This might be a bit controversial because some people already disagreed with me, but I want to know what you guys think

[This part distracts people from what I am actually wanting to discuss, so it's removed.]

Groups in general are okay, but I think it is a pretty bold move to only give away games within this exclusive little group and proceed to enter public giveaways as well. When groups are about increasing chances, how is it alright for them to decrease the chances of people that only enter public giveaways? I think this is almost exploiting the website.

Made it bigger to emphasize what this thread is about. :P

I will probably only make whitelist and invite giveaways in the future, because of this.

What's your opinion on this?

I believe that this has been discussed before but I rather start a new thread than necroing an old one.

9 years ago*

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Indifferent. My only problem with this is that I'm a poor bastard, so can't really stay in such a group that requires a ratio.

If people want to keep gifting so their win stat can climb higher, that is their choice.

9 years ago

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lol, since I joined, you are the first I saw to make a GA event, you have 600+ GAs made, "poor bastard" by my (poorer bastard) definition is DEFINITELY NOT YOU.

Never won anything from you though

But still, from my point of view, groups that don't allow you ARE the poor bastards, they are missing out, you're a great addition to this community, I'd let you leech ANYTHING.

9 years ago

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I'm actually unemployed. :P

But I do silly things to keep buying games, some of which do end up here.

As for groups, some probably would be okay with me in them despite circumstances. But I wouldn't be happy with that.

9 years ago

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Same here, although looking at your profile it seems unreal at first. :D
But when I multiply the worth of the games I have given away so far by 12 I would get close to your CV. :P

9 years ago

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Its all the bundle spam. I'm getting close to needing to do another topic to get rid of some of the junk, my bundle list trade topic is over 200 keys already.

9 years ago

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"When groups are about increasing chances, how is it alright for them to decrease the chances of people that only enter public giveaways?"

  • people who only enter publics are free to form groups aswell, or not ?
9 years ago

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Yes, they can make groups but I saw people on the forum talking about how they need to be approved or something to create group giveaways?!

9 years ago

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there is not such a rule. Any steam user (well now any that spent 5$+ on steam store) is free to form a Steam group. And each and every steam group is automatically accessible on SG. There is none authorization process ;) Well, maybe only by users who may decide to join or not to join your group ;) For example if ppl see lvl 0 or lvl 1 user, who gave away nothing or just some free key forming a GA group requesting non-bundle GAs from every member, ppl will usually turn him dsown. But it doesn't mean his group is not approved - it only means noone will join it :D:

9 years ago

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Oh, okay! I have read about groups needing time or an approval until they can create group specific giveaways. My bad. :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I agree that some of the private groups on here have quite high demands of new users and seem like their rules are setup to make it quite easy to take advantage of an applicant, but it is ultimately your decision to join or apply for these groups. It sometimes seems like they are designed to reward older members of the group at the cost of the applicant. I understand the need to make sure someone isn't leeching your group, but with active moderation that really shouldn't be too hard to track.

I guess I look at it like this, if I really want a game I can buy it rather then spend the same amount of money to do GA's and hopefully get into a group long enough to enter the GA for the game I want.

Besides, I'd much rather make my GA's for the people who are using the forums or making me laugh on here then just to a big group. I think the Midsummer Madness event going on right now is a great example of how groups are good on here, and that's really kind of opened my eyes as to how I will do my GA's in the future.

Also - private GA's that require forum use, reading, interaction seem to have a much lower number of entrants even when it's a hugely Wishlisted game. Checking my current GA's tells you that.

9 years ago

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I agree with you almost completely. And I also consider the way you create giveaways.
What annoys me isn't how groups work tho but how group users exploit the concept. Imagine someone from GalaGiveaways entering your giveaways. It's a complete different thing that you can't access, yet they can win your giveaways. Of course this isn't the case but it reinforces the concept.

9 years ago

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I joined a group that had requirements of monthly giveaways. When I was accepted I made a give away the first day as soon as there was a winner that accepted the game I was kicked. So I ignore those types of groups now and do mainly Public GA's with my very limited ability. If a group giveaway it usually includes group S.Gifts as well.

