In case you’ve been living under rock, I got the green light yesterday to announce that Volition is now officially supporting modding and our forum at http://saintsrowmods.com for all the Saints Row PC games! Jeff Thompson, the Studio Director of Programming at Volition, is now working directly with us and assembling documentation, tools, support for all the file formats in the games. Things are going to start happening this week with SRTT as something of a “test run” for the release of Saints Row IV. Saints Row 2 info is going to come later since Volition didn’t do the port and it will be a bit of work to actually dig up the info we need. To the end user, this means that modders will now be able to create new clothing, new vehicles, new npcs, new weapons, new missions, and even world geometry that will all greatly extend the life of the game!"

Link, this is the guy who made/or compiled together all the mods that were possible in SR2/3, so seems pretty legit.

Gives me some hope, game doesn't sound as bleak now, any really important stuff the creators leave out modders will probably take care of honestly, I mean look at Bethesda games.

11 years ago*

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Neat, but I probably still won't get it - those types of games just seem too hard to finish for me; I'm all burnt out from doing all the other stuff before I can even focus on the storyline...

11 years ago

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You say that likes it a bad thing :-P, but yeah I am waiting, the DLC plan still kills me for this game but mod support might make that pretty much not even a tiny bit important, unless they do giant DLC which is welcome...with any game, basically an expansion pack at that point.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by HillaryClinton.