Overall I am interested in what people majorly pick.
For me It has to be Karma for I feel that every good action I take. There will be the bad times ahead and vice versa.
And believe me I had alot of bad times.

Anyway I wish you all good fortune and marrow for all of your futures in life and in gaming.

8 years ago

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What do you believe in?

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It's all 3.

You have a chance when somebody is offering to you something, and you decide whether you want to take it or not. whitelist

You have a luck when despite of something being entirely random and without being affected in slightest percent by your actions, plus being unlikely, you still win. giveaways

And finally there is karma that will strike you back for your bad moves. blacklist

Coincidence? :3

8 years ago

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luck is basically chance.
karma is sadly nonexistent.

8 years ago

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karma seems to be a good concept, but it also means when something bad happens to someone he deserves it and that is something i cant agree with. it's too easy to use it as an excuse.

i guess its on you to create best chances and then it's up to luck to turn it into something good

8 years ago

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One can be called lucky if that person regularly beats the odds (chances).
Karma is nothing magical, it's simply the law of action and reaction, but it's sometimes less predictable in life than it is in physics. Also each action won't affect your entire life, only the possible reaction that can come from that specific action.

8 years ago*

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I just believe in potatoes...
I don't see a potato option...

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Sadly i don't think karma exists. It's all based on luck and maybe (but just a little bit on taking chances.. As i write it to get a chance is also luck imo). E.g. you where born under the right circumstances in the right country have the right parents. At the financial crisis there was the sentence "too big to fail" for some banks i think its mostly the same for ppl. ;)

8 years ago

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I actually believe in all three, but still, everything is connected to LUCK!
KARMA is quite simple. You do something good, you get something good back. You do something bad, you get something bad back. Of course, a good person may get something bad back and a bad person may get something good back. But I think that, eventually, everything gets in place. Even if something bad happened to you and you're a good person, it happened for a reason and something good will happen to you eventually. Even if something good happened to you and you're a bad person, it happened for a reason and something bad will happen to you eventually. It's more like the law of nature, rather than the hand of God. A God that lets bad things happen to people, isn't actually a God. So, when something that you didn't deserve, happens to you, then it's all about LUCK!
CHANCE is an opportunity that comes in your way and you must decide if you want to grab it or not. It's your choice if you'll grab it or not, but it's all about LUCK if you'll get something profitable by it.
Now, about LUCK, it's all about how good or bad are your results when grabbing an opportunity. It's also about if you actually get what you deserve or not. But what is luck? It's a coincidence. It's a coin that you flip and you always have 50-50 chances to get what you wanted or not! Can you make a flipping coin land on the side you want? No, except if you use a fake coin, meaning that you do something that you have 100% chances to win (like being the only contestant in a competition). So, luck is unpredictable and just a coincidence that you can't control. Still, you can't expect to win a lottery that you never participate in. But also, you can't consider yourself unlucky just because you lost in a lottery that had millions of contestants. We are the ones that define if, what happens to us, is actually lucky or unlucky. Even though I would consider it unlucky to break my leg, maybe a kid would love to break his leg if that would mean to lose some days from school. It's an extreme example, but you I'm sure you can understand what I meant by that.

8 years ago

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I believe that good things happen to good people. But it's not some kind of karmic thing, it's just that people want to help good people, so you're more likely to find a helping hand, or for people to go out of their way for you, if you're a good person.
It's like, opportunities happen all the time, but some people are more aware of them, and some people are more able to take advantages of them, than others. Likewise, if you're always looking for shit to happen, it'll keep happening to you.

Luck (good and bad) happens all the time, for no real reason, which is why it's called luck. But, if you pay attention / keep your wits about you, good luck will happen more often than bad luck.
Chance is just a different word for probability. If I play roulette, my chance of winning on a particular number is 1/37 or 1/38 (french roulette vs american roulette). If I enter a GA with 10 entries, my chance of winning is 1/10.
Karma is a nice concept that I put more in line with religion: it's nice to believe in, and can make you a better person, but should not be used to explain everything

8 years ago

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Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.

8 years ago

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Chance. Luck is winning against chances. There is no automatic karma, nobody deserves anything. But I think you pretty much always get what's coming to you.

8 years ago

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Can someone explain which one should i believe as an Atheist? Or I shouldn't believe in anything??????

8 years ago

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Atheist only means you're not convinced a god exists, everything else falls outside of the term.

8 years ago

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Being an atheist simply means you don't believe god(s) exists. So as an atheist you can still believe in some superstitions and even be spiritual or religious (there are religions that don't follow gods at their core, such as Buddhism).

8 years ago*

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How about thinking yourself? Else you are not better than Scientology.

8 years ago

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Some children die of the most horrible diseases imaginable and some people who destroy entire communities because of greed get to become 95 years old and die peacefully in their sleep. So did the children deserve this or something and are they worse than the greedy bastards?

There's no such thing as karma.

8 years ago

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that sums it up pretty well.

8 years ago

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Let's not overcomplicate things... Just chance.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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i believe in randomness :3 and i like to use the word luck for that

karma is just an excuse for when something expected and desired happens to someone.
this guy stole that shop and 5 mins later he got hit by a car, karmaaaaaa
she donated some food to the shelter and 2 days later she found $100 on the ground, karmaaa

but you never see someone saying: wow he's such a nice guy, he built 10 houses for the homeless but unfortunately KARMAAAA catched up with him and he died of cancer 2 months later. *facepalm*
usually the same applied to "thank god!", i never see people thanking god for tornados or natural disasters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Locally, I believe in Karma.

Luck is chance, after the fact (you were lucky because chance was in your side, not the other way round).

So "chance" is my answer.

8 years ago

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Chance = being offered a good deal (actively)

Luck = having more success than the estimated propability (passively)

8 years ago

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Mit Chance ist hier Wahrscheinlichkeit oder Zufall gemeint
Es ist also nicht Chance wie "ich gebe dir eine Chance"

8 years ago

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I believe in consequences more than anything.

If you create giveaways, you will level up, and therefore receive a slightly increased chance of winning level requirement giveaways. Doing bad things will earn you a spot in other people's blacklists, also potential suspension. Doing good things will land you in people's whitelists, and thus giving you access to their whitelist giveaways. It's all about consequences in the end. The rest is just probability and randomization.

8 years ago

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Thanks for your responses folks.

8 years ago

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I was really lucky yesterday :P Won Subnautica with a 1/5000 chance. so i guess thats luck xD

8 years ago

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Very Nice.

8 years ago

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