EDIT1: First of all i wanted to mention a thing before you comment any further thinking that my logic behind me is stupid. Some guys told me that the different prices between euros and dollars is over the top. The game in euros cost 73 euros with in usd it costs 40$. By doing some simple maths you can find out that if the dollars price was following the euros price people would have paid 88$, yes its 2,2x of the initial price. So i cant understand if steam or the guy anyway who set up the prices have done a mistake or that price difference has a purpose as it seems really unfair. I know that its not the first game that steam thinks as 1$=1 euro but thats too extreme in my eyes.

7 years ago*

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Did you ever bought a game at such enormous price?

View Results
Hell no

Aint no f*in way Id pay that much for a new title, let alone an 8 year old game. Shame Gary, shame...

7 years ago

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Thats exactly what i mean, 73 euros for an 8 year old game that even need a 3rd party account. Thats even beyond EA and Activision.

7 years ago

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I'd really like to know what they're smoking... and beg for a some as well... hahaha

7 years ago

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We can end up as AAA or gary's "developers" after smoking it.

7 years ago

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But "only" 30 extra on DLC. :P

7 years ago

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And on top of that you can even buy the west side

7 years ago

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WTF... Wow :P

7 years ago

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Wouldnt they be better off lowering the price? Attracting more people and in return generating more income? But then again, this kind of game is not exactly AAA user friendly mainstream kind of game.

7 years ago

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But this price is unacceptable even if they were working on it for more than a decade.

7 years ago

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Customer is the one that decides whether it is acceptable or not. For all I care they can make it an even 100 bucks. If it is good, people will buy it. If not, then the studio wont be around for much longer, will it?

EDIT: The studio is around from 1979 and is still active today. So I guess that they are not that tight on money.

7 years ago

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That game looks like super niche,hardcore grand strategy, I really doubt they can open it up to the masses

7 years ago

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But i can find you a lot of examples that have much lower price in the first hand. Not to mention why not open it in the masses? You will get some extra cash even if the customers dont like it, you wont lose anything.

7 years ago

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Developing another game "open to the masses", whatever it means, will cost money. If the game is not simple enough for everybody, but not accurate and realistic enough for hardcore enthusiasts you'll just make another random game that will be forgotten quickly. I guess the developer's decision would have been to focus on that particular niche.

7 years ago

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No i mean after all those years they could lower the price in order to generate more income as i dont think its even selling nowadays in the first place, at least not enough. I know that games can be really expensive but after some years there are 2 chances, that you either got the cash that you needed so you can lower the price in order to get some extra cash, or you didnt get the money that was your goal so you lower the price again hoping that you will make up for it in the end.

7 years ago

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They've decided to target the hardcore wargamer niche, and I'm really glad that there are companies willing to do that. They're not going to earn a massive amount of money, but when you target a niche like that, you've not got nearly the same amount of competition. So they're trading a potentially higher income for more security. On top of that, chances are that the people who are on their team are more interested in hardcore wargames to begin with, so making something with mass appeal would go against what the team wants to make, and thus would likely result in a worse overall product. So with this in mind, no, it would not make a whole lot of sense to try to target the masses. Even going down a few notches in complexity would mean that they would start going up against Paradox, and Paradox has the resources to create games with far higher production value and market their games more heavily.

7 years ago

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Yep. Stupidly overpriced DLC for cheap asset-flippy trash is also a thing.

7 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

7 years ago

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Are you sure that steam didnt mess up the prices as the games cost less than 3 bucks and even the bundles including those dlcs are really cheap?

7 years ago

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No the trick is that the bundle costs 14€ because of the - always active - 98% discount, so you might think that it is actually a good offer. Marketing at its finest.

7 years ago

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I can see why the price then, Thanks for explaining me those shady practises:)

7 years ago

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Yes that kind of practice.

They only change assets or color, no additional level or anything (from review).
So it's totally nonsense, except only for developer profit.
Even with the bundle price, way too much, painfully overpriced :p

7 years ago

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These asset flippers developers are getting out of hand these days on steam.

