I am not as active as I use to be but there are two topics that never changes in the topics:
Blacklists and Regional Prices.

I usually see complaints about how regional pricings are unfair.
And I totally understand what you feel.

I would like to share my reality just to show a different perspective and maybe give people a chance to be gratefull for the countries they live in.

I am from Turkey.
In my country minimum wage is 370 Dollars for a month.
While it is 2.970 Dollars for a month in USA (According to a person who works five days a week, 9 hours a day)

Cyberpunk is 32 Dollars in my country (inflation is not good. it worth 40 dollars 6 months ago) and 59 in US
So I can gift 12 of them while a person from US can gift 50 copies.

Once I start to calculate things like that it really feels unfair to people from countries of low wages.

I know CV system is not perfect but maybe instead of complaining someone can see it a chance to notice they live in prosper and start appreciate it. :)

Have a wonderfull day eveyone.

4 years ago

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If you pay for public toilets in Europe it is around 1-2€ and in Turkey it is 1-2 TL. I can go to toilet 9 times more suckers!

As i mentioned in another topic CV system works as intended. If they can buy for 32 $ they will still get full CV. It doesnt matter unless it is below %90 or something. And this includes all regions, you dont wait for only US price go that down. In any region if it goes down %90 below US price it is considered bundled.

Also I really want to see how those people would react the other side of the coin where they would get the CV of bundle price exactly not games seperatly.

4 years ago

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I use toilet's of shopping malls so I don't have to pay for it.

I pee freelly

4 years ago

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I was also going to say, I've never had to pay to use a public restroom before. Wow.

4 years ago

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Where I live, public restrooms at diners/restaurants are usually free for paying customers. But when at malls or gas stations you have to pay €0.50 or €1.00.

But you'll occasionally find these which are free to use (if you dare 😝)

View attached image.
View attached image.
4 years ago

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What the hell are these xDD.
These stuff are disgusting lol

4 years ago

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It depends on how a shopping mall is managed, to be honest. I live near a really big and really clean, well-run shopping mall and toilets are free and regularly cleaned. There is always a cleaner hovering around keeping the place tidy. That also has another purpose, to keep junkies from coming in off the street. They won't come there when they know they'll get caught and security would get called. lol.

I know that's why a lot of places require payment. It's to keep certain people out.

AND those street loos? I've never seen those. They are gross. Haha!

4 years ago

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I only know these kind of toilets from huge festivals

4 years ago

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Geez, that's a bit messed up TBH. I can't imagine standing out there with passers-by.
That's awkward for both.

4 years ago

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I know they are rare, that's part of the joke. :(

4 years ago

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I'm very grateful for paying $12 on Humble Monthly Bundle (or Choice whatever) to get half region locked games.

4 years ago

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Yes, it is sad to see they started to make their bundles region locked.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago*

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I wonder how many languages you can speak :D

4 years ago

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It's easier for many to dislike something than it is to try and see another's perspective. Thank you for providing some perspective.
You have a wonderful day as well.

4 years ago

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Thank you Tzaar.
It is always a delight to see you around

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Only time I've ever seen it referenced as unfair is when you pay more to get the same or less- ie, Europe paying USD prices but in Euros, or as vini noted above, when you pay USD and get region locked games. Outside of that, I've mostly only ever seen appreciation for regional pricing [ie, by those from low income regions], outside of where it causes issues, such as with Steam restricting gifting, or where it causes exploitation (eg, by resellers, or within certain rare SG groups).

Definitely don't recall seeing the CV issue you noted (outside of the exploitation I just mentioned) on SG, or any meaningful discussion on such- as Aeshma already noted, the CV system already accounts for regional pricing, so there's not much basis in complaining over any correlated issues between CV and regional elements. Complants over gifting annoyances (such as with Steam gifting locks or with getting restricted keys in bundles) or general SG misbehavior (which may manifest via cv or listing exploitation of one sort or another), sure, but nothing based in a direct connection between CV and regoinal pricing.

4 years ago

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I red someone complaining about regional prices and people getting same CV for lower money.
It wasn't so much of issue.
A couple of people answered etc.

I notice this kind of things time to time and I also don't think it as a big issue.

After I red that comment I just felt sad that person can't see how full his glass is.
So I wanted to share my opinion and hopefully wanted to reflect something positive.

It is really easy to be happy as musch as it easy to be unhappy :)

4 years ago

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I haven't seen many Turkish people around, so hi!

İnternette ne zaman başka Türk görsem şaşırıyorum, nedendir bilinmez.

4 years ago

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"Turkish people on internet" is not an extinct race, isn't it?
I loved your picture by the way.