9 years ago

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generally groups are ok, but i see your point....of course if people do only group giveaways ( and i talk about that small "wichteln"-groups" and still enter public ones it might be seen as a bit selfish.Someone recently suggested a kind of level system that handles groups, public giveaways different, can´t find it right now.

9 years ago

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It would be great if something would be done against this. To be honest if they want to make groups to increase their chances than they should do it outside of steamgifts, since some exclude themselves completely from this community.

9 years ago

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Giveaway groups are fine, but the ones that offer bundle keys for spamming invites to friends just to swell their numbers so that they can get free keys from devs is nothing but a scam.

9 years ago

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demanding an entry GA is not so groups may become even richer exploiting new members. It is set to ensure that group is leecher free - aka no such a situation: "leecher enters group, start joining all GAs possible, wins several of them, when finally asked when he gonna give something back, he quits the group and finds another one to leech". Afaik 99% of groups require just one entry GA, not multiple ones before you're allowed to enter other members GAs. And if they require your entry Ga to meet some criteria - non-bundled, 10$ value etc, it only means that other GAs you will be able to win also meet this criteria - again it weeds out leechers. you get a chance to win non-bundled GAs, you should give back non-bundle GAs as well.

As for exploiting (o.O) the site - common mistake a lot of ppl make "if there were no these bad elitist groups, all these awesome group GAs would end up in public giving me chance to win them". Wrong - a lot of ppl buy specific GA just to give it to specific group. If they were not in this group it doesn't mean they would list all their group GAs as public ones.

9 years ago

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I had a similar problem with a thread where people didn't understand me because of my (probably) broken english. :D
I don't care about the games they aren't giving away to the public because I can't win them, but I do care about them participating in public giveaways when they don't contribute to the general community,

9 years ago

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even so - let's say you weed out ppl who make only group GAs from public GAs, then what? do you think public GAs suddenly becomes "fair" to everyone else? Wrong. What about ppl who boosted their CV on public GAs but for free? ppl who begged indie devs for free keys, just to boost their level? even better - ppl who contact indie devs, pretending to be youtuber or streamer to get a review key just to give it away? Then moving on - what about differences between particular games? Someone may give away 10 brand new 60$ AAA games in public, gets 600$ CV, someone else spends just 60$ on 90% sales, gets same CV. How is this then "fair" to the first person?

Generally whatever you do, whatever system you were to implement, whoever you'd want to exclude from joining public GAs - they were never and never gonna be "fair" to everyone.

9 years ago

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Of course those are people that exploit the system as well, but I only wanted to discuss groups since regifters and such are obviously not liked by many including myself.
And regifters get reported and people who give away free games as well, so there is something that is being done about it.

9 years ago

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yeah, but my point is - you brought up this discussion to get what you view a sense of "justice" for community, in particular for public GAs. What I'm saying here is that such a justice will never be achievable as long as there is any sort of CV system at all. If you get rid of grooup contributors, public GAs will remain unfair due to ppl getting free keys (by free keys I didn't ming free games, but keys they got for free that were not avaiable in big public GAs, only these get excluded). If you'd be somehow to get rid of these ppl, public GAs would still be unfair because of regifters. If you'd let's say perma-ban every regifter ever, public GAs would still be unfair because of different prices of same value games. And in the end if you'd remove any bonus CV from any game that ever went on any sale, to make the system ultimately fair and just - well maybe only then it would be actually fair system, but there would be hardly anyone left to make use of it ;p

9 years ago

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I do understand what point you want to make but I think you are overthinking or maybe misunderstood what I wanted to say.
It's not about a fair system or any justice. The reason why I registered was because I wanted to balance out my karma since I met very generous people in the first weeks being registered on Steam, and I wanted to give back to them and to people in general, because it shook up my general misanthropic view about people.
So it's not about fairness or justice, although this could be the general topic of it. I just care about who receives the games I give away and who doesn't and I am sick of seeing people win my giveaways that don't contribute to the community or exploit it for self-enrichment.
And the majority of the community feels the same way about regifters, free keys and leechers although everyone has a different definition, but it was unclear for me what the opinion on those groups are or the users of it, to be more specific.