7 years ago

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what i find funny is that viewpoints radioactive edition only raises the value of the bundle, that they then sell at 95% discount

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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Still overprice isn't? :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Pixel Titties that sell all... :D

7 years ago

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the sight zoom can see through clothes instantly

lol... worth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7 years ago

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What the heck is has gone too far.

7 years ago

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damn, from what Ive been always noticing, is that the "weeb" fans usually spend alot of money into those games.
I guess that's the secret :V
gotta turn myself into a weeb lmfao

7 years ago

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Your wallet will hate you so stay the same buddy:)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Very different games though. This is for those who find HoI 3 to be too simple ;)

7 years ago

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Any game over $60 is an instant no from me. Including aaa games.

I'd rather put my money into supporting indie Developers like chucklefish on stardew valley which have fewer resources but still make good games.

7 years ago

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The highest price i am willing to pay for AAA games is 30 bucks. My only exception is if the devs really deserve those cash but from the start they dont ask for that much so...

7 years ago

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I haven't bought a computer digital game worth that much, it's only the 3ds that I've made an exception for.
I think the rest of my games have been less than 40, or much less if it's on the computer.

Some non pc games are really expensive..

7 years ago

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This isn't an AAA game...

Given how detailed it is, and how much work seems to have been put into it, and how niche of a target audience it's targeting, pricing it at $80 is likely the only way they'd break even at all, let alone make a profit. When you're a fan of a niche that few companies target, you will pay premium prices to get your fix.

7 years ago

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I was referring to pokemon specifically in my example. Not sure if aaa but Nintendo is a big industry player.
As a content creator, I know it's important to earn money for the work they put out, but sometimes Aaa companies feel like they are overcharging a little.

7 years ago

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Considering that this particular game is attractive only to a very specific niche of players, it is not really that different from rigorous simulators, almost like a software instead of just a videogame. Also there are worse examples on Steam:

7 years ago

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Check 3 comments above yours.

7 years ago

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My copy of Age of Empires 2 cost over $100 of today's dollars. ;_;

7 years ago

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You mean the physical copy?

7 years ago

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Yea. A CD in a box and a black&white manual.

7 years ago

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Yeah but thats because its pretty rare, not because the actual game costs that much. By the way i think i have the same copy but i am not sure if it still exists.

7 years ago

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It wasn't rare when I got it back in 1999/2000 ;_;
Stuff was just really expensive over here.

7 years ago

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Yes i know, i meant its really old so it became really rare. You wont find many people that still have their copies.

7 years ago

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I still have a burned CD of it (that I got against a burned CD of Roller Coaster Tycoon back in the day) that still works.

7 years ago

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It's Slitherine Software. They develop and publish hardcore wargaming and strategy titles that were always for a very specific audience. As far as I know, most of their catalogue wasn't even made available on Steam until relatively recently, until then you could only buy them as physical box copies (or downloads) from their own homepage. For the most part, these are serious simulation like affairs, and it's only a few years ago that their more mainstream fare landed on Steam, and most of those are licensed, such as their Warhammer 40K or Battlestar Galactica games. From what I gathered, they are held in high regard by their core customers and the games are generally well received.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago*

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They're not forcing anybody to buy it.

And that's the key. I was waiting for this exact comment, and you're right.
If there are people who will pay for it, then the price is only too high to those who won't.

7 years ago

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As i said before, i never said that anybody forced us to buy it, i just made the discussion as the price seems a little bit extreme and thats the whole point of discussion's subforum in the first place.

7 years ago

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You stated your opinion. I stated mine. I disagree with you.
I never said or even claimed you said anything.

7 years ago

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Personally I'm happy that games like this exist for those that want them. The world would be a worse place without them.

So much this.

7 years ago

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Nobody forces you to buy it, just click 'not interested' if you think the price is too high or the game doesn't suit you. Oh, and be glad you never lived in a place like Australia, the poor guys over there had to pay a fortune for a single game back in the day.

7 years ago

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Never said i was forced to buy this game and yes i agree that its really unfair that aussies pay a fortune for these digitals games without any real reason.

7 years ago

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Maybe they leave that price on so when sales come and discounts apply, you're actually paying the base price of the game.

7 years ago

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On sales it costs 30 bucks...

