I propouse...
that when you SYNC your account the SG System tells you what Giveaway you entered for win you have already on your account.
Then you can avoid Win a game that you bought/won in same day... and be banned for it or you will avoid a problem and time waste, rerolls, and extra support work.

Or will be better if SG system drops you all the giveaways you entered when detect that you already have the game in account.

Another Idea is that SG gives a AUTOSYNC all days or in the First Log each day, that will avoid problems too. Or SG shows you a BANNER when detects that you dont sync for a long time 1 or 2 days... I am the common guy that add games all days.

What you think ???
please comment.
And please excuse me for my poor and basic english.

I CLOSED BECAUSE I AM GOING OUT, Maybe I will open later for more discussing, stay Sint, i must said Stay Sync. lol =)

9 years ago*

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What you think about the Idea:

View Results
Disagreed (please comment why)
Agree, I prefer that SG informs me that I am on a GA that I already have on acc
Agree, but I prefer that SG drops my GA when I already have on my acc

This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Very smart...

9 years ago

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if you are Typical Hater

Not the best tone to start off with mate. But I understand your English is not the best.

9 years ago

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I will explain in my poor english.

You put a post with some ideas, and automaticaly somebody put DISAGREED, without comments 2 secs later...
and I think nobody read on 2 seconds and imagine how the ideas can works.
That is enough Hater and Troll for me, And sorry my "tone" but I see this site have a lot too.

9 years ago

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Some people doesn't speak fluent English because they aren't natives from countries that speak english..

9 years ago

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I did acknowledge that in my post.

9 years ago

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Then why you posted that message? what is the purpose of it?

9 years ago

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Non native English or not, it's good if they come to understand that using the term "typical hater" is not a good way to start a conversation with someone that might disagree with you.

9 years ago*

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I deleted the Comment,
Sorry for use the term "hater"
Was not my Idea hurts your feelings. Regards

9 years ago

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All good. No feelings hurt. :)

9 years ago

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anyway I dont imagine a Good man with beard
crying for somebody saying "hater"

Warriors dont cry

9 years ago

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You can just manually leave the giveaways you entered in.
I Like the idea as a future to the site , but it has been suggested a dozen of times , and ppl gave legit reasoning why is that kinda not inpmlemented .

There ware even the comments ,that you teoritically lose points if the site auto leaves all the giveaways you entered for a game you got .

Like imagine having Broken age in your wishlist , if you entered all like 100 gibs for it , and then won 1 , but still had like 40ish still running .
Thats 1k points , that you Could , use to enter into other giveaways .

I dont really care either way , tho i would love to see the Warning as a future for sure , the auto leave can be flawed for the reason mentioned above .

9 years ago

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yes, right!

You give me another Idea too

You won a game that you Entered all the GA possibles, maybe 20 or 30 if the game is a simple bundle game and are a lot of them...

then you won 1 of this, System can Autosync when you mark received, then Drops all the rest GA that you entered of that game. That will be great. Or at least, When you won a game, a Signs adverting can says you that "WILL BE GOOD TO SYNC NOW for avoid MuLTIWINS and invite to let all the GA that you already won"

Good idea?

9 years ago

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Something along those lines i guess .
Ideally the way i see it working the best , would be a forced auto sync each time you mark a game as received .
And also , each time you sync the game , if possible there should be check if you are currently entered into a giveaway of a game that you already own . And RECOMMENDED , to leave those giveaways .
Or just getting a simple warning that you are currently into a giveaway for 1 or more games that you already own .

The system leaving giveaways for you is not an option tho , people are already lazy enough and use bots and shit to enter giveaways .
So forcing people to work at least alittle bit , to avoid breaking the rules sounds like the ideal option imo .

Just my 2 cents on the matter.

9 years ago

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I do a sweep of the bundle sites, then sync my account before I start putting in entries, still sometimes I find out about a bundle or sale part way through the night, I come back and re-sync, and at that point I should be dropped from the relevant GA's at the same time it hides them, I don't mind losing the points entered, it's worth losing them to avoid awkwardness later.
Turning off hiding ga's and trying to find the relevant entered GA's in the unfiltered list of GA's and manually removing the entries just isn't practical, auto forfeiting entries/points when you sync/own or hide a GA type just makes sense.