PS: If you create a regional giveaway for a very good one you might get to see more :D

Bu durumda tanıştığımıza memnun oldum bu arada :)

4 years ago

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No but it's rare that I see them around. In most of my active online communities, I'm the token Turkish person.
I know there are Turkish users on SteamGifts lol.

Thanks about the picture. It's from Jen Bartel, an artist I really like.

Edit: I should clarify - "in most of my English-speaking online communities"

4 years ago

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I know there are Turkish users on SteamGifts lol.

20 bin kadar var. Ama çok azı forumu kullanıyor.

4 years ago

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Ben de öyle tahmin ettim. Kullananlar da İngilizce kullanıyordur herhalde :)

4 years ago

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Sadece bölgesel bir çekiliş sırasında Türkçe yazılar görüyorum.

4 years ago

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Now there are at least four Turks in this discussion :)

How did you find that information?
Is it under stats?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thanks for the link

4 years ago

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No worries.

4 years ago

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Here . Just hover over the Turkey bar

4 years ago

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Thanks for the link

4 years ago

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Wait I’m not a vulture...

4 years ago

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Then no bourbon for you...

View attached image.
4 years ago

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well played

4 years ago

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you can count as 5 at least xD

4 years ago

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What do you mean by "token turkish person"? :)

I wondered what are your active communities?

I will send a friend request so you won't be alone anymore if that is ok for you :D

4 years ago

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It means I'm the only Turkish person around most of the time.

I'm active on some Discord servers and some subreddits. On SteamGifts, I participate in "Play a game you won on SG" and I'm in the "Playing Appreciated", "Unlucky 7", and "SG Pillars" groups. To be honest, I have no clue if those have other Turkish people. They probably do. I'm also active on BLAEO.

I'm not feeling lonely, no worries :)

4 years ago

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I am also in that groups.
Except unluck 7

I believe there was a Turkish discussion many years ago.

4 years ago

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I'm in those groups too.(Except pillars)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I know there is at least one more. I won't try to look at 1K people's profiles. You're welcome to try ;p

4 years ago

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Ben sasirdigina sasirdim 😋

4 years ago

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Gerçekten ama, çok nadiren karşılaşıyorum başka Türklerle internette. :)

4 years ago

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Forum kısmında 15'den fazla ben biliyorum ama genelde giveaway başlıklarında karşılaşıyorum.

4 years ago

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Ilginc. Ara sira CSGO oynarsan fikrin degisir bence 🤣

4 years ago

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İnternette Türk yok gibi değil ya :D Ben karşılaşmıyorum sadece. CSGO denedim ama benlik değil...

4 years ago

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Ben de pek öyle şeyler oynayamıyorum.
Senaryosu olması daha çekici geliyor.
Ne tür şeyleri tercih ediyorsun?

4 years ago

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Story-rich, puzzle, cute, life/farming sim. - Sıklıkla baktığım etiketler. Sen?

4 years ago

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Story rich benim için de çok önemli.
Ve mümkünse sonu gelmesi.

Farming sim kesinlikle bağımlılık yapıcı onedenle gördüğüm yerde kaçıyorum.

FPS, RPG, Strategy genelde ilgimi çeken türler

4 years ago

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CS GO ping sebebiyle yakın bölgedekileri mi grupluyor?

4 years ago

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Sanetmem. Beni cok Turk ve Ruslarla grupluyor, ama bana yakin ulke degiller.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I'm from Russia, we have a minimum wage of 11 000 rubles = $145... at the same time, there is inflation in the country, and savings have been frozen for 6 years in a row (the state refuses to pay % on the money that citizens deduct to the pension Fund, as a result, pensions are gradually devalued)

to be honest, in this situation, the price of games is the last thing that bothers me :(

4 years ago*

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Whish I could say something to cheer you up

4 years ago

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Well. We Iranian people can not even afford a single game!
Here, average wage is ~ $100 a month...
And worse, Steam wouldn't even let us to use it's store :(

4 years ago

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How do you manage to get games?

Is it same for Epic Store, Origin and UPlay?

4 years ago

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Well, every single Iranian gamer (who buys games, not those who pirate games) have set their game stores' (Steam, Origin, XBOX, PS...) region to some other countries.
For the money we make even Argentina's prices are high! (games are usually about %250 cheaper in that region)

I have played games for ~10 years now, and all these years, I've never ever seen a single person here who buys games. Everyone pirates games for free. It's completely legall here. In fact, there are big companies here selling pirated games on disks.
For example Download.ir, for foreigners it might look like a Torrent website. But in fact it's servers are hosted by our own government! It's completely normal/legall to pirate any piece of software in Iran. Most people don't even know that you have to pay money for these everywhere else...

