i think the dev now has to get on his shit and stop being so silent about development
cuz now that Vox is released on Steam
and trion worlds announced Trove (which will most likely be on Steam as well)
there is competition and competition could trump Cube World
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So many famous youtubers shown Cube world and so many people have bought cube world. There's no real competition for them. If you followed Cube world from the beginning you know that they always work on some things in secret they don't announce everything a lot of things are keep silent because it's not so easy to script them and adds more fresh things we don't know about yet.
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nope most people who bought in like 6 months to a year ago think that he is a major Dev with a big team on his and and is very social. Really he has always been anti social and Doesn't engage with the internet b/c most of them are spoiled brats. . . who rage about everything. Sooo he and his wife just make the game with love and don't listen to the riff raff. I say props. I mean They make a great game and update it from time to time. They used to give updates here and there and on twitter till they were harassed. Sooo they've gone silent. Honestly I don't blame them. Cube world, as is, is very stable and pretty much a standalone game that gets better every quarter.
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naa only the people who are like "fuck you I'm suing your ass off" Or line's like "I'm gonna tie you down and rape your wife" . . . That's what they ignore. How do you people not know that they got like a million of those posts on their twitter and Facebook pages so they don't comment anymore.
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When people get remarks like this, on the internet, they typically hit the big red "X" that closes the window. Or they press the 'ignore' button. Or they suspend the user for terrible behaviour. Unfortunately, admin/moderators end up facing such shining personalities quite often. I get that people don't all have thick skin, and even those who do have their individual buttons to push, but that still doesn't really make near-silence the best option.
Sure, it can be like trying to swim up a waterfall if the trolling has enough numbers or enough organisation, but that's why most forums employ a moderating force. Despite it being the internet, personal threats can be followed up with legal repercussions, as can DDoS attacks. I know it can't be easy, but if anything, wouldn't silence actually be a bad thing? In a two-fold sense, it tells the aggressors "you won" and also keeps their actual sane fans in an uncomfortable area where doubts creep in (along with a very real chance of buyers remorse).
I understand the game progress will be slow, but just an occasional reassurance that it isn't dead is all most folks need not to get too grumpy. So long as they can occasionally spare a few relevant words (or better yet, get re-involved with the community and employ some trusted moderators) then all would be great.
The people who make threats and DDoS? Yeah, fuck them sideways with a cactus. I just don't think it's accurate to paint the impatient and those idiots with a similar brush. Maybe I'm just being picky about your words (and I know what you actually meant now), but that's kind of how it initially came across. Last thing I remember in the Cubeworld community was that anyone discussing the radio silence approach were tarred and feathered as 'ONE OF THE ENEMY', heh. It's actually kind of why I backed away with a shrug, and decided to ignore Cubeworld until I finally get a random update in the launcher saying "WE DONE, FULL LAUNCH", heh.
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Wow thanks for sharing, I've been following this game for a long time.
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"So for all those crying can calm down for another month"
No, dude, falling silent for months at a time without substantial contact is a pretty surefire way to make your community feel abandoned. It's not like people expect updates every day, but contact from the game's creator that is more than "I am alive" is great. Once you drop money on a game, it's nice to have reasonable reassurance it isn't dead, y'know? We don't even need absurd amounts of detail, just something more than a single tweet every month is enough to quell the panic/anger. There is no need to be obnoxious, especially given the people you're backhanding have likely already pre-purchased (hence the investment in contact/it not becoming vapourware).
However, calling attention to the (still impending) update, despite the pointless venom, is much appreciated.
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see above post. . . There are two bad fans: Cubeworld people who are ignorant of why Wollay went silent and LOL players. . . if you didn't post threats I'm not talking about you for the 1000% time. They don't/haven't posted since they were spam threatened after the DDOS incident.
you should read this. Though CubeWorld isn't the greatest in dev relations it has always been a side project. . no one has been led astray. Everyone can tell the love that is being put in the game. . . . and for two people to have made this game from the ground up. . . meh. I mean sure if they were bigger or it wasn't a hobby game. . you could expect more. But it is a back corner game most people don't even know about it. It isn't green-lit it isn't advertised.
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I'm sorry, but the "One child ran with scissors, so the entire class is in detention" mentality just doesn't float with me.
Virtually halting any news/update of the project punishes everyone for the actions of the lunatic fringe. I understand why they might be hesitant to open up, but if you choose to go silent, then they have to face the consequences of giving a strong impression of paid-for vapourware. You cannot control nor reason with extremists, and yeah, they can have an effect no matter how blatant their trolling and idiotic behaviour is, but there is a side-effect to poor communication, one that won't go away no matter how you taunt the people who dislike the radio silence.
If anything, the needless back-biting within the community is only helping to widen that divide and push more people towards greater impatience, y'know? You can either try to hold the community together, or you can take cheap shots to make yourself feel better, but at the expense of worsening people's moods and causing deeper fractures.
I don't envy their position, but the only way to change minds is with open dialogue and honesty, not the scapegoats and poison people are resorting to. Just sayin'.
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fair enough. But there has always been the the way we want it/ the way it is. You and I can go back and forth over what way it could have gone but there is the way it is.
Cube world, last year (and a bit) went for like I think a small group of us, say 100, to I'm guessing a few thousand +. . I'm not sure how many bought it. The first thing to happen from the massive exposure to the community was that the outsiders broke everything: The new webpage, they came in and messed with the dev's trolled the forums, all and all once they got a little boost of Youtuber's finding the rare Alpha; people came in and ruined everything.
The most annoying of which was the ignorant bantering of begging for update news from a guy who only says something when there is something to say. Somehow the outsiders who just got the game like you know in August. . Start going off about how they need to be even more vocal cause the new kids need all them toys right now!!! Cause I just bought your game cause everyone said it's a great game. . . WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAA!!!!!!!! Oh and sorry for breaking the place. . . . Fuck YOU! where's my fucking update!!
I uno about you. . . but that's how it is.
Fact 2012/10/26- 2013/01/28 -2013/05/08-2013/06/08 Are the updates from Wollay before the page went up. They were distant before. And now that the community has gone toxic . . . don't expect more. The people who have been there from the begging don't. They rest of the community are like the bullies who use the geek for help with their essays. Where' my update where's my update you losers. . . and once you get your update your like "hey guys, long time no see. Good to see you, love you guys."
You know why people are sooo touchy? It's a great game. I doubt they will change till maybe when it is in Beta.
Edit: as you pointed out in your last post. . . Both sides are Toxic.
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is here
So for all those crying can calm down for another month.
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