welcome to the modern steam card trading scene where people are out to make some sort of profit as opposed to just completing sets. You might be better off just selling spares and buying the ones you want. Too many cases of this.
Btw you might want to remove the person's profile and censor the names as this site has a (rather silly) rule about calling people out.
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Nah, the person called me out. So I don't mind doing it in return, isn't nothing but eligible proof to a community of friends. :3 Their profile is public after all, no harm in posting a link so people know I'm not making it up.
<3 You doe Fishy.
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we will chase you with pitchforks and torches dude.
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hey dude like u i'm trying to finish a badge of x-com and i want the sniper class.I dont have many cards to trade but you might be interested for something, offcorse 1:1.Ill add you since my profile is set private only is visable for my friends
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+1 solved me so much headache. The only problem is that it takes quite some time for it to find the matches.
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erase the link and the name of the guy, you could be banned for calling out
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I guess he crapped his pants when I wrote the message and activated it after because the game wasn't in his library.
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what haven't you activated? seriously? ._.
edit: good timing dude. i gotta give you that.
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Lol, let me guess, you had "forgotten" to activate it ? Glad I helped you remember the rules and save you a suspension. At least be thankful for that.
What "2:1 trading life" are you referring to ? Are you not only a dumbass but also the confused type of dumbass ?
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"I seriously have no clue what you're on about LOL. But ok?"
Lol, you really are full of it. You know it wasn't activated and it looks like at least bananarepublic saw it too before you did the right thing. By the way I wasn't calling you out, just informing you about the rules like people before me did about the "calling out" rule.
"It isn't hard to see though so don't worry towards the 2:1 comment."
Enlighten me please, still no idea what is this 2:1 trading life nonsense.
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i wonder if you can get any lower. please keep talking. :)
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I wonder since David took the time to crosscheck your wins against your libary if he might have also taken the time to press that print screen button...
Cut your losses and run ;)
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Might be but I´ve noticed since there are quite a few bad eggs a lot of people screencap everything they do related to his site or record it on video just to have proof in case there are any complications...
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How is "who he is" relevant in any way ?
The only thing relevant here is not activating one of your gifts, which was your problem.
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Actually that was a typo I ment this site. :D
And for the screenshot I haven´t looked into it and don´t plan to but since it's the start of you libary and numbers come first I assume that is where 7 Ways... would have been if it had been activated prior.
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It´s ok. Just for context why people jumped you the SteamGifts rules say you have to activate your won gifts to your account within 1 week after the giveaway ends.
One of the people that won one of my giveaways never activated the game and it dissapeared from his inventory after a few days (I assume he traded it away). Just so you know why many people will get offended about not activating won gifts timely if they find out. ;)
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what difference would it make? even if op broke a rule, afaik it's not punishable as long as you make it right. emphasis on even if. :)
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Im not talking about punishment... Who cares about a one week ban anyway ?
I was talking about credibility but sorry my mistake ^^ we ARE on the internet after all. :D
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i don't want to talk for DavidSarif but i, myself don't give a rat's ass about credibility on such an idiotic topic. but i gotta give you this advice before i go. if you're friends or will ever become friends with op, be careful. :)
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Maybe that came off wrong: I wasn´t doubting DavidSarif´s credibility but nevermind.
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Just stop using this thread... it will ride you deeper and deeper into a ban...
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profit from cards? bulshit i say!
while trading cards was in beta and each card worth ~2€ trading cards was profitable and we didn't even need to trade 1:1+1
btw the 1:1+1 policy was created because of the 14 card sets wich are much cheaper, but now all cards are cheap anyway :V
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I mean, maybe not with games or what not. I dunno about that to be honest, I'm not that rich. But considering I've given away 10x as many games as I've ever played to other people, given away hundreds of items just out of good will. I mean, I don't see a lot of people doing that? But it wasn't a bragging statement, it was merely a statement that I personally am usually one of the nicest people out there simply to trade/talk with.
But yeah, I don't trade with their kind. Its icky.
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Oh, that topic is his topic, not yours. I must have read something wrong :P
Now, about the cards: He wants profit, that's all. He was kinda hypocrite? Yes, but heck it, the world is full of people like it.
Just move along and ignore people like him. Or you will have a really sad life when you notice that you are surrounded by them.
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I know I'm surrounded by them. ;-; I see them every day, looking for diamonds in the rough of a ever decreasing strict 1:1 community in which I almost only get to trade with now. It's as bad as the tf2 community, my first ever trade on tf2 someone gave me a scrap for a 3refined item. I didn't even know.
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I don't know why you got your panties in a bunch, the guy trades however he wants. Those are his cards and he is under no obligation to help you out. I agree that he tried to take advantage of the fact that he had the card that would complete your set but no one is forcing you to deal with him. That's why there is the Decline option...
