So with Christmas on it's way i was thinking of getting my self a proper gaming keyboard. My budget is around 50euros (60$ ) but with so many options around i;m kinda lost.

I do not have strong preferences towards wired/wireless , led/ledless and if it is mechanical or not but obviously if it looks cool ( and works well ) i would prefer it looking cool :)

Personal experience is most welcome as on paper most of keyboards in this price range looks same.


7 years ago*

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Don't know if this'll be frowned upon, or considered spam but the shop I work at has some decent keyboards, and ( assuming your Steam location is correct ) we ship to Lithuania.

For example:

A hybrid keyboard ( Feels clicky, but isn't a really mecha keyb ) that only costs £25. And with postage, would come to between £36 - £50 depending on what shipping method you choose.

We have all the keyboard sitting out in the shop, so if you fancy a wee trip over to Scotland, you can try them out. Failing that, if there's anything you wanna ask me, I can try it out, and let you know.

MODS if this is too spammy, feel free to delete!

7 years ago

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I was lucky today. Finally a good sale on amazon on the keyboard I was tracking. Blue switches, outemu ones.

7 years ago

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If you do end up getting a clicky mechanical keyboard, please make sure to use push to talk on your voice chats because people can hear that clicky shit over the mic. ^^

7 years ago

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