I wanted to ask this on the steampowered forums, but they redirect to the official DotA2 forum instead of hosting their own, and I'd rather not sign up for an account just to make one post ever.

Anyway, I'm thinking of installing this game specifically for the item drops and am wondering a few things about how exactly those work. I have some experience with TF2's item system, but all I really know about DotA's is that it's similar to TF2's (plus a little knowledge gained from Google, but I'd consider that of questionable reliability). Anyway...

1: In TF2, your item drops will not be tradeable unless you have purchased something ingame. Does DotA have a similar restriction?
2: Can you acquire items from bot matches?
3: Is there a way to idle for item drops like TF2?

Thanks in advance for any info. :)

11 years ago*

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1) Nope, tradeable from the start
2) Yup
3) Nope, you must play

Also, the more you play the higher your level becomes and the better drops you qualify for. :)

11 years ago

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Um, no. you can't get items from bot matches (practice)!

11 years ago

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Co-op Bot games does drop items.!

11 years ago

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I'm sorry but the last sentence is not true. I am lvl 77 and yet I get trashy commons.

11 years ago

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The last sentence is still true, despite your horrible luck. You do qualify for Arcana items. but it doesn't mean you won't still get commons.

11 years ago

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Oh yeah, my english sucks ^^ it does say qualify. Pardon me.

11 years ago

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1) yes
2) yes
3) yes but im not telling you :P

11 years ago

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3) Wiggle script? lololol.

11 years ago

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no, its legit. no script

11 years ago

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To answer your questions:
1.You don't need to purchase anything to trade, there is no becoming a premium player thing
2.No you cannot acquire items from bot matches unless they are co-op matches or online games
3.No you cannot idle, you get drops after every game, which can last up to 30 min at the least, although you are not guaranteed one.
Just play the game for the fun of it, because grinding for items is time consuming.

11 years ago

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"Just play the game for the fun of it"

If I thought that were possible for me to do, I likely wouldn't have made this thread in the first place. :P However it seems like that is the only feasible way to obtain items, so I won't be installing. Thanks to everyone who answered! You've saved me from an 8gb install on terrible wireless internet.

11 years ago

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1) Nope, tradeable from the start.
2) Yes you can aquire xp and items from co op bot matches which are easier than real matchmaking with players.
3) idk if there is any way, I didn't even try to search for it becasue I love to play that game.

11 years ago

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1) Nope
2) Nope
3) Nope

11 years ago

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1) No

2) Yes

3) Yes

11 years ago

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You get items for leveling up.. (not in the matches.. your profile level).. otherwise I only got treasure chests.. May not be the same now.. I stopped playing few months back.

11 years ago

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You want to play dota just for drops? Dont, just dont. You and your kind please stay on tf2 and dont ruin the game.

11 years ago

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Well then... That was just plain rude.

11 years ago

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But true.

11 years ago

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Not at all. Playing for drops affects no one, and if you talk about quitting games early, you have to play to get the drops so there'd be no point in quitting early.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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  1. I dunno about this. I've already purchased something though.
  2. Yes.
  3. No.

Btw, getting good items isn't easy. Some people have played more than 1000 matches and have never got an item above Rare (or even Uncommon) rarity. Besides, if you wanna play, you should do it for the long haul, not just for a short time in the hope you get items.

11 years ago

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If you idle, you're mostly likely gonna go into the low priority pool and get a lot of assholes swearing at you!

11 years ago

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People like you are why I quit TF2 all together. PLEASE don't bring this kind of garbage to DotA.

11 years ago

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1-No, item drops for everyone.

2-Yes but obviously you need to be online.

3-No, don't even think about it.

And my advice, don't play DotA for items.You'll be hated,reported and probably banned if you join online games without any knowledge of the game.Just make all the trainings,play on "noob" modes and stay away from ranked games until you actually know all the game mechanics.

11 years ago

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1) No

2) Yes

3)There are ways to do that, but keep in mind that you are going to ruin other people's games if you idle.

11 years ago

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Item Drop System - DotA2
The item drop system is a feature that allows players to obtain in-game cosmetic items through naturally playing the game and with no purchase necessary. This system was inspired by the drop system from Team Fortress 2, but does not function entirely in the same way.

11 years ago

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mainstream on now,don't wish to play it anymore..

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MosesXIII.