Is it one word or a phrase?
The first 2 people solved it at the exact same time(less than a minute difference actually 3 second difference) after other 16 players couldn't figure it out for 20 minutes and 90 attempts.
Given up on this, made no sense to me after trying enough words that made more sense given the prompt, and people are working in groups to solve it so I'm probably just going to avoid 2solveme puzzles from now on after this one.
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A three second difference would mean we would have had to input our answers at the same exact time. Now how do you think that would work if I was indeed working in a group and one of us found the answer? Then it would take more than 3 seconds, no?
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You can solve jigidis without having an account, then it doesn't count you (i believe)
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Sometimes less is better but sometimes smaller puzzles are the hardest ones, if you dont get it right, there isn't another question to see if there is a correlation or something, i am just lost with this one haha, if possible could we get a little hint? Like for example, does the jigidi have anything to do with the i would ask a more specific question of something in the but i dont wanna ruin the puzzle either, i just don't get it.
Imma come back to this later tho... Thanks for the jigidi!
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Bump for solved. It is so easy a foreigner like me get the answer in few tries!
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Do not think too hard is actually a very big clue already.
I think saying I am foreigner is pretty big clue, you just need to deduce that.
Also notice about things I didn't say; why I choose to reply to you?
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You won't just guess it, it's not word association, and the identities of the people don't matter. If you're on the right track, you'll know it.
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Would you mind sharing what`s the game being given away, and if there are any level restrictions? The jigidi was painless but the quiz is proving to take enough time from my life that I'll only continue if I know that there's a good prize behind, not a game that I already own. Thank you and happy holidays!
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I genuinely don't understand why people would not reveal the games. At least personally, if I'm gonna spend time doing a jigidi (some like DrTenma's take up to an hour), I think it's respectful to know what I'm using this time for. But again, that's just me
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It's generally considered polite, yes, but not mandatory, and sometimes people like to keep the treasure at the end a surprise. I once had a puzzle with the game at the end as the solution so obviously I couldn't reveal the game beforehand. At the end of the day, a giveaway's a giveaway and it's fair that the circumstances are at the discretion of the person setting up the puzzles and giveaways.
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In my experience, Jigidis and tend to hid giveaways that are Invite Only. Those don't show the game being gifted until the GA is over
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I only recognize one character from the jigidi. So I'm stuck
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Merry Christmas!
Weirdly enough I found it :P (ps. for those having trouble, it's nothing complicated, don't go looking for clues, just "feel" the vibes in a way :P )
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I got it! Seriously friends, don't overthink it like I did (googled, researched faces, looked into decoding, etc.)! Everything you need is right there!
Thank you for the puzzle!
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Does the picture have anything to do with it? (lemme know if you dont wanna answer, no drama!)
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I don't want to be too explicit or give away too much but don't overthink it! The answer is there and you can guess as many times as you like, since it isn't case-sensitive, just keep trying! It really doesn't take a Sherlock or hard work to get it and I actually groaned out loud when I got it. It's always the straightforward or simple puzzles that trip me up like a dork, lol. Don't worry, you can absolutely get it with what's there!
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I think what's bothering me the most is being confused about what to take into account - the picture is the greatest offender, but also: do I want the sherlock title? the cider title? is it a reference to something?
i hate feeling like i have so many leads and none at all at the same time :(
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I felt that, but don't overthink it too much, it's a nice holiday puzzle with a cute picture, the answer is there, I promise!
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It took me a while but I can finally say: bump for solved. Thanks for the cool puzzle!
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bump for solved. Don't understand the answer, but I got it.
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Merry Christmas!
I made this puzzle last year, but didn't post it here. There's not much to it, but I hope you find something you enjoy!
The games are listed below... and apparently I flubbed up the end time for Wayout... sorry!
The Secret Word was "GIFT".
There were actually several ways to come up with the secret word.
Familiarity or some Googling may have hinted to you that the faces were those of actors who all starred in shows that were a part of ABC’s TGIF, which is an anagram of GIFT. In addition to this, “abc Special Presentation!” was a play on words in the sense that “Presentation” is closely related to “present/gift”. It was also an indication that “abc”, or the alphabet, was being presented in a special way, a cipher -- a Dancing Men cipher to be precise, as hinted at by the flavor texts -- "You don't have to be Sherlock to solve this!" and "There's nothing quite as good as holiday specials with a cup of hot cifer!"
Besides googling/researching faces or certain key phrases such as "Sherlock + cifer/cipher", some people seemed to have had luck guessing the word, either randomly, based on the gift in each hand, or through brute force.
Merry Christmas, and congratulations to the winners! I hope some of you enjoyed the puzzle -- the next one will be more tedious!
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