Idlemaster questions.

Are you only able to get trading cards from a game once for however many cards it is? Or does it reset after a while and allow you to get more trading cards?

Also, when it idles things like tf2 it won't drop items as well correct? Just the trading cards?

8 years ago

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Just trading cards, no extra cards

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Go to your badges page. However many cards it says are remaining for each game is the total amount you will get. Unlimited card drops doesn't make any sense.

8 years ago

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Once a game drops all its trading cards, that game then becomes eligible to drop booster packs. You have a random chance of earning a booster pack every time someone on Steam crafts a badge, that chance rises with every level you gain.

F2P games generally don't drop trading cards, to earn trading cards for a F2P game, you need to spend money on micro transactions.

8 years ago

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every once in a while you may get a pack containing 3 trading cards. Judging by my experience, you get maybe 1 per month for every 500 games or so.

8 years ago

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+increased every 10 levels

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by grootbutmadeofbamboo.