9 years ago

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Ayup to both points.

9 years ago

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I don't mind nor do I really care. I stick to the Steamgifts forums, and I'm just fine that way. I win a bit, and gift a bit, but never join any gifting groups due to unstable funds and not being able to afford even the cheapest games most of the times.

9 years ago

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I strongly disagree.

Don't like them? Don't join them.
Like them? Join them and follow their requirements.
Don't like their requirements? Make your own.

Besides, the creator of the giveaway is not obligated to make a group only giveaway. He chooses to and so there is no point to argue about that. In fact, everyone should be thankful that he has the kindness to gift.

There are literally hundreds of public giveaways everyday and dozens of invite-only giveaways for those who complete puzzles so there are literally hundreds of chances for everyone to win something. And i will close with a final rhetoric question: We might forget something crucial, is this website about giving away or winning games?

9 years ago

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Okay, I believe that I haven been strongly misunderstood due to the fact that I am not a native speaker.
I don't like them and that's why I didn't join any. My point is that when someone decides only to give away games to a group I dislike the fact that they still enter public giveaways without contributing to the community.
I do blacklist such people, when they have highly unbalanced ratios and only create group giveaways while their wins are 50% groups wins and 50% public wins.
Someone added me because I blacklisted him after he won a giveaway. He said it was against the spirit of Steamgifts, didn't thank me and blacklisted me in return which doesn't bother me since he doesn't create public giveaways anyways.
But this is where people fail to see the point. 'He chooses to and so there is ni point to argue about that" also counts for people's blacklists.

9 years ago

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yeap, i had misunderstood you.

now i get your point, although i somewhat still disagree.

9 years ago

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When it's not only because you feel like you are in a defensive position then I 'd love to hear why you still disagree.

9 years ago

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Why should you stop someone who enters group only giveaways from entering the public ones too? Doesn't make any sense.

It's the same as real life. i.e. i am part of a basketball team and only the players of my team are allowed to play in our court. In the meanwhile, i am also allowed to play in the public courts w/o any hesitation. Who will stop me? None. So why anyone would stop those who enter group only giveaways from entering the public ones too?

9 years ago

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I know that it will never be implemented that group users are forbidden to enter public giveaways and a lot of them do make public giveaways too. I just don't feel good about it when someone wins my giveaways who makes only group giveaways, that's why I don't want that to happen.
And where I am from public courts and such are paid by the government and they cover the costs with taxes that are paid by everyone, so it would be ridiculous to tell someone that they cannot play on it. That's why I think it's not applicable to what I mean.
Imagine you are playing on said court. You just got to a bunch of money and thought you'd buy your basketball friends a little something. Suddenly a stranger comes up to you and says: "Hey, I heard what you said and I'd like something as well".
Naturally you would say: "Hu? But I don't know you and you've never given me sth so why would I give you anything?". He points at another stranger outside the court and goes: "Well, see this guy over there? I've given him something a week ago, so I am pretty sure you have to give me something, dude."
Public giveaways and groups are two different cliques, while groups can profit from the public ones but not the other way around.

9 years ago

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You must be talking about me. Yes, I won one of your giveaways (a private giveaway, not a public one) and then discovered that you blacklisted me. Should I say thank you for blacklisting me? I don't think so, that was so rude. I blacklisted you in return, obvious, so I remember that guy who blacklisted me. And my blacklist is really small, congrats.

You hate groups and people who use groups, fine. You may not agree, but I think that private and group giveaways are the same. What about the people who only does whislist giveaways? You don't have anything against them, do you?
You have probably entered more than once to a group giveaway, maybe you are just mad because you never win, who knows.

I'm not rich, and if I have something to giveaway I rather give it to the forum community I follow and their group. Besides, I like to have high chances to win and the same goes to the people who enter my giveaways. Furthermore, I've won a lot from that group so I wanted to give them as much as possible.

