We hear everywhere that civilization is declining and that Steamgifts is doomed because it's just a transactional exchange of keys and no longer the community that it was in the beginning.

Well, I wanted to test that hypothesis for my 4th cake day, and created nice GAs from the top of the group wishlist of my 4 favourite groups on SG: Calm, The QUIPS, Beard-topia and the Charitable Losers. I asked everybody to comment on the GA, even gave them a funny question so they had an idea what to say.

Well guess what - only one group managed to keep a non-response to entry ratio of less than 25%! That's both when I factored in or removed entries & comments from people who are on my whitelist and may not be group members (btw: thanks, members of my WL for keeping quite close to 25% across all groups!).

Group % Members + WL % Members only % WL only
Calm 24.1% 8.3% 26.7%
The QUIPS 31.1% 36.8% 29.6%
Beard-topia 36.6% 43.2% 26.5%
Charitable Losers 46.9% 62.7% 26.6%

* % Members + WL = percentage of all people who entered but didn't comment on the GA
* % Members only = percentage of all group members who are not on my whitelist who entered but didn't comment on the GA
* % WL only = percentage of all people on my whitelist who entered but didn't comment on the GA

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Perm.