9 years ago

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You can literally check your game entries , and press the remove button there .
It takes no time whatsoever to do so , and if your library is organized , you are well aware of what games you do and do not own .

I still think that if something like that is come to pass , it should Not auto remove entries .

9 years ago

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Thank you, I hadn't noticed that method.

9 years ago

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You will only be banned if you mark as received for a key that you have won. Simply don't mark as received and you're problem is solved. Ask for a re-roll.

9 years ago

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yes dear
but sometimes I forget my games, and I only open steam app on the nights, but all day on SG for take a chance.
and some names are very rare and you keep entering after you add on a Bundle.

9 years ago

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SG automatically synchronises your account weekly by default. Henceforth, most people never even push the sync button, so they wouldn't even see this message.

9 years ago

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It would benefit me though, I sync every time I update my library :)

9 years ago

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1 week? Is a lot of time,
IF YOU READ ALL will read the Final idea that autosync each day on first login... or Sign can advert you for Sync today.-
thank you

9 years ago

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Some Steam users use private profile so you can't force them to change their profile to public everyday!.

9 years ago

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Private realy ? I only found SCAMMERS with private profile, I think if you dont offer Confidence and Transparency you need keep out of SG

9 years ago

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People have different reasons for choosing different profile states. We simply can't judging them. :)

9 years ago

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If you are on a website that needs read your list of games, then you keep public or then Keep with your "different reasons to be private"... and dont enter the website. I manage this opinion, just saying, but respecting all the opinions, regards!!

Anyway, I prefer not to be contacted or related to somebody with private profile. And I think is 95% ppl agreed that

9 years ago

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If you are on a website that needs read your list of games, then you keep public or then Keep with your "different reasons to be private"... and dont enter the website.

I agree with you. if i has to choose between annoying daily check, and leaving the site. I would choose the second one!

9 years ago

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I liked those ideas, but now, I just desagree with you 'cause if want to do something good for our community, first of all you have to respect users and don't to generalize ;)

Private realy ? I only found SCAMMERS with private profile

Can you tell with 100% sure that I'm scammer? NO, I pretty sure with 100% you can't. And another thing, why should I sync my acc everyday if I even don't buy new games everyday or enter new groups everyday?

9 years ago

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I respect, I dont matter if you are scammer or not, is not my biz.
Then, if you RESPECT MY OPINION, then you will not accuse me that I am Unrespecting users, that is Only my opinion, and you must not give too much importance to my opinion because you have your opinions and I am a common guy. ok!? Fights not needed realy.

Well... About Sync, I dont tell Autosync forzed everyday, but SG can check your list games and if found some change then sync first time you log on the day at SG, just that, no much more ;)
ANd excuse me if you use Private profile and your feelings was hurted by my opinion, realy :)

9 years ago

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I just think you can't generalize 'cause you found scammers with private profiles. As HA66 said, people have different reasons to choose their status profile (I have mine and I'm not a scammer for choose private profile). Anyway, this is just my opinion ;)

About sync, I'm not sure if it could work 'cause our profile choices, but could be a good idea reduce time to sync (in 7 days we can win a lot of games not me 'cause I don't have luck). Something like 3 days maybe? And then, force us to sync after 3 days past.

It's ok what you think about private profiles, but just don't generalize ;) there are good people that use for good reasons

9 years ago

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I can not imagine a reason for use a private profile, If I was not finded in Steam, i just change nick and delete name, easy....
but I understand, you have your opinion and you are free to decide, but you are on a site that based all their Trusty System on Public profile, then if your privacy is much more important, then is not logical to enter this site.

About Sync ... I think the same, 7 days makes no sense, will be better to sync any time you won something or at least modify a little the Sync by api system then The system can PRECheck if is needed to Sync or not without a major work on server sides... as I said, any System can be improved, and this Are only ideas!!! not much more important, and is not the deal to start fighting for different ideas.
The good thing is all of us Loves Steamgifts =)

9 years ago

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Yes, my privacy is more important, but if the site doesn't require public profile, I don't see point to change it only 'cause 90% (I'm not sure about numbers) users are using public profiles.

