Congrats! :)
But I must say: you should not marry a 7 year old boy... even if it's a friend ;)
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Sorry to say, but ... you messed up the links. Almost all are as follows: and lead nowhere.
Bon voyage on the marriage ;)
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and here was me, thinking I just don't get the puzzle :D
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congrats!! :)
i guess if you have lived together before getting married then there wont be much change. its the same after as it is before with the only difference being another family name. of course that is only if you pretty much dont get pregnant immediately... then everything changes.
wish a happy life :)
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Thanks! ^^
There are still restrictions over interstate travel over here so we haven't moved in together yet (it's a whole other story and a whole other mess, thanks to the pandemic). If everything goes to plan though, the move should happen in June :)
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ah i see. its rare nowadays that 2 ppl marry before moving together...
there might be little things here and there that might annoy you... but the biggest issue most of the time is how to manage the household and chores.
are you more tradinional with traditional roles playing out? or are you modern and everyone shares everything?
you should have figured that out before stepping on a land mine... but you had 7 years.. i guess you did.
also as another advice... give each other space. not just letting each other have their own hobbies and a nights out with friends... but also inside the home itself. its good if you have some room where each of you can return to and do stuff on their own without being bothered or feeling like bothering the other... especially in these times where youre supposed to stay indoors most of the time... some couples are having a rough time to manage.
hope everything goes well though :)
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Good luck and have fun!
Are you both gamers? In my case we ended up having 2 PC's xD
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Haha, yes we are. He actually bought me a beast PC as a wedding gift and I'm completely over the moon about it :)
He only plays DotA 2 and some MMO shooters though. Been trying to get him on some cool indies but so far, I'm sad to say that I've failed. It's just not his thing I guess :P
Edit: Fixed my grammar
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Ah that's really sweet!
I love how the gift is something special to you both and not a standard wedding gift ^_^
Are you still planning to have a party after the lock down?
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beast PC as a wedding gift
Nice xD Place your screen next to his and he'll might be interested in playing the same stuff as you soon xD Just by watching you play :) At least this is how my wife decided to play fallout nv and mass effect series xD
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Congratulations! Glade you could still tie the knot ^_^
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Congrats and meow. It might be a bit old now, but I remember my wife and I learning a lot about the opposite sex by reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
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Oh, that's a book I'll definitely be interested in, thanks! :)
P/S: My cousin's wife sent me The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and it really helped us a lot. Thought you'd be interested in the book as well, but if not, please ignore this little side note :P
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That’s the other book I recommend, but forgot to mention! =^.^=
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I'm not a huge fan of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - I think it takes a very old-school view of the sexes, and I disagree with its findings and conclusions.
For example, the book's most popular idea that when men hear a problem, they want to offer a solution, while when women bring up a problem they're not looking for a solution but just want to talk about the problem and be heard - I'm sure that's true for some people, but I also know women who, when they hear a problem, offer up a solution, and men who like to complain about problems but aren't looking for a solution, they just want to complain.
And the female "wave" about her ability to give to others - being balanced when she's full of love to give to others, and crashing when she gives more love than she receives... Why is it only women who are the designated givers of love and energy to others? Surely everyone is capable of giving love and energy, everyone can feel unbalanced if they don't feel loved in return, and everyone benefits from the attention, understanding, and reassurances of those around them.
And the whole love scoring thing with different scoring methods...?
Anyway, I'm obviously not a fan. :)
I think we're far more similar than not, but also that every person is unique, and your approach has to be tailored to the person, rather than their gender. The important thing is to listen, try to understand, and go with what your partner actually wants and needs rather than what they're supposed to want or need.
One book that I did find very useful is Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love - I think book is terrific - it provides uncannily astute observations, gives genuinely helpful advice, and it really helps you understand not only each other but also yourself. It's a surprisingly fun and enjoyable read, and I felt that everything in it really resonated with me. I rented a digital version for free from my library.
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Congratulations! I really hope you lead a wonderful life along your husband, hopefully you'll enjoy a lot of games together :D
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Oh no, we wouldn't ;)
It's odd though, isn't it? I've only realized this after I was actively trying to search for one. Thought it might be because of the style of music I prefer but that doesn't seem to be the reason so far. This is getting curiouser and curiouser!
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Long story short - my boyfriend of 7 years and I were supposed to tie the knot back in April but then a lockdown was imposed in the mid of March which was then extended until June. However, thankfully, the government offices have finally reopened and they have started to process marriage registrations. We managed to snag the earliest date possible and well.... we're now officially married!
Thought I'd share the good news here since I've made some great friends on SG 😊
And of course, organize a small celebratory train to mark the occasion and share some love around!
🚄🚃Main Carriages🚃-🚃TMCG🚃-🚃Pandora🚃-🚃CBNA🚃-🚃PA🚃-🚃PAGYWOSG🚃-🚃SG Pillars🚃-🚃Gamer's Cabin🚃-🚃Positive Thoughts🚃-🚃Weird-Based Gamer🚃-🚃Elite One GAs🚃-(Not group)🚃SG Karaoke🚃 Giveaway link is hidden there (not really; it's super easy to find) ;)
(Deadline to board: May 31st; Anti-bot Protection; Level 1+; Some love songs)
I'll see if I can add more carriages to the train but this is it for now.
For those of you who are married, any advice for us newly-weds?
Do you all know of any love songs that are sung by the bride/wife to the groom/husband, and not the other way around? I can't seem to find any.
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