If the book is not roadside picnic, then It's not a book...
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I wish I liked books more, except most books don't get a grip of my attention.
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"is more famous for his interest in a different subject", If he is who I think he is, looks to me know especially as writer. Maybe because I am non-US? He wrote a book with title based on a Friedrich Schiller quote, as well as lacking of female characters in his books.
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Sorry, I should clarify that: the author is best known for writing about a specific subject, and the book based on the Schiller quote is not based on that subject that he is famous for writing about.
Dang this is hard to explain as clearly as I want. If the author is famous for writing about (for example) banana shaped people, the book based on the Schiller quote would not be about banana shaped people [Hint: the author is not actually famous for writing about banana shaped people >.>]
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4 was super easy, but the others I don't recognize at all.
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Not interested in the game but I at least read the hints. I recognized number 3 although I never read it.
This would be pretty hard if you haven't read the exact books. Or you didn't use Google.
The descriptions seem very interesting. Please provide the answers after the giveaway ends. I might have something to add to my to read list. Like it was lacking ...
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Well I do. I won't tell you what kind, but it should be fairly obvious. I took a look at my collection, and decided that I'd infuse some of you rubes with my good taste. Below are 5 clues based on authors or books who I have a special fondness for. Solve the clues and you win entry to a private giveaway.
If this is your first puzzle, the clues should be entered into a URL like so: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/xxxxx with the x's representing the clues in order
What game is this for you ask? HA, as if I'd tell you something like that so easily. You must solve YET ANOTHER puzzle if you wish to know the name of the game. I have scrambled the letters of the title of the game.
Rearrange them properly to discover what game this puzzle is for: Wount and Mlade: Barband
Ha, you'll never get it.
[Hint it's just the first letters that have been switched]
Giveaway ends in 1 week. Don't discuss answers, don't post the questions on yahoo answers or anything stupid like that, etc... etc...
Oh and one last thing... Disclaimer: I bought this game from Amazon, and their support assured me that it will activate on Steam, but I have no other way of verifying this.
Anyways, on with the clues:
My favorite author, who once wrote a book whose title is based on a Friedrich Schiller quote, is more famous for his writings in a specific subset of the genre-theme of this giveaway. In his books, he has few female characters, but THIS one is rather famous for being an expert in the subject the author is famous for. [Character's last name, first letter, uppercase]
A digital samurai? How awesome is that? Our protagonist is a top-of-the-line hacker, who pairs up with THIS girl to stop an evil plot involving ancient Sumerian lore and a raven tied to a nuclear bomb. [Character's nickname, first letter, lowercase]
The story of a Fireman who thinks. Television destroys society, suicide is commonplace, and the Salamander cauterizes the wound. [Title, xxxxxxxxxx xOx, exactly as it appears in the title]
Our first contact ended in tragedy. They came to us, and destroyed us. They were more organized and better equipped than we were. And yet, this time, defeating them is child's play. The despised third-born is the key to victory, and he secures it with help from a little doctor. [Main character's last name, first letter, lowercase]
An author famous for his obsessive commitment to accurate science in his books, he once wrote an apology to readers for a minor error. Aside from his most easily recognizable series, he has co-authored many works, including one about a human settlement being created on a foreign world, which they named after the Hall of the Hart. Not much fauna there, except for the abundant salmon. Wait, salmon? On another planet? that can't be right... [Author's last name, first letter, uppercase]<note: the first author listed for this book is the one I want. As far as I can tell, he's always listed first>
Pretty sure that should be enough to get you to the giveaway using Google and a good imagination, but let me know if any of them are particularly hard to get. I "may" include hints, based on the number of entries.
P.S. you get bonus points for actually reading the books listed.
P.P.S. bonus points do absolutely nothing
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