Anw, this idea about sync any time we won something sounds perfect. This way, we'll have our library sync almost all the times ('cause we can activate keys that get from another source). But with this and reducing time required to sync is a good improve (I guess) sorry some mistakes, English isn't my first language

9 years ago

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Your profile is not private though. At least it is reported as friends-only…

9 years ago

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It was. I changed to friends-only 'cause sometimes a friend or another want to see something.

9 years ago

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Ah. That explains. Still, just on public data, I'd say that a profile like this carries less than 25% chance of being tied to a scammer/shady person. And about the same chance of it being an abandoned one.

9 years ago

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Yeah. I know that people prefer to use public profiles to show their stuff, and profile setup or 'cause they does a lot of trade. Minority like/need/prefer to use private.

9 years ago

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What you mean?

9 years ago

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That profiles have three settings, which many people seem to forget. Private means no-one can see it, but there is a friends-only, where anyone on the friend list sees everything like on a public profile. And the setting itself (public, friends-only, private) is reported publicly.

9 years ago

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oww yes!
A Bot on steamgifts can be added as friend for check that profiles...

Just an idea. Regards!

9 years ago

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This could work! (I don't know how this could impact on site demand, but is an idea). Maybe force us to add this "Bot" when registering our account on site

9 years ago

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Yes, you're right. Everyone with a private profile MUST be a scammer. /rolls eyes

I would have a private profile if it weren't such a hassle for SteamGifts. Do you have any idea how often idiots try to add me begging for cards or inventory items, or even games, because I own a bunch? It would be even worse for people who own more or have a lot of games in their inventory.

So, according to your FACTS, I must be a scammer. Nice. :)

9 years ago

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Reported to be a scammer hahahahaha KIDDING ^-^
That is exactly what I thought. Everyone can have a good reason for choose private profile instead public. This doesn't mean we're bad people.
And, an account with a lot of items/games could be a good "target" for malicious people.

9 years ago

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Sounds like a kind of Christ of Cards lol
According to my FACTS... I am not Looking people for begging for cards and found Priv Profiles,
But I am reached for lot of Scammers with Priv profile trying to steal something :)

then Facts sound very logical for the common Steam user, that is not your case of course.

Anyway, I am not discussing the Priv or Not priv profile Thing, and if somebody wants to keep priv ever needs to let the site :( bad for him

9 years ago

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No, just no.

Just because you believe something to be true doesn't make it fact. SG currently allows private profiles and only requires syncing once/week. It's that way for a reason - and privacy is the least of those reasons. According to your facts, though, I must have a meth lab in my house or kidnap people simply because I like to keep my curtains closed.

Syncing automatically after every win would also increase site load by a great deal - there are hundreds if not thousands of winners daily on this site.

9 years ago

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mmm That sounds like you're taking it too personal. And they are just ideas, so please stop accusing or assume facts about my opinion, then we can manage this on the respect way, because I am not attacking your opinion, but you are puting this in the Rude way.

If you know some of programming or systems, a little check on each winning is not a big load, I am sure some unnecesary requests are more load for the site than this Idea, as I said, this are ideas, because any System can be improved. ;)

thanks, and regards.

9 years ago

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so please stop accusing or assume facts about my opinion, then we can manage this on the respect way

I'm being disrespectful? You've basically called anyone with a private profile a scammer, but I am the disrespectful one for making a simple analogy. How many users have you outright insulted today by calling anyone with a private profile a scammer, I wonder? :)

If you knew anything about SG in general, you'd know that CG has already had to disable several features over the past year to put others in place to decrease server load because it used to crash/slow down on a daily basis. I don't need to know anything about programming or systems to read CG's announcements about it and his reasons why. You can completely disregard it as a valid reason all you like, but that doesn't make it invalid. ;)

9 years ago

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You supouse all of that, I never said that ALL PRIV. PROFILE are scammers,
anyway, this discussion is Pointless, regards.

9 years ago

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Sure you can, if you implemented this and they still wanted to log in :P

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Autosync daily would mean a lot of queries from this site towards Steam. Although cg managed to code database handling to be a lot less resource-intensive, that many queries would carry a noticeable performance impact.