I can't afford to give away as much as I win and if I had the money I would use it to buy games for me.

You want all the users to have a perfect ratio, thats fucking insane.

One last thing, take a look at the giveaways he has won: 47 entries, 31 entries, 2, 2, 2, 1 entrie.... sure, you hate and blacklist people who makes group giveaways but you don't have a problem if you are included.

You are a hypocrite.

Sorry if I've made some mistakes, English is not my main language.

9 years ago

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You added me not stating that you actually won the giveaway, I was friendly and congratulated you on winning it after I had to do a little research to find out who you are on Steamgifts. I told you why I blacklisted you and you were just rude and didn't even thank me for the fucking game you just won. Talking about what's rude and what is not.

I never said that people should have perfect ratios, tell me where I talked about a perfect ratio. Noone can have a 1:1 ratio, but yet some people have sent almost 500% more than they have won and this is fine, because you can win more, right?

The private giveaway you entered was a train in the forum and the forum is public. Regarding the games with only 2 entries or just 1 entry. Well, have you ever heard about puzzles? And the group giveaway was also a whitelist one, ever thought about that?

I don't agree with anything you said, just to make that clear, I can't even take you serious when you failed to be respectful the first second we talked.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Love 'em, even though I don't take part in any of them. (Private)

9 years ago

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I've never been in any private giveaway groups, so take my opinion for what it is, jaded lol, jk. I think public giveaway creators are creating them for everyone, and I doubt most of them care if someone who's a member of a private group joins and wins their giveaway. All but 1 of my giveaway, keydrops have been done privately through forum, which is a manner of speaking a private group, as a majority of people who use the site, dont use the forum. So am I too a shit for joining public giveaways?

Also, there are tons of public, small(ish) giveaway groups, if you're just feeling left out ;)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but you said that you still manage to give away a game publicly once in a while and I don't see any problems. Your profile is pretty balanced regarding how much you gave to groups and how much you gave to the public, also your ratio is 1:1.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Just Student logic :D:

I don't like to be force to giveaway games that's why I joined SimGive where I'm forced to giveaway games :D:

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Someone reply to me so I remember to contribute here, since I recently created a group mostly for GA purposes.

9 years ago

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ping then

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You can get killed for this thread

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I knew that before I made it :D

9 years ago

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I'm only in one giveaway group(and will never be in more than one), and it just has a "1 group GA a month" requirement...Which is fine. I plan on doing 2 a month, 2 whitelists a month and the rest public. By far I do more public GAs than private, and I think most people do honestly....unless they are in so many groups that they all their games are having to be group gifts.

9 years ago

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Um .... i see it this way.
A random Nice person (Most of times) tough it would be a good idea , to gather other Nice people in a circle ... and make a group with them.
Then they gift stuff to each other , using RNGezus , and make a small community ... using the GA's as an excuse to get to know eachother ... chat away ... have fun ... etc.
Thats , how things should be.

In reallity , its bunch of people who buy a 20 game bundle twice a year , who join groups for the sake of hoarding games ... and host giveaways for games you can get for free or for a Single trading card from a random person in the Subway ... and who doesnt give a Single fuck bout anyone in their groups ... and only see it as a source of free stuff

TLDR: ... Its Okay Idea , but people exploit it too much .
To tired to go in detail atm , but ppl are mostly trash and just care bout themselves anyway ( even if they put a facade that they are nice and giving and stuff ... )

9 years ago

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Most of them try to exploit it, but strict and fair rules wont leave space for it :)

9 years ago

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Alright so here's why I started my private GA group (with 100 members, so no, I'm not going after the free keys from devs):
1) I got tired of chasing down people and making them mark their GAs as received (this is the major reason).
2) I met genuinely nice people who I started playing coop with on steam and chatting and wanted to start a community with them.
3) I met great people who won very few giveaways but created a lot so I feel they deserved better chances.
4) Requirements aren't insane - level 2 CV and at least one ROW giveaway per month (may or may not be bundled - I understand everyone is in different situations; however I try to make non bundled indie GAs since I can't really afford newer AAA titles myself).
Finally, as far as CV and public GAs go, I don't really care about either - I still enter public GAs once in a while (even tho I rarely win those) and I still create public GAs. Plus anyone can enter these private groups (including mine), I'm just careful about making sure only people who deserve to win are invited (if someone wants to leech, let them leech public GAs).