I couldn't even remember how many times people tried to take advantage of me, and I'm betting the same goes for most people here, but where would we be if we started making topics and calling people out.
And as for you being "nice"- it is NOT nice to trash people behind their backs and not give them the opportunity to defend themselves.
Edit: As you insist on leaving the link to his profile and calling him out I thought it would be fair to inform OWod of what was going on...
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I told him several times, he just deletes what I post and he also blocked me. I've never talked behind his back, everything I've posted his eyes have clearly seen, it's his posts, his topics and trades with him. So d/w bout that, I'm not that type of person. I've been walked over a lot on steam, don't get me wrong I have. As a 1:1 trader you find this a lot, but when he made a specific comment after I tried so hard to just be reasonable I got irked and so it began. Said comment is in that gallery.
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All cool by me now, I just like to keep it all fair.
If you didn't name him I'd most likely agree with you but, please, take a well-intentioned advice- remove the link to his profile and edit any of the comments where you are calling him out by his username. It would be a great idea, if you insist on keeping the images, to black out his name.
You'll just get yourself banned and it is not worth it.
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false advertising and these days there's not much in the way of 1:1 traders.
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I guess there are plenty I just assume they don´t post on the discussion board since it´s too much work and the board is flooded with those 1 : 1+1 offers anyway.
I think 1:1 trades are mostly done over friends list (at least that´s how I handle it).
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I mostly trade 2:1 if it is not for the sets I collect. Of course I need to get more cards if I want to make the sets I want. I even do 3:1 sometimes. My trade offer stands like this:
1:1 For the sets I collect (several sets listed here)
2:1 Mostly everything else
3:1 Very rare cases of cards that are too underwhelming in value
I think there's nothing wrong with this. And as for the friends list, well it's a different matter entirely, borrowing cards, gifting cards, making 1:1. There's a difference between people you keep in touch with and have gotten to know and those who you've never hard of.
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1:2 is not your only way. Don't get ripped off by punks telling you 1:2 is fair.
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Those peckers make trading forums useless. I've even seen some dude who demanded two cards for one of his claiming he's "providing a service". Unbelievable.
The worst thing is that when newbies visit the trading forums and see this shit they'll probably think that's how it works since everyone does it over there and start doing it themselves.
I recommend joining 1:1 Trading group. That's the acutal name "1:1 Trading". The only thing allowed there is 1:1 and card value trading, bullshitters with 1:2 for the same set cards and shit like that are banned.
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Yeah... no idea when it started but when I first joined steam nearly 2 years back, it wasn't like this.
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That's a murkier thing as I usually tried to trade cards for the same game. These days though even within the same game people are pulling 2:1 stunts.
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I love this place. It goes from a public shaming / story topic, to a 'attack op' topic, to a amusement at aforementioned topic topic, to a casual discussion in which I've gained like 5 friends and done a bunch of trades tonight. This has become a positive thing, and this is why I like when I walk into the proper side of the internet.
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I feel like by this point, if I'd get banned for it. I would just take it head on, it'd be sorta wrong if I got off of that now [if it'll happen] for deleting the links now yknow? Idk if they wanna ban they can it's cool. I'm in a good mood now.
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Yeah even in OP's case it was a same game trade as the guy tried to milk an extra card.
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That's when card value comes in and you trade 1:1 based on the value of the card.
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That's why I hate Margaret Thatcher, Hayek and Mises...
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Well, that's why I don't trade for cards. And that guy... Haha, Just a lil cunt in my opinion. Especially when you look at the face the truth kid part. By this I say he's no more that 20 and his self esteem skyrockets, comparing to the biggest cumshots in porn industry. Steer clear folks!
Skyrim belongs to the Nords!
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try this guy Luke he does 1:1 and is quite quick http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077193884
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o/ I'm off, this was somehow a good experience in the end. Made several friends, but I'm tired. If anyone pops in wanting a 1:1 trader, send me a friend request I'll be glad to. Got over the aforementioned stuff, made up with the guy to some degree. Mood recovered and I vented, love yall like always tho.
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Hmm... I added you on steam after I read this thread because it's always good to have friends that do 1:1 trades.
And then this:
Thread is about to start getting really funny I guess...
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So, I'm trading my cards per usual doing my thing like I always do. I only trade 1:1 for all those that know me on steam already, pretty strictly at that. So I only go to people who say 1:1. Doing my thing, need a skyrim card, find a guy with a 1:1 topic. The events unfold.
So I come to ask you steamgifts, my babes. How many of you have encountered this type of bull on steam? Tell me of your stories, as I am thoroughly interested. SHARE WITH ME MY WARRIORS, MY BAEZ.
Oh and random giveaway will be posted in the topic later, once I'm not being lazy. :3
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