9 years ago

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AUTOSYNC in the First Login or first giveaway that you entered on the day, that will less impact, and I am sure that Update a column of games on the DB is not a heavy work, I worked a lot with servers, hostings and webdesigns.

9 years ago

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That's okay, but have you worked with the Steam API? It's rather infamous for not being the most resource-friendly and responsive API in the universe.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you win a game that you already have ask the giveaway creator for a reroll and don't mark it as received. Then you won't be banned. The first thing I do when I buy/win games is check my other entries and remove the ones I don't need.

9 years ago

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That is a time waste or Not?

9 years ago

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That's the way of not wasting time of GA creators and supports.

9 years ago

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There have been issues lately with certain developers that just don't care for double wins and never reroll, so OP has a point.

9 years ago

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You still don't mark it as received or activate it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Things would be easier if it was automated, but it won't cover wins for the same game that end around the same time.

9 years ago

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Another idea... on each won the system can check automaticaly if you have entered another GA of same games, and This will not need any Steam SYNC, and any API use... just a lines of code related to Won a game status. I mean ...

You entered 10 ga that same game that ends in around 5 mins
You won 1 game and automaticaly SG drops yours GA of that game.
No points gives back, because you realy commit your objective, won that game,
You happy, and all right.

9 years ago

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I actually agree dropping you from all games you own would be helpful. I often enter games I want or that are wishlisted and see them in bundles shortly after and buy the whole bundle. I re-sync after each bundle to prevent me from reentering them but it can become time consuming removing myself from all the previous ones. So I usually end up checking all bundles before entering any giveaways now.
Though if you win something you have you can always ask for a reroll, you don't have to get banned :)

9 years ago

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Smart comment.

ReRoll is a waste of time not?
But thinks... Many people that wins already have the game and late some days informing you and you waste a lot of time ...

9 years ago

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oh well I sync my accounts daily. I already won a GA that i already owned, i contacted the creator and dude was fast and contacted support for reroll.

no problems happened.

9 years ago

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Yes, good, but not all ppl takes cares about it and contacts to the contributor...

9 years ago

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That's because they're lazy. It's not the sites job to hold their hands and do everything for them. If you're mature enough to navigate the site and enter GAs then surely you can check which GA you entered. Or in case you win again not confirm and ask creator or support for a re-roll.

9 years ago

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the systems are for improve lazyness if you think better.. then you ever can improve the system. I worked a lot on systems :)

9 years ago

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That's the problem. You make too many concessions to people's laziness and in the end they expect everything to be done for them. Next thing will be requests for automatic entries in GAs for wishlisted games xD

9 years ago

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Too many ppl already designs our Scripts for autojoiner, I dont use, but I can design one of it... That is not the idea on the site for me.
I do all Manualy because I select specific games, not alls, but... the systems can Improve and avoid the Double check and supports time wasting, IF sG dont implement this idea yet is for a Limitation on their DB Structure or Request/Post implementation on Server sides.

9 years ago

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I sync my account every time I activate keys or gifts or whatever purchase for keeping me from mistakes.
I think It's just small efforts, not that hard.

9 years ago

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Sure, but this doesn't automatically remove your entries. So if you entered 10 GA for the game and you won one of it, you're still taking part in others.

9 years ago

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silencium9 takes my point, a script that drops your GA automaticaly when you have it can avoid extra work and time wasting. and I think that script is very easy to implement

9 years ago

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When I win something or buy bundles etc, I search the game at entered page and remove entries.
Am I too cautious? Because I don't like to request re-roll myself, I try not to burden other users. ;)

9 years ago

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I do that too. Yet I won the same game twice. How? Simply, one time I just forgot - probably needed to do something else. It can happen to the most cautious person ;). You may get distracted and forget to do that this one time, that's enough. I didn't have any issues with GA creator, they requested reroll, but still. The issue exist.

9 years ago

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I agree with you on the matter that issue still exist. But I think each user can try to avoid problems with small efforts without asking something which might load SG heavily.
As others said, there are private(or friend only) profiles and free weekend issue. So I object to OP's opinion.
While a certain game is free weekend which I intend to buy or win someday, I usually hide my purchases and wins instead of sync.

