Screen Shot

Sorry, I dont know how to make a link so here.
Edit-names gone and thanks for showing me how to link :D

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Now you'll be accused of calling out as well. XDDD

11 years ago

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ninja edit mode activated

11 years ago

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[Write stuff here].(link)

Remove the .

Also, I'd hide his name since it may be interpreted as calling out. Just link support to his steam page.

11 years ago

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There's something very suspicious about this beggar. His english is so proper o.O

11 years ago

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Because he's from UK.

It takes 5 seconds to find beggar's Steam profile. OP i suggest you censor his name before the banhammer hits you.

11 years ago

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Thanks for telling me

11 years ago

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I had a very good laugh.

11 years ago

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We have some calling out going on....

11 years ago

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Yes, that too.

11 years ago

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you little bitch

11 years ago

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I actually like that guy, if he ever beggs of me something I just might give him something. XD

11 years ago

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Yeah, funny how their true nature shows up when they realise their begging isn't going to be successful.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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i'm actually curious about it may just be the funny trailer, i'm entering a few giveaways because i don't want it that badly, but if i win it i want to play it, and i'm sure tons of people feel the same.

besides, games from bundles are worthless, so unless you want to stack them or play them... you can't really do much.

this guys is really an idiot

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Now I see my mistake :(

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Think of all the money they can make. :D

11 years ago

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Thanks for not censoring his name, I've added him to my blocklist. :D

11 years ago

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Why? I'd add him to my whitelist just for his last few massages. XD

11 years ago

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His massages are THAT good?

11 years ago

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*messages D:

11 years ago

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C'mon, don't be shy now...

11 years ago

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i one uped you and tagged him as beggar.

11 years ago

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Great... a beggar and some calling out. What else is new?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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"What if I said I'll do anything"
I think I know where this is going.

11 years ago

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Anything?!? Lol

11 years ago

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I reported him for prostitution.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It's fine if you record it.

11 years ago

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You think it was a "drop 'em and bend over!" proposal?

11 years ago

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It will be ironic if that person wins the giveaway

11 years ago

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rerolled based on suspension because of begging in the community.

11 years ago

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Rerolll..and i suppose support will suspend him

11 years ago

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nah, he'll leave the giveaway now that the gifter insulted him. :(

11 years ago

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I find it hilarious how every beggar always says "I'm not begging, I'm just asking for it for free"... o_O

It's a bit like a religious person that has to convince themselves that the things contained in the bible are true even when they know they're utterly false... >_>

Kids these days have zero shame and about as much self respect... It's disgusting and their parents should be mortified.

11 years ago

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Your analogy is false. In your first example you compare 'begging' to 'asking for free', where the person believes that they are separate things but they are by definition, the same. A religious person convincing themselves 'the things in the bible are true' and 'they know [the things in the bible] are false' are not by definition the same thing. Unless you're just trying to compare that it takes a certain level of denial in both cases. But in either case it was a pretty bad analogy in general and also a pretty unnecessary and inflammatory one. You seem to have thrown it in there just to insult religion on the side.

Now don't get me wrong: I'm all for criticizing religion, but don't just throw barbs out there at random. Debate logically and concisely and only when invited to debate. Randomly attacking religion is no better than those televangelists that randomly call atheists murderers and rapists: it does no good to the discourse, and just makes your side look stupid

11 years ago

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Amen (not in a religious sense).

11 years ago

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I saw your avatar in a giveaway before. Not sure if you saw my comment but I'll say it again:
+1 for Asimov

11 years ago

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Let there be light.

11 years ago

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Likewise, +1 to you for recognizing the greatest author of our time.

11 years ago

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This makes me all warm and fuzzy

11 years ago

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It's a loose analogy, that's why I said "it's a bit like" and not "it's a lot like" at the beginning of my comment.

Both parties (beggars and the religious) are trying to convince others (and at the same times themselves) that what they're saying/believing is absolutely true.

The reason I threw it in there is because these are two groups of people that I'm "forced" to interact with a lot more than I would like.

Also, I wasn't debating anyone, I was simply posting a comment in a thread about something I've dealt with in the past.

11 years ago

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Simply posting something offensive that is totally irrelevant to the conversation in order to cause controversy and get you attention.

