So, I finally got this game off of my backlog, anyone else say "holy crap" with the ending when you find out you're insane and Konrad is actually dead? I picked the ending where you shoot the guy and give your weapon to the soldiers and go home, what did you guys pick?

12 years ago*

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I picked the ending where you fight the soldiers in the end for fubar difficulty last night. Got all endings already and damn this game would have been an amazing movie.

Gentleman, welcome to Dubai.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I'm going to go through and play on fubar difficulty now once i get some other backlog games finished, I would even pay to see this movie in IMAX, for opening day, it's just that good.

12 years ago

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I don't think the ending would translate well into a movie. Would it?

OT: I picked both endings. I played the game twice, amazing as it is. The suicidal ending is best though. He deserved to die!

12 years ago

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more than 2 endings,although no big differences,only slight ones

12 years ago

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I'm thinking of the suicide thing. The following part is an epilogue, isn't it.

12 years ago

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well you still have to make a choice in the epilogue. But I agree..."I" deserved to die in that game.

12 years ago

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Indeed, I was a dick in that game, especially with the overkill use of white phosphorus, when he said i killed everyone, I just kept shooting.

12 years ago

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You don't have to use the white phosphorus but by not doing so you will have to face the entire 33rd with no hope of winning.

12 years ago

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I know, i just enjoyed using it, I'm a bit of an overkill junkie

12 years ago

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noticed that the ending with the soldier changes a little bit depending on your actions during the game? Same with some other very small things. Also the difference between fade to black and fade to white...and don't forget the deja vu mission....

12 years ago

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theres 4 different endings, all completely chooseable, your actions in the game don't really affect it much from what i've seen. At the end you have a total of 4 options, get shot, shoot the guy,turn in your gun to the rescuing soldiers, or kill the rescuing solderies

12 years ago

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make a playthrough with "good" choices and one with "bad" choices and watch the "lay down weapon" ending ;)

12 years ago

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I guess ill backlog my other games and replay this, cause i gotta see the difference

12 years ago

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Mission accomplished if I made you replay the game. But TBH that ending is just a myth,I don't know anyone who has unlocked it,although its hard to know which are the "good" choices anyway.

But when you replay watch when the game makes a fade to black and when a fade to might show the difference between reality and insanity. Also try different choices from your first playthrough and listen to the tone of Walker and watch the "finishing moves"..they might not be so rude (or even more brutal) that time. The game is very subtle with some things and so much doesnt even get explained although it becomes clear in the end. Just take the "rope" scene...Kill the left guy or the right guy...or do nothing or shoot the snipers.

Still there are "more" than 4 endings,although you can see them as just one

Mirror scene: Wait, shoot yourself or shoot Konrad
Epilogue: Do nothing, surrender, shoot to the ground and wait, shoot them and die,shoot them and survive.

But could also say "die, survive and be nice or survive and enjoy your visit in dubai"

Edit: oh yes, the "surrender and go home ending" with the knowledge of the fade to black/white ;)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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doesnt really matter. you died in the helecopter crash ;)

12 years ago

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True, the hole game was just a dream

12 years ago

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Honestly, I enjoyed all the 'flashier' games of 2012, but to me, just for how it left me thinking about the game, and emotionally impacted by it, Spec Ops was my GOTY for last year. The gameplay wasn't great, but the story was delivered so well it made up for its failings.

12 years ago

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I agree, I enjoyed dishonored borderlands Diablo 3 and such, but just finishing this story actually made me take a step back and think, instead of just being like, okay beat that what can i play now.

It also makes me shudder at the thought of holy poo, is this what's going to happen to me once i'm in the army

12 years ago

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God this game was great! Beat it in one session and was blown away at the story! GOTY for 2012 :P

12 years ago

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The ending didn't really surprise me that much. Somebody told me there would be a twist at some point and I pretty much spent the entire game dwelling on that. I had taken some random stabs as to what it would be, but by the time I was riding the elevator up at the end everything had clicked together.

Now, hearing the lead writer talking about everything regarding dying in the helicopter crash, THAT made me go WHAT THE FUCK.

12 years ago

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well you dont really know if you are in hell or if its just some kind of personal hell or pure insanity or whatever. Although the devs said how they like seeing it they never said thats the only way to see it,its up to the player.

Also,by the time you ride the elevator to Konrad it should at least trigger something as the officers that were shot (the ones you find the tags) are now applauding and greeting you.

12 years ago

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I did not notice that they were the same officers. Nice catch!

12 years ago

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Well i am not really sure about that tbh. I just guess it since one part of the command staff was killed by konrad after they went rogue and the others were killed by you. At least one of them I recognized again in the end or at least I think it is the one. On your way to the radio station you have the cutscene that ends that ends with walker hitting the guy with his pistol in the eye. Later on that elevator scene a guy looking exactly the same has this "glass eye" thingy...not really a glass eye. Pic

I also may be wrong with that theory,here is another one. 5 guys found executed before the "Welcome to Dubai,gentleman" scene. Walker says he knew them,they were command staff. 5 guys in the end of the elevator with Walker not wondering or asking anything.