9 years ago

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I won a game twice within 2 hours, sorry but can't check every minute ;-) (and I'm already on way too much so..) One got rerolled quickly, no issue there, but support really shouldn't be bothered when there are viable alternatives at least in cases of winning a game.

9 years ago

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I know, and I understand such things happen. We need to sleep and eat and work and so on.
What I want to say is... something like "Don't be lazy, folks." Of course, not to you, ;)

9 years ago

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Yes, But it can be automatic in this system, I am propousing that, thank you!

9 years ago

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It'd certainly save us time - for instance every time I add something I sync & check on the "entered" list, and remove entries. Besides it could be automated, whereas asking for rerolls takes a toll on the support, so I don't see why not.

9 years ago

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Thats a smart comment.

The idea can Save a time and work for Support and double checkings, but as Talgaby said.. can be harder the work on the server sides.

9 years ago

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Your idea is exactly how SteamCompanion works, its much better, totally agree with you, wonder why Steamgift doesn't do the same :|

9 years ago

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Don't they have like one-tenth of the active user base SteamGifts has?

9 years ago

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Oh I know that, don't get me wrong, I just only talk about sync stuff.

9 years ago

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Steamcompanion has more or less?

9 years ago

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Definitely less. SC is smaller, I am more wondering how much smaller.

9 years ago

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Oh i would thought the opposite of that because becoming member is eaiser but i guess people choose to give here.

9 years ago

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Steamcompanion... just have some games, and all of them are Groups or Promoting games... realy is another system and structure, and needs less resources as Talgaby saids.

9 years ago

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I dont use much SteamCompanion.. but looks great

9 years ago

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I don't think Steam Companion works like that. Even if it does it doesn't re-sync often enough on it's own and a lot of the time the re-sync doesn't work properly. People just need to check their entries.

9 years ago

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From SteamCompanion: The website resyncs your account every 6 hours, but you may also resync your account using this button. This allows you to resync every 15 minutes. Please make sure to make your profile public.
And as far as I know, when I entered a GA, and somehow have that game before the GA end, when I go to GA page, it shows Product already owned. So seem it worked like OP idea.

9 years ago

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I know you can resync manually, but it does not always work. Also yes it will show you if you already own a game on the giveaway page (it's the same here) but I don't believe it will remove any entries that you already had for that game after a resync. I'm gonna test it now with two games of mine that have not synced yet.

9 years ago

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My idea is that when it shows Product owned, its auto remove your entry. But if you want to test, its kind of hard to test, because on SC you can't see entries of a GA ಠ_ಠ so you won't know your entry still in that GA or not.

9 years ago

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You can set it to show or hide games you already have on the main page. Just because the games are hidden does not mean your old entries have been removed. You can view your entries from the drop down menu at the top of the page.

9 years ago

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On Steam Companion I just entered two giveaways for games that I already have but have not been synced with the site yet. I then resynced manually and it did not remove my entries. I have to remove them myself. The games I tested with were Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare and Grimind.

9 years ago*

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Oh nice, thanks for clarify that, I thought when it shows Product already owned, I can't remove entry which mean I'm out. Now its clearly.

9 years ago

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it doesn't re-sync often enough on it's own

SC does resync every 6 hours though.

9 years ago

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Doesn't seem to always work though. I can go for days after adding new games and end up having to do it manually.

9 years ago

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well for me I usually notice it very quickly for a newly bought/added game, but ymmv

9 years ago

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Just one more thing as this has been discussed in previous threads.
You're forgetting that a free weekend on Steam would instantly kick everybody out of GAs for that game. So, some GAs would end having no more entries and people who had entered may lose those points because their account is at 300. It's all been discussed before umpteen times.

9 years ago

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+1 Oh right, free weekend.

9 years ago

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I dont know nothing about Free weekends, I will read about it. Thanks

9 years ago

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A free weekend on Steam means the game is in your account. Depending on when your account is synced by SG your suggestion would mean people automatically being kicked out of GAs. Also, it can sometimes take a few days for Steam to unlink a "free weekend" game from your account. So that means during that time you can't enter.
There were a few threads about this already in the suggestions forum in the recent past. Read through them.
Edit: typos/clarification

9 years ago

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regards bro
I thinks that a good implementation can avoid this FW thing... because the License for a freeweekend is different, you can check it in your LICENSES GAMES on your profile, You mean like NBA 2k16 february Free weekend ? I think can be readed in a Column appart, because is clearly identified.

