So far as I know they are like fifty bucks.
you can get a decent third party PC controller for about 20 bucks depending on brand and where you look.
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I wouldn't recommend a 3rd party as the ones I've tried are a lot worse than the original whether it be build quality or dead zones on the joystick.
I was basically going to tell the OP to wait if they were full price. They're $59.99 here, but the wired are currently on for $29.99 at Futureshop.
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$25 on a good sale. $35 on a decent sale. Very much worth it for any PC gamer, the built in support most games have is priceless. Don't get a cheap generic controller, you will regret it. They are terrible, I have several filling space in my drawer doing nothing.
Later this year when next gen controllers have PC drivers, they'll be the better choice, but you won't find those for the price you can get a 360 controller.
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That's basically what I was going to sale, wait for a sale or new drivers cause $50+ for the controller is crazy!
I personally use a PS3 controller because I prefer their design over the X360. I have to use unofficial drivers though, do you know PS4 is supposed to get official ones too?
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I'd say it's worth it. Better if you can wait and get it on sale though.
I'd personally recommend the wired one (have one myself) and it's really great - no need to worry about batts - save some hard earned money.
Btw iirc, there should be no difference between the controller for the console and the one for the PC (they're marketed differently), but there is a price difference. So bear that in mind when you make your purchase.
Good luck!
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If you want to play Dark Souls then you need a controller. The 360 controller surprised me - it's my favorite I've ever used, topping the PS2 and Madcats Gamecube controllers. You might as well buy something official that will last.
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Seriously best buy ever, I would never play a PC game without it. A lot of games I've seen are specifically xbox controller supported as well so instead of getting something like press button 1 it will say press X or Press A and even the colour of the button with a 360 controller. But if you don't intend to use controllers often I'm not sure if its worth it for you? I know you can get a cheap white second hand wired 360 controller for like 10 bucks which probably would be worth it or even like a cheap eBay wireless dongle so you can use your current xbox controller for a while.
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You don't NEED it, but in games like Super Meat Boy, GTA 4, Shank 2. The controller becomes SUPER useful, i've already tried COD with a controller and it almost impossible to play. With the right games, it's worth it.
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Yes, they are worth it. Don`t bother with the alternatives.
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Get it and be done with it. Just remember you need a wireless receiver for the wireless 360 controllers on PC, plugging a usb cable into it won't work. The wired controllers work fine with no extra hardware.
The reason to get a 360 controller is because most modern PC games are made for it in mind when it has controller options and some will only work with it reliably without having to mess with a controller configurator.
It's the least hassle and it's not a terrible controller in its own right.
Otherwise, if you insist on getting a "cheaper" controller, it MUST be Xinput compatible if you want the least amount of grief. 3rd party Xinput compatible controllers off the top of my head are the Logitech F310 and F710, the PS3 dualshock 3 is also compatible but requires more fuss in configuration.
Basically, just get the 360 controller. Perfect timing, really, since they're on sale more often now that they're old news to the One.
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If you buy the Xbox 360 Controller For Windows it comes with a receiver.
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really my ps3 controller outlasts my brothers xbox controller and i dont need to recharge batteries just plug it in and play with it
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Buy xbox controller. Controller support in pc games are made for those. Other controllers will not be supported by most games and emulators are not options since they don't support all gamepads either. I have a 25$ gamepad. Sadly i cannot play pc games because no game recognizes it.
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If you don't need wireless or vibration, get the Logitech F310. Same button layout/colors and has a switch on the back to emulate older controllers for older games. Just DON'T WRAP THE CORD AROUND IT for storage. It will short out at the casing.
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I've been thinking the same recently, as sadly lots of games have poor control adaptation (sometimes as simple as not being able to remap the key, plus other games just benefiting from having an analog controller).
Considering how the price went down (after the Xbox One came out), I'd say invest the extra money and pick the 360's pad.
I think it's worth the little extra for the extra durability, compatibility and ease of reselling (should you need to).
A side note: for the Arkham games I don't think the pad is really required as the mouse:camera movement is 1:1. Both Asylum and City played great for me. Opposed to games like Dark Souls (prior to the mousefix) and unsuspectable games like La-Mulana, that just won't let you use the keys you want. :)
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its worth it for sure. i get mine from newegg as they have them on sale for 25-30 a lot.
