I've just re-read the FAQ and I'm confident that I'm not breaking it. It says you cannot trade here. I'm not trading here in any way, shape or form. I've referenced a trading post purely as an appendix to add context to the post itself.
Please quote me the specific section of the rules you believe I'm breaking.
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I'm also not allowed to beg here, so I'll just give a link where I'm begging. :genius:
Anyway, do whatever you want, I might be mistaken and you are allowed to post link. Or not, in which case you'll be suspended. Your choice.
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Warning him so he won't be suspended. = Being dick.
Ok, I'll just say, "Hey, am I begging good enough?" and post a link with it.
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If you would like to include some self-promotion in the chat or forum, please run it by a mod first.
You are promoting your trade by advertising it
EDIT: Also "Do not beg or offer to trade in chat or forum. Do not beg for games in chat/forum or PM SG members from chat for games.". Its still showing that you are trading stuff
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well you're offering free codes (which a lot of ppl give away for free on the forums) and single keys for bundle games (where if 1$ price is divided by number of the games one game is equal few cents). So as ppl can get same amount of money or even more simply selling their cards on market you should except that noone is interested.
As you are offering only bundle games - ypu may try to post offer for your keys for keys from bundles you don't have - then you may have some offers. Because right now it simply looks like you want to earnn moiney on these trades, and noone likes lowballers ;p
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First - you don't "gave a shitload away", I won't say you're not a contributor, but you've given away just many bundle games and a few not bundle ones, it's something, but it's not nearly "shitload" top contributors are giving away ;P. But even if you would give 10x Bioshock Infinite and 10x Tomb Raider - still, steamtrades is different site than SteamGifts. You can be top contributor on SG, but if you're lowballing, people on ST will simply ignore your offer and find a better one ;p You cannot expect that people will just choose worse offer because person posting it is a Contributor on SG. And like I said - your offer is rather lowballing ;p
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also idk what cards you're expecting. If you're out for TF2 cards it may not be lowballing. but keep in mind that value of most cards on steam market is 0.20-0.40 USD, depending on a game. You buy a below avarage bundle consisting of 4-10 (or how much there are bonuses in groupees bundles) games for 1$. So basically each game is from 0.25$ to 0.10$. What's more you're offerng rather less popular games from a bundles. So you're looking for a profit of 200-400%. No wonder you don't have a lot of offers.
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Additionally, I'm not looking to "profit". I'm not making any real life money. I'm basically looking to exchange left-over keys for trading cards which I will craft into badges, I'm not managing a stock market profile here.
And as I said below - I do not buy bundles for "$1" as you're implying.
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even if you want "just to craft badges" (again - no way for us to tell if it's actually the real reason - you may still say so and when you get cards sell them at the market right away) you're still looking for profti - just indirect one not direct one. You're looking for a way to obtain cards for smaller cost that they are on market, so you save money, so you have a "profit" over the value you'd normally have to pay for them.
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also as I have seen you got 1 offer - 2-3 cards for a key that cost you 1$ for whole bundle where you got also other games. And you still say you have no interest - if it's not interest it's only next proove you're lowballing and looking for a profit. So you should not QQ that noone is interested in your offer.
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even if your're paying like you say £6-12 - there's no way to say so from your offer, as you're offering single keys anyone could biy in bulk for 1$.
But even if you pay like 15 times more - look at it from a trader view - why should someone buy from you? because youp paid £12? someone paid $1 and is offering same keys. As a potential buyer it's obvious I would buy from second one cheaper.
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I understand your logic. I just felt the need to point out that I'm not buying bundles for $1 and then trying to sell for a profit. I use what keys I need from the bundle, store the rest and then, as I have just done with a few games, trade on a game worth, say £7 currently in the steam store, for 2 20p cards.
Is that really such a bad thing? A £7 game or 40p worth of virtual goods? (even if it was available cheaper before as a bundle, it isn't now).
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It's 100% fair imo. When I first started trading I had missed many bundles. I was paying around $1 each for missing games from past bundle. Yes, people were making a profit but in my eyes this was still the cheapest way to get these games.
Besides, cards are an item people get for free as drops. Trading 2 cards that cost the user nothing for a game they are interested in benefits both parties.
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As long you want to get Cards for your Coupons and Bundlekeys, i recommend to trade at the Steam Tradingcards Group. There are more people want to trade cards-for-cards/cards-for-games instead of games-for-games.
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Not sure where you get that impression. 40p worth of cards for a game worth several pounds doesn't seem like a scam to me. I've really seen the dark side of this forum after trying to get what I'd think is the bare minimum you can really scrape from some budget games. I guess I should be thankful it wasn't at my loss.
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It really helps to post prices in your trade OP. A list of games is a lot to sort out, and then to need to ask the price of every game is tedious. If you are looking for cards, write something like:
When people know the price they can decide if they want to pursue it or not.
Also, you might just be selling a bit high. Games that have been in a UTA $1 bundle are usually worth only a card or two; while games that have been BTA/Indie Royale etc are worth a bit more (3 or 4, maybe more if there is demand for the game). If you want to move stock fast, I recommend those prices.
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The reason I didn't list prices was because I'd have honestly accepted just a single card for most of them (until people started throwing higher numbers in).
I'll make a note about actually putting SOME form of pricing in so people have an idea though, completely overlooked it to be honest. Thanks.
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Change your topic to "[H] Games [W] 1 Trading Card Each" and watch the invite spam explode haha!
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So I've posted a trading thread on SteamTrades and I've had precisely ZERO interest. Now I'm not entirely sure if this is because what I'm offering is of no-interest to anyone, whether it's my lack of rep or whether I'm missing something else.
Now I've not done much/any trading before (with the exception of the card bot, but I don't think that counts).
So, if anyone has any advice or perhaps somewhere better to trade (maybe somewhere not so fast paced where it won't be buried after 2 minutes).
The thread is on SteamTrades under my name (link removed due to anal retentiveness).
Thanks all.
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