7 years ago

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Yeah that's my point. 30 bucks seems like a decent base price for the game.

7 years ago

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Some of the reviews are pretty funny.

I think the $80.00 USD price tag works because it's such a niche audience. They don't necessarily want any casual gamers to buy their game.

7 years ago

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I agree. It's a product for a niche audience. They probably will be happy to play the price if it ticks the right boxes and delivers what they want.
If you want a specific kind of drug you pay top dollar. The price itself isn't horrendous either. Some people pay that for customizations alone in a month/year in F2P games.
Edit: I clicked yes. Games were expensive back in the day of physical media only.

7 years ago

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It has nothing to do with what kind of people you want in your community. It's rather that such games appeal to a limited amount of potential customers, who also have only a limited selection of titles available to chose from.
A rather high price is the logical result of such a constellation. And if it works for both sides, there is no point in others arguing with them.

7 years ago

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It's a game made by (three) war-gamers, for war-gamers. They know their customers. And wouldn't be surprised if they actually would know them.

This kind of games is probably the closest to the invite-only-purchase LaFerrari.

7 years ago

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i wouldn't even pay $1 for that game, it's ok if they want to put that price tag. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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Includes the question in the topic games which are sold with DLC at such prices or just the basegame itself?
If the first one then yes i bought stuff for more than that.

7 years ago

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The few times I paid that price for a game, particularly at full price, was when it was a collector's edition for a console or portable title. That much for a digital title... let alone the added price of the DLC is far too daunting. It better be a damn good game at that base price.

7 years ago

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This really does seem expensive, and is definitively not my type of game. However, what if we're wrong about the game? What if it is an extremely deep and advanced A.I.? Don't forget there is a market for hyper-realistic non-fun simulators, some have $10,000 worth of DLCs.

I'm not defending the game price, it's expensive, but maybe we're just approaching this the wrong way. We're gamers looking at this from the perspective of a video game. Heck, it could be a Government Military-grade tactical simulator for all we know.

Or maybe it's just a ridiculously expensive piece of crap. Who knows.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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After reading a ton of comments i think yours describe the by best way possible the whole conversation.

7 years ago

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The game Time Zone for the Apple II computer cost $99 in 1982. Adjusted for inflation, that would be about $260 in today's dollars.

Sega's Phantasy Star, for the Master System console, cost $70 when it was released in the US in 1988. That's about $150 in today's dollars.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Hahaha. Thank you; that last comment just made my day. :-D

7 years ago

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Sorry but i didnt get the referance in the end...

7 years ago

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Donkey Kong Country had a launch price of 800 SEK here. That's $127.24 in you adjust for inflation.

7 years ago

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I spent 70 euros on NBA Jam back in the day...

7 years ago

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That's absolutely ridiculous. Those are the prices that start riots.

7 years ago

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Oh yes, everyone remembers the massive Mario riots of the 90s. The Great Video Game Wars would rage on for a hundred years more, countless were lost.

7 years ago

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I still have a knee injury from the Skyrim Uprising in 2011.

7 years ago

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I will never understand the need to judge other people's spending choices.

The price has been set and the market will dictate its success.

7 years ago

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Those guys could as well ask for 10k$, you're not in any position to dictate the price. Market is free and everybody is also free to set up whatever price he wants for any title he's offering, be it 1 cent or 1 thousand.

If you do not want to buy it, then don't buy it. Simple as that, you have free will and nobody forces this title upon you. At the same time don't try to dictate what is the "appropriate" price for this game. It's not for you to decide, neither to complain about. If you don't agree with it, then simply move on.

7 years ago

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Nothing that hasn't been said before, but it seems extremely niche to me.
Grand strategy is niche on it own, but this seems even beyond that.
I would personally never buy this, but I don't necessarily think this is all that ridiculous.

Side note to all the people mentioning really old games and inflation and stuff...
I don't think those can really be used to argue the point in either direction here.
There are other factors at play there. Like the massively increased size of the gaming market etc.
The market has moved on. I wouldn't really go drawing comparisons price wise to old games.

7 years ago

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Do you think that's overpriced? Take a look at this.

7 years ago

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I have heard about it and how "good" guy this "game developer" is.

7 years ago

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