12 years ago

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I found those officers very strange as well. They were guarding a dead general? The only thing that makes me question your theory is that there were at least 10 officers standing in two lines in front of the elevator. One line on the right and one on the left. They mentioned handing over Dubai to Captain Walker as he passes them, it was a serious mind fuck for me, given that just minutes ago he had finished killing dozens of them.

12 years ago

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really? maybe I just was so focused on that eye guy that I just saw the left row :D. But you could also say it supports my theory a bit since 5 executed + 1 guy from my scene would be 6. But I remember at least 3 officers you kill during your campaign ^^.

But well,its just theory. The officers arent real for sure,at least the one strange guy as he is gone once you turn around (after the Konrad scene)

12 years ago

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I acutally fogot about those officers as well X_X

I really need to get back into the game on FUBAR difficulty now. The game is so subtle! :D

12 years ago

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I actually let Konrad shoot me and apparently it's no different than commiting suicide? I was hoping there were three endings :(

None the less the game was truly incredible. I've never felt more moved whilst playing a video game. Eventually I'll complete it on FUBAR difficulty and try to properly understand the whole story (which I honestly didn't fully grasp).

The CIA are fighting the 33rd and the 33rd are abusing civilians? Yet some civilians worship the 33rd? I understand Walker's madness but I don't understand how he convinced two other's to join him or why the 33rd initially put up any resistance :S

12 years ago

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well from what I can tell (which ofc can always be questioned since Walker being nuts). 33rd had the mutiny,they were fighting each other after the failed escape attemp,the traitors lost and the rest of them was executed, CIA was there covering shit up (removing 33rd and civilians,thats why they want to destroy the water supply), civilians basically were protected by 33rd,maybe some of them being against 33rd as 33rd was policing them. Walker probably just "made it up" that civilians were against 33rd to give him another reason to fight the 33rd.

12 years ago

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Ah that's right, there was internal conflict amongst the 33rd! I forgot about all those executions I had seen. And so the CIA were more shady than I had initially thought. Talk about a fucked up situation, having reminders like this as I was playing didn't help :P

12 years ago

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haha I yeah its really playing tricks on the gamers..."Do you feel like a hero yet?". I think SpecOps is really a good punch against the average "Get in,kill all,be hero" wargames out there and its really more a "Anti-wargame game" than a "Anti-war game". Just my opinion.

12 years ago

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It's a perfectly reasonable opinion. You're killing fellow U.S. soldiers which doesn't happen often in games. Was certainly a nice surprise for me after playing the demo and only fighting "insurgents" sigh.

12 years ago

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its not only that you kill us guys...or your own kill the good guys. And the bad guys,too. Absolutely everyone. civilians,army,rebel militia... After all,you should have saved them all. Now you killed them all.

12 years ago

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I actually was kinda dissapointed about ending

12 years ago

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Honestly, I didn't like the story. I love the game though, because of what the developers were reaching for with it.
Reasons I didn't like the story: The ending twist/gimmick was dumb -- to me, saying my character is delusional is a cop-out and hurts the story more than it helps. The reactions of your squad-mates (especially the whole hissy-fit after the section where you try and fail to save the guy or the civilians), were too over-the-top and unrealistic. The objectives of the mission were conveniently abandoned (multiple times) to carry the player (not the characters) forward -- admittedly, this happens a lot in games anyway, but I expected a little better here from The Line.

Again though, I love what the game was trying for. Its criticisms of gaming and warfare were done well.

More criticisms from me though: the WP scene.
First run through -- nah, I don't want to use it, I'll see if I can fight it out. So I snipe a few guys and get killed. Next run: snipe more carefully, take out a few more, then their snipers on rooftops show up, and I die. Third run: more sniping, even more carefully this time, kill their snipers, and then their snipers respawn anyway... what... the... fuck. Lame. So finally, fourth time... WP time... okay, hit targets, hit targets, hit targets... that trench there... I dunno... I can't tell what's there. Wait... shit... this camera spotter thing's falling... wait... well, I don't want to hit that without knowing what it is. WP cam falls, I die. Fucking game. Whatever... okay, WP time again... when it gets to the trench, I line up the target far left of the trench, trying to just graze the Humvee... FOOM trench lights up. Yeah... I know I didn't really hit that... I know what's going to be in that trench... game won't let me be "innocent", even if I am. [edit] OTOH, that made me really wonder if I'd be a good soldier for the military (instinct to preserve innocents), or a bad one (questioning objectives) if I were ever to enlist. [/edit]

As for the ending... first time I played through, I didn't realize I had regained control over my character at the very end, so Konrad shot me. Played through all four endings since though, and beat the game on the toughest difficulty (including the shoot-out version of the Epilogue). Again, I love the game for what it tries to do -- I just don't think the story is as amazing as most people like to say.

12 years ago

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In particular I felt that the story had very good pacing. As it progressed, your whole squad got more unstable and as the situation got more fucked up things started getting out of control that ultimately led to their deaths. There's that feeling of tension that builds and builds throughout the game and the reactions after killing the civilians were perfectly justified in my opinion.

Sure, the ending could have been handled better. But it felt well suited given how out of the control the situation was and how I pretty much questioned everything I was doing whilst playing.

I knew the game wasn't telling me something from the start, but it wasn't until I got to Konrad that I finally realised Walker might be crazy. That's a good story.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by azurexdragon23.