff. In the other you're a ninja and it had some funky powerup stuff going on. I had them on a demo disk so my memory isn't too good, but they were solid games apart from that. One of the other games on the disk was Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, if that helps.
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Oh, yes! That is definitely it. Thanks for the nostalgia hit!
That game actually still looks fun today.
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Medievil is awesome.
The ninja game could be Tenchu?
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Maybe the ninja game is Ninja - Shadows of darkness?
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I remember I last played the game in 2005/2006. It's basically a marine warfare game where a destroyer warship drops mines into the water while a submarine beneath shoots torpedo missiles (or something like that). The game is fixed on a side view of the area (with the destroyer above the water while the submarine is below the water) the whole time. I am not sure if the player controls the destroyer or the submarine...
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I was actually wondering how a game i played years ago was called. It was some sort of dance game. In different countries (A tomb in Egypt was one of them) and you controlled a character and had to move yourself along tiles en had to collect was a 2D game.
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I remember I used to played this game on windows 95-98 when I was a child (1998 ish). It was an FPS that came in a cd whit tons of shareware games. I think it run in Build engine and you had to kill some thieves who made creepy laugh sounds which used to scare the hell out of me xD. I know it's really vague but you might help me out finding this game's name. Thanks in advance!
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Ever seen a game that you thought looked pretty cool, but then totally forgot it's name?
Sometimes, google-fu isn't enough to find a game. That's where this thread comes in!
Try to describe a game you have forgotten as best you can, and other users try to help you remember/find it's name. Try to include roughly how old it was (Back when Quake was new? Recently released?) and any defining details or attributes you can think of. GOG veterans will likely find their services will be in high demand here.
Please note, if you give very vague descriptions, nobody will be able to help you. Consider how your description contrasts from other games. The more details you can give, the better!
Thanks to : Playingcards, who helped me find the game in my (now removed) example request!
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