TLDR: Anyone can give stuff away, anyone can enter/create a group, anyone can leech private/public gas. If someone thinks that members of those private groups are exploiting the CV, they should start creating giveaways with no level requirements.

Just my 2 pennies, cheers :D

9 years ago

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I think you have a good point about groups being hypocritical for limiting who can win their games while freely entering games without requirements.

That's why, as a member of a few groups, I try to give away games equally to both. It makes me feel like I'm being fair and seems to work out well enough for me. I haven't experienced any of the scams or not received issues that some people have posted about on here by doing so either, which is great.

9 years ago

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I don't know. I giveaway stuff when I have spare bundle games or when I have paypal cash from art commissions and there is something nice on sale, and I try and make it a bit of fun by hiding trains in pictures I drew or doing choose-your-own-adventures or stuff. And I enter giveaways for games I want and if I win something it is a real nice bonus!

My win ratio is crap but that is just because of the amount of stuff I gifted and because of the amount of giveaways I enter and I don't feel unlucky. I saw a few groups and was tempted because it might mean winning more games. But then I read the rules and I saw several dramas in discussions over people getting kicked and didn't see the point. If it is some group where you have to make regular private giveaways and maintain a strict ratio or get kicked then surely it is just buying games so you can win other games? You might as well just buy the games you really want in the first place.

I'm not saying I haven't joined a few groups that seemed really nice and I'm really grateful for being invited or allowed in. Just that I see a lot of private giveaway groups and I just don't get the appeal...

A few times I have seen people who just do private group giveaways and clearly benefit from those groups and also win public giveaways and take advantage of their CV without giving back to the wider community. Which seems a little rude as it clearly isn't a case that they can't afford to make giveaways. I try not to judge people but I would feel bad about doing that myself.

9 years ago

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While I respect your right to have an opinion, this is not one I agree with. My reasons for disagreement stem from the following beliefs:

  1. The person giving the gift has the right to give it to whomever he or she pleases.
  2. As a corollary to point #1, the giver may include any restrictions he or she wishes.
  3. If something is made available to "everyone," then anyone may claim it, regardless of need or circumstance.

It would seem your complaint is born out of a sense of entitlement. You feel you are not getting what you deserve. If you had won every giveaway you ever entered, you would not be complaining about "unfair" treatment. The truth is that Life is not fair. We human beings are lousy at determining exactly what someone does or doesn't deserve, and most of the time, nobody gets what they "should." The best we can do is to try and be fair in our dealings with others. You have control over your own actions, so put your main focus there..

9 years ago

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I completely agree with your beliefs as I think they generally apply to this website, not only to this matter, which you might have misunderstood and interpreted in a way I can't comprehend to be honest. Shad0Wen perfectly summarized what this thread is about. I probably didn't phrase my opinion properly. (Sry for bad english!)
I am almost offended by what you think my motiviation behind this thread and my opinion is. I am not feeling treated unfair in any way. I am registered for 2 months and have won more than some people who are registered for 2 years and I am more than happy with that.
It's also not about me receiving games but about me giving away games! I care about who wins my giveaways and since regifters and people who give away free games are generally deemed unacceptable I wanted to know what people think about the users of groups, which in my opinion is a form of exploit if done this specific way that Shad0Wen explained perfectly.
I think that I will make whitelist giveaways in the future or maybe join a group myself, since the reasons I registered for don't correspond with the community.

9 years ago

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It is entirely possible I misinterpreted your motivations. I cannot, after all, tell what is in your heart. My understanding of your point, however, seems to be exactly what Shad0WeN stated. You feel that those who use Steam groups to exclude "the masses" from their own giveaways should themselves be excluded from giveaways designated for "the masses." If that is not what you meant, then my understanding is incorrect.