4 years ago*

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that's not Steam's fault; it's illegal for a U.S. company to provide technology services to Iran.

4 years ago

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Yeah, you're right! Steam's doing what they should do.

4 years ago

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A blessing and a curse depending on the publisher.

4 years ago

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That is right.
I remember Witcher Thronebreaker was almost same priced as US price in my country.
And some games were even had higher percentage :)

4 years ago

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I agree with you. We all should appreciate what we have more than we do.

The funny fact is that most people in the world are living better than the kings did in middle ages and most people will try more different foods during their first 20 years of life than kings did in their entire life.

4 years ago

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That never occured to me before.
Thank you

4 years ago

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not just the middle ages. in 1951, the average life expectancy globally was 46 in the developed world, the average was 60, in the rest of the world, around 30
As a matter of fact, in 1800, no country in the world had an average life expectancy longer than 40.

4 years ago

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Good to know :)

I wonder if bread + beer was still the most common meal for most people?

4 years ago

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I think this book is for you: A History of the World in 6 Glasses - Tom Standage

4 years ago

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Thank you :) I will check it out if I will be able to get my hands on it :)

4 years ago

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Kind of related to the OP, I just checked it's 45 Zloty. Was it always that expensive to buy books in Poland? It's ~8 Zloty in Turkey. Anyway, if you ever read it hit me up if you want to talk about it. I don't want to give any spoilers lol.

4 years ago*

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There was a time when books were cheaper but also people were earning less. Now we earn more but everything costs more so... it is like everything changed but nothing changed in the end :/

4 years ago

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Welp, there is nothing I can do other than wish everyone the best.

4 years ago

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Bread is a most in Turkey too.
And beer is a must for my dad :)

4 years ago

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To tell the truth beer is a must once a weak for me to just chill out after work and take my mind off things I hate in my country but cannot change :P

4 years ago

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allah yardimciniz olsun kardesim. türkiyenin ekonomik durumu su an cok kötü. insallah düzelir en kisa zamanda. oyun konusunda türkiyenin iyi tarafi sanirim, korsancilarin isi daha rahat degilmi? filim olsun, oyun olsun. yoksa öyle degilmi? akrabalarimi ziyaret ettigimde herkes korsan filimler ve oyunlara sahipti.

4 years ago

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I agree with you, as a gamer and a gamedev of sorts. Sure, developers have the right to set the price for their game and I've been using this to keep my game between $1 and $2 in all the markets, but I still think people whose monthly income is lower than USA/EU, not due to their fault but the standard in their country, GDP, market... should have the price adjusted too. Sure, games are LUXURY but even the price of a cake is adjusted to the market (which is why western tourists find all the food and lodging so cheap in "our parts of the world"), so why not a game or a TV.

Sadly, my country which is below Turkey pays EU prices for games and even higher markup prices for computer parts so... yeah... I wish we had regional pricing.

4 years ago*

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Thank you very much for this extremely helpful thread which will help heal the divide that has plagued SteamGifts for years eversince Steam introducted regional pricing, by repeating stuff we've been hearing for almost half a decade. I'm sure it won't create further animosity.

By the way to what email adress at Valve do I have to send my tax return so I can get Turkish prices?

4 years ago

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While I was living in China I don't remember Valve asked me to send them any proff so I can change to Chinese prices.
I could kept on using my Turkish credit card too.

My aim wasn't dividing people. I just wanted to remind people there is reason for regional prices (and it is definetlly not perfect) and instead of seeing glass half empty maybe we should all be happy for the gifts life gives us.

4 years ago*

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i'm against regional prices because i would rather have all the idiots complaining about regions getting cheaper prices, pay for the wage difference we have.

i wouldn't mind having my 450 usd average wage turned into ~$3500. i swear i would start buying games at $60 on release.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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My salary is 502 USD / month. My rent costs 188 USD / month. PS5 costs 1042 USD, PS5 games cost 88 USD. If it weren't for Steam, PC gaming and regional pricing, I'd have given up gaming a long time ago.

We don't get to choose the where we're born. We shouldn't be punished for something we have no control over. AND A PRODUCT WITH A 0 MARGINAL COST SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE REGIONAL PRICING. It's f**king retarded for some devs to NOT use the regional pricing (looking at you EA). You'll either get my 30 dollars or you'll get nothing. Why the hell would you choose nothing ?