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The quality and feeling diference between a cheap controller and an xbox controller is really big, the cheap ones have really bad thumbstick accuracy, no analog triggers and crappier d-pad... so yeah, if you're going to use it alot, it's worth it.
Alternatively there's the xeox ones which are the next best thing, rubberized body, selective emulation between microsoft's xinput and the older directinput, cheaper...
Also, the xbox wired one has like 2.7m cable length, xeox one not sure, I think 1.5m or so.
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If you know a person who works in Microsoft, a XBox controller will be only like 10/15 bucks. I have a friend like that, I always ask him to get me any Microsoft products. I get my windows and office products (pretty much all software) for like 10% of the market price and any hardware like wireless keyboard, mouse, game pads etc for about 30-40% of the market price.
By the way, I like XBox controllers better than any other ones. So my recommendation will be an XBox controller for windows.
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bullshit. Some games work better with a controller. 8-directional digital movement hinders you. Dark Souls, Bastion, Assassins Creed, DMC, and pretty much every platformer work better with a controller, among many other titles.
Back in the day you needed a joystick. Some games, like X-Wing Alliance wouldn't even run without one. Today, Xbox360 controller is a "really should have" item.
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Certain games give a diferent experience with a controller, I personally used it for racing games so far (I didn't want a wheel since it requires alot more space, money and it's exclusive to racing).
I also can't aim at all with a controller, I really don't know how people on consoles play 3D shooters =) ... except Beat Hazard, for some reason I can aim in that one, prolly because it's 2D.
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Not all of us are stupid enough to buy a console just to play a few games.
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I've had a $10 one and now use a 360 controller, it's so much better. I use a wireless one with the USB dongle and I've never had a single issue with connection dropout or anything like that and it works from quite far away. It doesn't feel as flimsy as the cheap one I had either. My partner has the wired version which he prefers as it's lighter since it doesn't need batteries and he loves it. I have gotten so much use out of mine, I don't think it's a purchase you'd regret.
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I've had a $10 one and now use a 360 controller, it's so much better. I use a wireless one with the USB dongle and I've never had a single issue with connection dropout or anything like that and it works from quite far away. It doesn't feel as flimsy as the cheap one I had either. My partner has the wired version which he prefers as it's lighter since it doesn't need batteries and he loves it. I have gotten so much use out of mine, I don't think it's a purchase you'd regret.
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It would normally depend on what games you had that you wanted to play with a controller. But I see that you listed Dark Souls, in which case: ABSOLUTELY YES YOU NEED ONE.
Get a real one too, the wired 360 controller I got was literally plug and play (plus the cord is really long, unless you're playing far away from a tv in big picture you don't really need a wireless one, which removes the need for a dongle). Its not worth the headache to get a shitty controller and/or mess around with 3rd party input programs. Also you can ignore any "controller for Windows" descriptor, they are just slightly more expensive for some reason and any new regular 360 controller should work perfectly already. The only problem a lot of people have with the controller is the d-pad isn't super accurate, but unless you crave absolute precision it really isnt that bad.
Games that I've found work great with it: Dark Souls (necessary), Brothers (also necessary), Mark of the Ninja (recommend using controller), Sleeping Dogs (also recommended), Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Fez, Trine 2, Teleglitch, Sonic Generations, Unepic.
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No it's not just get a Logitech controller and use an Xbox emulator.
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Yup, get Logitech F*10 (F310 is basic, F510 has vibration, F710 has vibration and is wireless) - they work in 2 modes - xbox and the normal (xinput & directinput), so they support any game that can use a controller. In directinput mode they are also fully mappable to the keyboard for those games that don't have native controller support.
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Because I really want to play Dark Souls, Batmans Arkhams, SMB and let my son play Toki Tori 2+.
Or do I buy a $10-ish dollar controller?
Thanks in advance.
Edit1: Thanks a lot for all of the comments. I bought a wired X360 controller. The experience playin' Dark Souls and Batman Arkham City was awesome! Which games would you recommend to acquire having this awesome controller including DS and Batman?
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