11 years ago

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See, that way it sounds a lot better, because you actually drew the parallel between the two situations. It wasn't obvious and there are many comparisons you COULD make between the two situations (i.e. that both are scamming, both are in denial, etc...) that are much less flattering. And maybe I read too much into it but it felt like you were implying that it is a common thing that religious people have to 'convince themselves that the things contained in the bible are true even when they know they're utterly false'. That's the part that I really thought was offensive, as I have many intelligent religious friends. So I apologize if that wasn't your intention. The debating thing wasn't really directed at you, more at the whole notion of starting fights regarding religion in general, which is what it looked like you were doing at first. I still think it's a bad analogy though, way too vague and open to interpretation.

11 years ago

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  1. That's the part that I really thought was offensive, as I have many intelligent religious friends.But that would be correct, there are many things in the Bible that are obviously not true, or places where it contradicts itself. Now most intelligent Christians don't just take them at face value they look on them as metaphors or something or explain it away as its God's word but transmitted through flawed humans. However absolute fundamentalists who believe that every word in the Bible is literally and exactly true even though it dosen't make sense are lying to themselves. For example Jesus' last words are recorded as
    MAT 27:46,50: "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?""

LUK 23:46: "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:"

JOH 19:30: "It is finished:"

How can they all be the very last thing he said beforre he died?

  1. You are right it is a poor analogy
11 years ago

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I'm aware there are contradictions in the bible, but he didn't say 'EVERYTHING in the bible is true', he said 'the things contained in the bible are true', which I interpreted differently than you, apparently (i.e. that there are things in the bible which are true. Presumably filtered by what can be attributed to human error, etc...). Again, maybe I was wrong with how I interpreted that.

Nothing personal Parrafin, but this seems like a bad thing to keep harping on, so this will be my last comment on the subject.

11 years ago

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I doubt he was claiming that not a single word of the bible is true. However I think you are probably right, this is a sensitive issue and probably not something we need to discus further.

11 years ago

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It's nothing like it at all, you complete tosser.

11 years ago

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-1 for the poke at any religion for no reason...

11 years ago

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At least people who are really believe in Christianity (or Orthodox Christianity) are actually very good people who respect others lifes. But those who totally don't believe (but they find a shelter by saying they believe) are destroying our world...

11 years ago

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I suggest you find another ocupation. Analogies are not your thing.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Man you made my day lololol :D....

11 years ago

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I actually just got my first begger, I'll edit out his name though.

11:27 AM - Blank: hi
11:27 AM - joejoebuckbuck: Hello.
11:28 AM - Blank: Hows it going
11:29 AM - joejoebuckbuck: Pretty good, I got new games.
11:29 AM - Blank: Nice and lucky
11:29 AM - Blank: I wish I could get some new games
11:30 AM - Blank: What games?
11:30 AM - Blank is now Away.
11:36 AM - Blank: WHAT GAMES?
11:39 AM - joejoebuckbuck: I got Gish amd Xave Story.
11:39 AM - Blank: Do you ever buy games for friends O.o
11:39 AM - joejoebuckbuck: Why?
11:40 AM - Blank: just asking
11:40 AM - joejoebuckbuck: Sometimes.
11:41 AM - Blank: Would you be interested to buy me a game? O.o
11:42 AM - Blank: ?
11:42 AM - joejoebuckbuck: Nah, I barely know you.
11:43 AM - Blank: not even a $2.49
11:43 AM - joejoebuckbuck: You're literaly a stanger.
11:44 AM - Blank: kinda i agree
11:44 AM - Blank: i guess
2:55 PM - Blank is now Offline.

At least he was sort of polite.

11 years ago

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Why people do begging like that ?--"

It's shameful >...<

11 years ago

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Not my first, but he lost me for reasons other then begging (more the hashtag thing ffs). Also, not 100% sure on whether he was begging or not (and frankly, I couldn't care less).