4 years ago

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totally agree about EA and u can add activation too :3

4 years ago

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I was really scared when Steam said that they would not use more regional prices here in Argentina, because the games are really cheap, compared if i bought them in dollars, now for example i'm saving to buy cyberpunk. Thank god they keep the store

I lost my job as bartender, thanks to this stupid government and their love to the quarentine, but i found another job, i won AR$18.000 per month. Cyberpunk 2077 it's AR$2.199 on Argentina, you may said, that's unfair to other countries

Almost everyone lost their job thanks to the quarentine, more than 60.000 small business closed, and the dollar, we have like 5 diferents dollars (oficial, blue, solidario, etc) and the one to buy in digital plataforms, is AR$200, AR$12.000 if i want Cyberpunk 2077 on other plataforms.

4 years ago

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Sigamos votando por el asadito.
País de mierda con gente de mierda.

4 years ago

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Yine gerçekler yüzüme tokat gibi çarptı...

4 years ago

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Even within countries there are differences. In the U.S., the area with the highest median income, in San Francisco, is a whopping $8000 per month, but in Little River, California, the annual median income is $3194 that's $266 per month

At the same time, cost of living also varies significantly. In places like San Francisco and New York, a salary that seems very high anywhere else is actually really low.
That $8000/month salary in San Francisco comes down to $5700 after tax. Which sounds high, until you realize that median rent is $4200 a one-bedroom apartment costs an average of $3500, health insurance is at least $400 per month, a typical family spends $430 on food, and regular bills (electric, phone/internet, TV, transportation) will easily be another $300-$500. And on top of that, most people have student loans to pay off college often costs $50,000 or more per year
Activities are also more expensive - movie tickets are $15 per person, restaurants can easily be $50 per person, etc.

As weird as it sounds, I know plenty of people who earn $100,000 per year (or more), who can barely make ends meet.

4 years ago

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I know plenty of people who earn $100,000 per year (or more), who can barely make ends meet.

It sounds crazy but I'm not convinced sorry. You are comparing people who make 100k$ a year to people from countries with 200$ to 400$ monthly wage, nothing is included in that btw they still have to pay for food, shelter, daily expenses, clothing etc.
Even after the tax and the crazy rent 100k$ earners still have more than 1500$ in their hands, which is 5 times more than the total wage in some hell hole country...

Also having a high income gives you a million different options to spend or save the money, you can try to spend less or look for other options for anything for instance university education is free in some western EU countries, at least it is possible to pay less for the rent or other things while for someone who makes 300$ a month, the maximum amount he can save is 300$/month if he can somehow manage to spend 0$... A lot of people from those countries never even afford to buy a car while it is pretty common to have a car even for high school kids in the first world.
But I get it I guess you were trying to say, someone who makes 9k$ a month doesn't necessarily live 30 times better than someone who makes only 300$ a month. Well for the country OP mentioned for instance it is not even just a financial problem, that 30 times thing might not even be an exaggeration considering the other things.

4 years ago

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I’m not trying to make it sound equal. A little extra in New York is much better than a little extra in Zimbabwe.

But it’s not an easy comparison. What some people in this thread make literally wouldn’t be enough to feed me. (And Im talking normal food, not steak and lobster)

4 years ago

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If only life was all about rent, food and cheap steam regions... Apart from those everything else is either the same price or even more expensive. Btw with those rent prices, being a landlord in San Francisco sounds like an amazing career.

Anyway getting games for cheap from steam store is an awesome thing from an individual standpoint, there is nothing to complain about it. Of course companies are doing that only because "Fifty percent of something is better than a hundred percent of nothing.".

4 years ago*

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You are right.
Cost of living is also higher in countries which has more monthly income.
I was just hoping to show people instead of complaining that some people pay less for games maybe we should just be happy as things are.

4 years ago

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I live in South Africa, and our pricing for games are somewhat lower than the direct US dollar conversion on Steam.
You'd think then that I'd be using this system as many have suggested moving up the ranks on my CV.
This, however, is not the case. Unfortunately, there aren't an exceeding number of South Africans on SG and even fewer who'd want some of the lower end games, as it's not always easy to create a GA for AAA titles.
I've attempted two games previously region-locked to SA. I struggled to get the required 5 entries to validate the GA and receive the CV.
As such, I have to do GAs for games from international resellers and bundles for which there aren't the benefits of the reduced price per region.
The exchange rate is a killer, and has been getting progressively worse year on year since I've joined SG.
So, I'm grateful (OP to check typo on title :P) for region-based pricing reduction, but no, I can't use it to my advantage to climb the ranks as many suggest.