9 years ago

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Just remember that SG runs because basically one guy does it in his free time for nothing

9 years ago

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Nothing is for Nothing, just remember that ;)

money or autosatisfaction can be enough for humans.

9 years ago

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Oh god, I'm not going to start discussing philosophy or semantics here. I've written enough in this thread and my pizza is getting cold now ;)

9 years ago

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You start saying that "one guy does it in his.. bla bla"
That is Philosophy for me,
I am just discussing a Way to improve a system, Nothing more,


9 years ago

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Why doesn't SteamGifts just run a sync when you are a chosen winner (automatically) and if you already own the product, reroll.
That way if someone messes, up the system makes sure they don't cheat it, but it also avoids too much syncing for SteamGifts since it only need to unscheduled sync once instead of all the time.

(Probably could have said that in a less convoluted way.)

9 years ago

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Read above: Free weekend.

9 years ago

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Is there anyway to check if a game is owned or only free weekend owned.

It was only a suggestion. I'm not saying it's the best way to do it though.

9 years ago

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Yes, Its easily Identified because the Licence on your account is different.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but SG doesn't read your licence history...

9 years ago

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thanks for info

anyway I think that can be solved, as all in the life :)

9 years ago

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Problem is, Steam API is much more complicated and insane than life.

9 years ago*

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Please try and consider avoiding using retarded as a pejorative. While people born with mental retardation may not necessarily have the depth of cognition to care, the word is also used as an insult toward people with traumatic brain injury, and is a reminder to them that they are 'less than', so can be rather negative to encounter [in exactly the same way as any bigoted, degrading term, but rather than attacking a culture, or genetics, it mocks you for a tragedy that was out of your control. So rather than being just offensive, it also strikes you where you're vulnerable].

9 years ago

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I admit, I might have gone too far. Thing is, I've never used this word as a term towards mentally chalenged people so I might have forgotten, that this is where it originated from. Definetely not meant this as insult, but edited of course.

9 years ago

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Well, 'mental retardation' just essentially means mental slowing, and retard was just a byproduct of that. But it's been both a general insult, as well as a pejorative toward the handicapped and injured, for a very, very long time- long enough that unfortunately, that meaning is now the dominant one.
Humans, eh?
And yeah, I know you didn't mean it with any of that in mind. It's become so common in recent years as a general negative term, that it becomes all-too-easy to say it without thinking of any deeper meaning to it.
And, y'know, sort it out and move on, and noone one is too troubled, and respect for the person who made the reference is renewed.
It's when people respond with things like 'Oh, shut up, retard', or other mocking, derision, doubt, or similar, that my stomach feels like it's twisting in on itself and trying to crawl up my throat. :X
Nevermind the helpless sensation that comes with that reminder of your circumstances, and your inability to firmly counter their derision, which just makes you feel that much worse about yourself..

Rape is the other unfortunate one [eg "that fight really raped me!"]. Both have entered common usage, and make light of violations-of-self. :/

9 years ago*

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Aside from free weekends:

  1. Game packs would still be uneffected
  2. Stress on the servers

it only need to unscheduled sync once instead of all the time

People can sometimes win multiple times a day. Wouldn't this kind of sync be considered "all the time" in such a case?

9 years ago

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The answer is 42 :P

9 years ago

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or 58 ;)

9 years ago

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Where is this extra 30 coming from?

9 years ago

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How often do people win the same game twice in a day? It must be pretty damn rare. I have enough trouble winning one game. Seems like a waste of time to implement when it's something that can so easily be avoided or fixed just by a few clicks.

9 years ago

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RARE? why !!!????

Somedays I spend my 300P in only 1 GAME !

With a Small system implementation not a "Few Clicks" needed ;);)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Sometimes I awakes without A reason on the life, then can you discuse the reason of topic, that is a Bunch of Bits stored in a distant computer??

just kidding, If you dont agree and you dont see the point just mark DISAGREED on the poll ;)

9 years ago

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Thanks for all ppl commenting and giving opinions All will be appreciated, thanks

9 years ago

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Why not? I do not consider the free weekend thing a problem in the slightest.

