sorry about my comment below i meant no harm or insult (added you to my white list to say sorry)
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Won't happen because it would lead to people messing with their deadlines.
As Oppenheimer suggested, ask support for additional slots. Then just make giveaways that last only one hour, that's your quickest option to get rid of your games.
For every three completed giveaways, you'll gain one additional giveaway slot. So you'll steadily be able to create more giveaways, if required.
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This. Just ask support for one or two more spots With just one an additional slot, in a single one day with one-hour giveaways you can get rid of all the games,
Also, thank you for your generosity
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You used all the available slots for giveaways you have, you must wait until they are completed (and received by the winners) before you have new slots.
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If you delete a giveaway, you lose a giveaway slot.
You can submit a support ticket, explain your situation, and ask if they might restore one giveaway slot for you.
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I'm not too sure about the deleted giveaway and not getting any slots, but keep in mind you won't always have 3. After you've gotten your first giveaway done, you'll likely have more then 3 slots. So don't worry about the months thing. I don't really know how to help you with not having any slots right now though.
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You might try to create a ticket for support, but it's not sure you will solve the problem quickly... Just wait for the 4 weeks, then do shorter giveaways. When they are successfully received, you also receive more slots, so it will be faster and faster to get rid of your keys. :)
Or just drop them in a discussion, if you just want to give them away without receiving levels.
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why the heck did you set them to last 4 weeks then? i mean really what were you thinking - maybe set them a day or two
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Surely you can sympathize with such an innocent mistake. After all, you've only been around for four months yourself.
Slamming a new user like that is just... seedy.
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seedy? no i can't he should have seen other people's giveaways before making his own (also i don't understand why you blacklisted me - not that i care the reason but why blacklist someone who has no interest in entering giveaways and you haven't made any for months anyway - unless something else happens?)
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Wow seedy keeps popping up, seen it twice in like the past week. Seedy or justseedy used to be a person on this site, they werent exactly the nicest, got suspended and deleted their profile. Basically just a way of saying you aren't being fair/nice without saying it. Cant remember where the last comment was or who was confused by it but you arent the only person to be confused.
Or its a new slang but its sg so it has to be the above bit
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Eh just the way you said things I guess. I get where you were coming from, wanting to get rid of things fast but then putting it on a month timer isn't the best strategy. The running out of giveaways slot that is to bad though, that is a genuine mistake luckily not all 3 were deleted. So even if more slots isn't given, in a month time they can get more. Idk how fast it would be to get new slots but hopefully not to long. I've only had it happen once when i had so many going at once during one of those past community trains. I'd have to hoard keys probably for the next 1 or 2 years to even lose them all now
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oh - i wonder what they have to do with me
You are friends with "them" on Steam and have the exact same profile background. You share strikingly similar writing patterns and behavior (such as slagging users for their giveaway habits). I am not the first to notice these similarities.
Surely just a coincidence, though.
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so i can't use the same background as someone else then? i was not slagging anyone off - just shocked why they want to get rid of their games and last them a whole month - also i have lots of friends on steam as well
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You are literally a moderator in justseedy's steam group. Plenty of other similarities in played game behaviors as well. You also coincidentally showed up a month after justseedy's SG account was deleted.
But whatever, I'll let others draw their own conclusions.
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i do know them ok - but i still fail to see what me being on here has to do with them?
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i have also seen i am not the first person you have tried to bully - you were on a hate campaign against my good friend Cupcake - (as seen here) - you don't need to try a bully everyone
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It's quite astounding that you were able to come up with that link within ten minutes, especially considering that thread was two months before your account existed. Interesting how you'd know of this information at all.
FYI, you aren't even Steam friends with your "good friend Cupcake," but justseedy certainly is.
Again, this is surely all some strange coincidence.
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i have talked to them on and off steam before - and why do you always have to bully other people (i guess everyone needs a hobby)
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Nice to see your course correction once you realized you called me a "bully," after being a "bully" yourself.
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and i was a little harsh to a new member which unlike you is not my aim
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I probably shouldn't, but is that your goal/hobby to make people silent here or make them go?
I believe this certainly does fall under harassment as you kinda making certain assumptions, which you should a) provide some evidence to back it up and b) take that to support not in public.
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thank you - this is why i love this site for nice people like you
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Welcome on Steamgifts :o)
For every three completed giveaways, you'll gain one additional giveaway slot.
If you delete a giveaway, you lose a giveaway slot.
So the one that gave you the advice to delete the GA's and remake them hadn't much knowledge about how the site work^^
Write the support (Support ---> Create a New Ticket), explain the mistake with the deletion, your situation and question them if they can give you 3 more slots.
That's in nearly all cases no problem and should be done in a few days.
As advice from me, set all Giveaways to a minimum level. Each one that gave one, not free, game away is, at least, level 1.
And it is no secret that 40% of the level 0 accounts have infractions for not activated or multiple wins of the same game and that on the lower levels are more autojoiner bots active. I am, nearly, sure you don't want that this accounts get the games.
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After your first set of giveaways ends, you'll be able to make A LOT more. Give it a month on these first ones (since that's how long you set it), and next month you can set all your giveaways to an hour long. You'll give away all your keys in no time.
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Ok, so i'm new to this site and want to get rid of all (40+) my humble bundle unused keys. I started my first 3 giveaways but put the time on 4 weeks because i didnt know how fast ppl respond. But I just want to get this over with. So someone advised me to delete it and make a new one and put it on 24h or something. I deleted one but can't make a new one, presumably until one of the other ones is completed.
So with i hoped with be quick and easy is now totally dragging out and i'm not sure if i can be bothered anymore.
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