4 years ago

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While it is 2.970 Dollars for a month in USA (According to a person who works five days a week, 9 hours a day)

I don't live in the US, but I'm pretty sure minimum wage isn't this high there, except maybe in some very limited areas.
Wikipedia seems to say around $11 an hour for the average minimum wage. But $7.25/hour as far as the federal minimum wage goes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wage_in_the_United_States

4 years ago*

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I copy pasted from a website.
Information I got sems to wrong

4 years ago

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Ps fiyatlarını yazında adamlar birim fiyat nedir öğrensinler :))

4 years ago

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Does no one understand that regional pricing is collusion between businesses to set a fixed price?

4 years ago*

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Just to add; how much you make in the USA depends on where you live. My room mate only make 1,160 a month, and the government takes 17% (That's 200 dollars) of that. I make less than 800 after taxes and have to be room mates with someone else, just to pay the bills and we NEVER have money left over, because there is always back bills to pay.

But I am thankful my parents that disowned me give me a hundred dollars each year for my birthday. I use that for humble and would have no games otherwise. Though I think it'll be a while before they put Cyberpunk on HB Monthly. lol

Oh, just to add, I've never complained that other countries get lower prices. I mean, there is a reason they do. Not like companies just love those countries more for no reason. You're 100% right on that part.

4 years ago

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just to add, I've never complained that other countries get lower prices.

No. This sweet summer child did and thus provoked the creation of this extremely constructive thread we have here.

While I do think it would be nice to have more new threads popping up (preferably positive, non-political ones) I honestly wish people would keep their revolutionary, new observations to themselves.


4 years ago

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Thanks for sharing your story

I am aware things are not so bright for US or European countries too.
I red another hate comment about regional pricings a couple of days ago and wanted to help people realize there is a reason for that and if we want we can just find a way to feel happy instead of being sad about anything.

4 years ago

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Well, I'm from Hungary and as being from a member state of the EU (European Union) I pay the highest price for every game, in most cases even more than someone from the US. AND even though the average wage is about 3-4x more in Germany than the one we earn here, we must still pay as much as they do, since we are both EU member states...

How about that? :D

4 years ago

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Same in Bulgaria. This is why 90% of gamers in the Balkans pirate their games.
Considering that wages and living conditions are not the same across EU, I don't see why we can't get regional pricing.
The good thing is that there are so many games being released that publishers are forced to put them on sale 2 months after release and if you are willing to wait 2 years you could get most AAA games for ~ 10 Euro.

4 years ago

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You are right.
There was a rumor Steam will make West and East Europe regions, unfortunatelly that never happened.

4 years ago

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Until a few years ago there was two economical regions in the EU. The western and northern countries were the developed countries were the income was higher, while the rest were still developing countries with less income like the above mentioned Hungry country. For this reason a lot of the products sold in the latter countries were sold for less. These regions are no more and currently prices are subject to the free market.
In Hungary minimal wage is fairly small, VAT is the highest compared to other EU countries and right now the goverment is ruining the healthcare for some incomprehensible reason.

4 years ago

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Let me put it this way:
Would you want to be charged more money on something because of your race?
Would you like it if someone else paid less because of your race or their race?
That is what different prices on digital goods is exactly.
Do you want to support this sort of thing??????

It is clearly not based on income, cost of living, or gdp.

Just be glad others are paying part of your cost for your digital goods you are paying less for.

4 years ago

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No one gets any particular price because of their "race". They get regional pricing because of where they live.
You could live in those places yourself and pay those prices, if you so desired.

I thought this was obvious. Apparently not.

To answer your question: Yes, I want to support this sort of thing, because in some places no one would be able to afford games paying the same prices I do. In point of fact, most of them still pay the same prices for bundles that I do, in spite of where they live.

4 years ago

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So going by that very same logic people who live in more prosperous countries but don't earn as much as the local statistic average would also have to get those reduced prices, right?

4 years ago

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I could swear I just stated they get regional pricing because of where they live.
You can hope they set pricing based on personal income all you like, but I wouldn't hold my breath over it.

4 years ago

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So you're trying to tell me you're a hypocrite.
Message received.

I was not aware the phrase pluralism of opinions had an adage "as long as people believe exactly the same things I believe."

4 years ago

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So you're trying to tell me you're a hypocrite.

Care to explain why I'm a hypocrite for approving of regional pricing but realizing personal pricing is unrealistic?
And yes, I know you disapprove of regional pricing. This isn't about your opinion. This is about what you've said.

4 years ago

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Since you chose to blacklist me based on my opinions even before we had this exchange I will not continue this discussion with you.

Feel free to add another comment and have the last word 😉

4 years ago

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Ah, so this is about me blacklisting you, and apparently I don't have the right to hold people accountable for what they say.

4 years ago*

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I'll help you.... it is based on discrimination.
I was using race as an example.

4 years ago

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Based on your comment i am %75 sure you don't know what a country is.

4 years ago

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