9 years ago

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Well to be honest,

  • It's the member's responsibility to remember / double check if they've bought a game after entering a giveaway. It's not that difficult. Your browser's search feature (CTRL+F on Chrome) works wonders.
  • SG already tells you if you own the game you're trying to enter, but I understand you're speaking in terms of acquiring the game during the giveaway. The first point applies in that scenario.
  • The member can simply sync their profile every time they log in. I do. It only takes 4 clicks.

I won a giveaway for Insurgency (before I logged in and saw I won) on the same day there was a random key giveaway on another site where I got Insurgency. I simply contacted the person who made the giveaway here on Steam and asked him/her to please Request New Winner because I had the game. Granted I probably won the game before I activated the random key and therefore no administrative steps were taken, but that's just been my experience so for.

9 years ago*

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yes, but I do 4 syncs by days sometimes for avoid double winning and cheking all the Entered for drops the games that I was looking for win, sometimes I finaly Bought the game because I dont wins too much, not my lucky strike, but... My main use of SG is from the phone and App then realy this autoDrop will keep clean the things, you know that I mean, is not Lazynes, as SR. SYstem Analist I found that can be easy to implement and can avoid too many extra supporters times... just that, thanks for your opinion, well explained,is appreciated

9 years ago

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In your case, yes, I could see the use of auto-sync. You should've included the mobile aspect in your OP.

I forgot people browse on mobiles, I don't do that. You mobile pheasant! XD

View attached image.
9 years ago

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lol that Parrot... and mobile peasant !! XD

I won some games by the phone and app, thats a great thing

9 years ago

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Correction, pheasant. =3

The one in the picture is a golden pheasant. Isn't it just the cutest thing! =D

I sunk all my money into a gaming laptop and internet bills. I can't afford a proper smartphone yet. C'est la vie! XD

9 years ago

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I learn a new word, and Ilustrated

Congrats for the Lap, I found that a Good Lap is all... but I only have money for a PC and a Phone :(
I have a woman... you understand.

9 years ago

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Smooth. XD

9 years ago

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Despedite de tu cuenta, lince. Just kidding. =P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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this has been discussed hundreds of times...

  1. free weekends will kick you out of all the giveaways you entered.
  2. you enter 5 witcher 3 giveaways, win one today, get kicked out of the other 4.
    after 1 week, the giveaway you won is fake and the creator doesn't deliver the game. you lost 4 chances to win a real witcher 3.

those 2 cases will only make support get x1000 more tickets from angry people.

people should have some responsibility instead. when you win something, remove your other entries and sync your account.
it's not that hard, no need to have everything spoon-feed. adult people can think for themselves.

9 years ago*

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And considering most games also go on sale during free weekends, and are thus more likely to be given away here, free game weekends will screw up a lot of giveaways and users.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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It seems like you didn't read the suggestion properly. The suggestion is about dropping you out of, or informing you about, giveaways when you have activated them on your account thus avoiding your scenario.

9 years ago

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And free weekend counts them as being activated on your account.

9 years ago

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So... you'll have the option to drop out, or not, when you are informed about the fact.

9 years ago

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Clearly some adults think they like to be spoon-feed.

Your arguments are sound, and whats more cg probably thinks that way so it will stay that way.

Oh and ppl will continue to make similar threads.

Is there a way to change how things are? ;)

9 years ago

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I would prefer to auto-remove me from the giveaways of same game after I mark as "received". Maybe even without auto-sync, just check for the game I just won.

9 years ago

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Well, there's not much difference between having a button to auto-remove entries, or searching a game and doing it manually. And you can't really insist on a straight up auto-remove, since that risks wasting points and ticking users off.

9 years ago

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Good suggestion, I approve! :P

9 years ago

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That would be handy.

9 years ago

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I hadn't considered the fake giveaways.

9 years ago

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Fakes will be have their consecuencies, Ban or penalize, but if you consider fakes, then you can double check all because all can be fake except the official cg gives... or not?

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by StreetDog.