Sorry, did not read your post properly, not awake fully.
Making the parameters easy to access would be great.
Why should one filter by points? Either you want to enter a GA, then you wait until you get enough points, or you do not want to enter a GA.
How would you want to implement users? Enter a username, get a list of possible matches, select the users you want and see all their GAs? My guess is, that the way SG works all GAs by those users would have to load even the ones long over. That would be a lot in some cases.
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I can't answer the why, but I'm going to pop in and note that the topic of filtering by points was already brought up a month ago (and I believe some scripts were mentioned which already include the function?):
That said, I'm at a loss as to what 'filter by users' would entail, as well. :X
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I would quote on what oppenh4imer said about implementing 'filter by users', but adding and editing a few things on what he mentioned, first things first I want an option to search for specific users, loading there giveaways would be too much too handle so filtering it by users then just clicking there name to see there giveaways is just fine and second when searching for users instead of showing all of there GA's have it show there latest giveaway completed or ongoing. Its really hard explaining this type of stuff since physical representation would be imagined instead of seen. I could mention other options but that takes to much explaining to even start.
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Sometimes you use up all your points and have a few remaining, let us say 3 to 7 points. Looking for a decent game that is 7 points below would be difficult since most games that I know that are less than 10 points are bad. On the other hand if I want to spend points on games that are decent I could filter it by 10 points above, 20 points above, or between 20 to 30 points. Another note if you were like me and I don't like seeing this types numbers 213, 227, or 17 and prefer 300, 170, 100 then that might also work.
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I guess the idea isn't intuitive for some of us, just due to how we keep such detailed wishlists (or use the site ignore function obsessively, or both), and thus can just browse through that page until we find something we can "afford". It could also perhaps be because so many of us are perpetually at 300P at times, that we're more often trying to find anything to invest into, rather than trying to 'empty the bank'. :P
I think the search framework I recommended [on the previous request for filter-by-points which I linked above] should match what you're asking for, though? :)
In my suggestion, it would search out all games of point value under the set maximum, and list them sorted by Highest Point value down to Lowest.
If you're asking for all giveaways above a threshold, it's straightforward enough to add a variant to the formula of search?type=SortByHighestP&point_max=20, additionally including search?type=SortByLowestP&point_min=20 as well. Having both min and max elements'd bring my suggestion in line with existing search parameters, and it'd also allow you to mix and match the sort and point elements, to suit your exact preference. :)
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No worries I do use those scripts including the others that cg posted for filtering games and I 'am also aware that the scripts mentioned don't have an interface, but we all just want a shorter way of doing things without typing all those scripts in the URL.
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Well the way I see it is .... If I want a game I add it to my wish list .... Then I sync here open the wish list tab and enter for stuff there.
The whole filter by entries or level thing is for people who just hoard stuff they have no intention of playing (mostly) so I couldn't care less for such people ..And therefore I don't see such futures as necessary.
Obviously not everyone who want that is someone who just goes for+1 in their library , but if you are someone who have general idea of what games you want and or may be interested in the wish list future is pretty much working flawlessly.
Then again that's just my 2cents. , If more and more people deem that as necessary future and it's not to hard to implement...Sure why not.
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searching for particular country/area restrict ga is needed
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It already exists.
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option #2 have a single click blacklist script and just continue to hide everything you don't want as it gets to the point where you only ever have 1 page and then you just remove new stuff you don't want every once in a while.
+1 if the script also hides ented GA's you can have an empty main page
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Hiding every game that didn't suit my taste would be a bad practice since even the bad games might actually be good. I don't like hiding games filtering them out is fine but removing them because I didn't like it is not my style, at some point I might try out those games so being aware of them is actually good, for me at least.
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There are tons of fundamentally bad games that you should never hesitate to ignore- do keep in mind Valve puts no measurable oversight into the games that go onto its service, as evidenced best by an openly bigoted [and thus Valve guideline breaking] game released just a bit ago. These aren't games like you're used to, say on consoles, where they may have some redeeming quality, and genuinely terrible ones are the minority; rather, there are a sizable number outright bad games- asset flips being the most obvious case, where users simply throw together free art assets and free gameplay mechanic scripts in a gamemaker program (or unity), making half-broken, very generic, content-empty games.
That said, while I've never hesitated to filter games like those out, I get your sentiment otherwise.. but as your library expands through bundles and giveaways, you learn to realize that no, you don't have time to waste your life on low quality games. There are more legitimately good games out there than you have time for, already. Including bad games actually hurts your gaming experience, as it takes time away from far better games that you could be playing instead. As opposed to earlier days of gaming, where getting even a half-way decent game was nice, these days time is a far more valuable resource than added inclusions into your game library are.
Consider whether you want to take a "+1 library" approach to game collecting, or not- and if not, then keep this in mind: When I got into bundles and SG just shy of 2 years ago, I had 180 games in my Steam library (and most of those combined tier games, so I probably had closer to 100 that I actually played). Removing junk freebies and combined tier games, I now have around 1300. Out of the over 13,000 "games" on Steam, about 2,500 are wishlisted or already in-library. If I further filter my wishlist to remove the 'keeping an eye on'/etc games, and obtain all the remaining highly-desired games, I'd "only" end up with a library of about 1800 games.
If your tastes are more strict than my own- and that's actually likely, given my appreciation of all but the smallest number of genres- then you'd still end up with hundreds of games to play, with more coming out every year. You're not going to lack for games :P
And.. if your tastes are as open as you've expressed so far.. well, all the more so.
It's to the point where I ignore even reasonably well desired games here on SG, just because I can't justify entering for the game [due to knowing I've so many better games to play that I'd not get around to playing the game even remotely soon]. That, of course, is another concern here on SG, for those who keep others in mind when making their decisions- can you justify entering for the game in question? Will you appreciate it enough to merit your taking the game?
Well, that said, you can completely avoid the ignore list, if you're still uncertain- but I at least do recommend building up your wishlist, as that really does help you pinpoint which giveaways on SG are worth your time to look through. :)
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I see your point, I would't mind changing a few things about my tastes and my actions and I'am well aware of the outright bad games since I played a few of those before and I do hide such games if I ever see one. With that said this is the future and gamers of today search for games that has quality placed into them. Other than that Yes I can justify for the games that I play to an extent, Appreciating them would be dependent on how I enjoyed those games be it good or bad other than that I don't think that bad games would hurt my gaming experience since I am the one who would try out such things.
I may not have the experience that you have with all the games you have played and seen, assuming that you are older than me and I hope at some point I may have that experience.
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The current filter options for the website is recommended, wishlist, new, group, and all giveaways for a specific game. This filters work fine but we need a better filtering system such as filter giveaways by points, filter giveaways by level, filter giveaways by users and such. I know their are other options to use such as Userscripts and the parameters that can be used when searching ( BUT the post was almost a year ago and I don't see and type of updates for that feature nor do I see any improvements or additions to it too. Overall I just want a built in filter system in the website and hope that, that will come sooner or later.
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