3:19 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Ah, hey
3:19 - SK: hey
3:19 - SK: I wondered if you have Sleeping Dogs trade card?
3:20 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: :O
3:20 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: How come you wondered that and added me for that
3:20 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: By the way, how did you find me?
3:20 - SK: my friend gave me a link, and said your pic is the same as my skype pic.. haha
3:20 - SK: #totally random
3:21 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Ah, k, like that
3:21 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Euhhh, I don't think I have sleeping dogs cards, why
3:22 - SK: I saw you have the game and just played for a short while..
3:22 - SK: I was hoping that you have the drop cards
3:22 - SK: :D
3:22 - SK: It
3:22 - SK: It's hard to find people who have Sleeping Dogs cards
3:22 - SK: :D
3:23 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Ahh, no, if I had the, I would probably want thm myself :)
3:23 - SK: ahahaha, alright then.. :)
3:24 - SK: thanks anyway
3:24 - SK: :D
3:27 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Ah I see I already had those carddrops, sold them on market probably while it ws stll in beta
3:27 - SK: awww.. that's too bad..
3:27 - SK: ah well, not my luck I guess..
3:28 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Probably, try a trade forum if you really want the badge
3:28 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Or the other one... Card exchange
3:28 - SK: I don't really have anything to trade though.. :|
3:28 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: You have other cards?
3:28 - SK: yes, but I want to collect them too.. haha
3:29 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Oh wel, in that case, you are gonna have to trade them for something else (games or something) or buy them I think :)
3:29 - SK: ahahahah, yeah.. I guess that's the only way.. :)
3:30 - Crizyz | Computer upgraded! |: Well, not sure if that wsa yout question, but in general, asking for stuf, for free, most people don't realy apreciate that ;)
3:30 - SK: ahahahah, yes.. I understand.. haha

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I lost it at that bit and again when reading your comment :D

11 years ago

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Didn't laugh reading the original, didn't laugh at Moondra's comment, but when I read yours I laughed until I cried.

11 years ago

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I'm not completely sure if you're mocking me or not :( It's been a long day.

11 years ago

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I'm not, haha. Somehow, the fact that someone else found it hilarious made me find it hilarious when I re-read it.

11 years ago

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Oh okay lol :D Carry on!

11 years ago

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haha, i wish he just said that. your comment is hilarious.

11 years ago

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All these beggars with no money but a pc and an internet connection is the new phenomenon of this decade. I mean, we got used to seeing them sleeping in parks and whatnot, drinking alcohol and literally being homeless but they've upped their game imo.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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that just made my day

11 years ago

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What if I told you... buying a computer is different than buying a game from a foreign online store

This has nothing to do with beggars by the way, so many people think buying a game is easy even if you don't live in America or an European country that uses Euro as their currency

11 years ago

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My first beggar write directly on me steam profile page -,-

11 years ago

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My first was an Italian guy that hardly spoke English. I pretended to not understand what he was saying and he eventually got pissed and gave up.

11 years ago

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OP should stop acting like a little bitch. lol :P

11 years ago

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WOW! His English isn't broken... it learns fast.

11 years ago

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Its English is broken, just more intact than the norm.

11 years ago

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Well, he certainly isn't the Queen of England. What I mean is his English is just plain, acceptable proper internet English (yes internet English exists, I just invented it).

11 years ago

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Ahh comon, why you so mean??? Not begging, demanding it! Aww, I'll get my older sister onto you!

11 years ago

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"but you're acting like a little bitch"

11 years ago

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[C'mon man, i'll suck yo d

11 years ago

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thats why you dont drink your juice in the hood

11 years ago

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"What if I said I'd do anything".

You missed the perfect opportunity to Yatterman him! D:

11 years ago

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This is what to do with them begging kiddos:

Me: Hi watsup?

Me: U wanted 2 trade or something?

Them: Well im just a kid dont have anything to trade with

Them: was just wonder if you where still giving away games

Them: I need another game to play

Them: I got jack all and parent wont let me

(12 minutes later)

Me: Oh sry was ingame, wat u want me 2 do about it?

Them: I would really like Black Ops II!

Them: but any would be appreated

Them: Give me some more games?

Them: u give them away

Me: Yeah, sure all the time...

Them: Can I have them plz mr?

Them: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Me: Hmm since u said please

Them: Really?

Me: Yeah 1 sec


(A used DLC Key)

Me: Use that key, then go here 2 download the game 4 free


(Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play game)

Them: Wow it really worked! TY

Them: Its downloading

(5 minutes later)

Them: Umm can I get another game for my bro?

Them: He wanted one too

Me: Sure, can't have him miss out...

(guess it doesn't work well thou?)

11 years ago

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Haha has this actually worked for you?

11 years ago

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That was quite funny,thanks for the laugh.

11 years ago

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"I'm not begging bud". LOL

11 years ago

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It's so cute!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Dovhafinn.