If my understanding of your message is correct, however, then I still disagree with it.

  • A giveaway for "everyone" still includes those who "do not share with others."
  • Since exclusionary people have a right to join such giveaways, they are doing nothing wrong (i.e. it is ethical).
  • Those making the giveaway can (I believe) place restrictions on entry so as to try and exclude exclusionary people.

While you can argue that exclusionary people who enter non-exclusionary giveaways are being both stingy and greedy, there are no SG rules governing a person's character. (It is only possible to police actions.) You may dislike people who are stingy and/or greedy, but you cannot deny them their right to enter public giveaways based on those feelings. You can, however, make a Steam group which excludes such people, or make a Steam group which encourages generosity and kindness. Many people already do that, and such groups create giveaways for "the masses," not just their own group.

I hope that I am making some sense, here.

9 years ago

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Yes you do make sense and I think we're on the same page now. I don't want to exclude them genereally tho, because there are still a lot of people that keep a balance of public and group giveaways while others only make group giveaways and yes I am upset about those.
And I am familiar with the rules, so I am not demanding to change any of them, the sole purpose was to know if someone feels the same way about them as I do.

"Those making the giveaway can (I believe) place restrictions on entry so as to try and exclude exclusionary people." This is possible? Are you talking about group and invite giveaways or is there another way?

9 years ago

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Well, off the top of my head, I can think of the following tools to place limits on giveaways:

  • SG Level
  • Puzzles
  • Hiding
  • Blacklist
  • Whitelist
  • Groups
  • Invite Only
  • Invite Only + Whitelist
  • Invite Only + Group

Out of all of those, the last is probably the most exclusive. That's where you pick specific people from within your select group to enter the giveaway. (e.g. "Everyone in Charitable Losers who has a white cat.") In all of these examples, however, you are excluding people who are not in the selected group. There's no way, really, to include everyone except a specific group, not unless you make a group of such people for the sole purpose of prohibiting entry. ("If you're in my group, you can't enter!" P) The only thing that comes close to this is the blacklist, where you pick specific people to exclude.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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In a way I agree with you. In certain specific cases, groups are used by some for no other purpose or intention than to be purposely exclusionary with their gifts. And for someone who uses them for that purpose, for them to enter public giveaways and accept a win from them -- from the very people they have treated as exclusionary, to me that somehow seems unethical. There are certain groups out there that are like that.

9 years ago*

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That is exactly what I meant, unfortunately some people misunderstood that I wanted point this out, thank you.

9 years ago

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Ratio groups suck. But some people think I suck. C'est la vie.

9 years ago

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Question is, if you make only whitelist giveaways, will you still be entering public giveaways?

This can be extended to any sort of limited giveaway:

If you create only level limited giveaway, do you have a right to enter unlimited giveaways?
If you only create forum giveaways, do you have a right to enter giveaways which aren't posted on the forum?
If you only create puzzle giveaways, do you have the right to enter non-puzzle giveaways?

My answers are: "sure". In short, the idea that how much people deserve to win is related to how much they give is only reasonable on a gift trading site, which SG indeed is, but that doesn't mean that there's anything morally right about that, and it's certainly nothing to be celebrated. If you look at it in the contest of a site where people just give out of generosity, and not to trade gifts, there would be very little correlation between how much people give and how worthy they are of winning.

9 years ago

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It's not something that I particularly worry about.

What I would say is that in most of the groups I've been in, you only get an invite after fulfilling a certain criteria. That criteria is often level or CV-based so I I'd consider that they'd already earned their stripes for the most part through making public and/or forum-based giveaways in the past.

I suppose it would depend on what sort of levels we're specifically talking about. So far, for example, you seem to have made your levelled giveaways for level 1 and 2 by and large, and most of the ratio groups I've been involved in would require higher levels higher than that to join which would have to be acquired through those past public or forum GAs.

Personally, I never really entered that many public levelled GAs when I was more into groups than I currently am and I think a good proportion of the group members I've encountered are the same. They can lose their novelty.

9 years ago*

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