Due to popular demand, Guess the Game has evolved to it's third thread with a refreshed leaderboard!


v.2 will remain archived below.

How to Play

  • P1 posts a game screenshot -- Obscure the source if possible & upload to imgur
  • P2 guesses the game correctly & posts the next screenshot (wait for P1 confirmation if not 100% certain)
  • etc.

Quicklink Jump to Last Page

Rule Clarifications

  • Search engine or other detective work is ok.
  • Any video game is allowed. Unreleased or cancelled games are ok too, but should be relatively well-known.
  • Official game artwork for covers/manuals/promo materials is allowed, just try to make it somewhat iconic.
  • If P2 answers correctly, they may pass their turn and the first person to post a new screenshot becomes the new P1.
  • If P2 has not posted a new screenshot within 12 hours, the first person to post one becomes the new P1.
  • If there is no update from P1 within a 12 hour period, the first person to post a new screenshot becomes the new P1.
  • There are no scoring penalties ever. You may be occasionally reprimanded, however, with a tasteful .gif. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • the.kuribo has a negative score simply because he is not above such names as POO and ASS

Leaderboard (v.2) | (original is archived here)

: Last updated on February 27ᵗʰ, 2018 (JST) up through this solved screenshot of Shrouded in Sanity
:: A total of 1932 screenshots have been correctly identified by the SteamGifts community!

Rank Username Score
1 Agaster 114
2 Fet 65
3 LagiNatoRRR 55
4 emotionengine 30
5 Nanabanana 24
6 MjrPITA 21
. Traqie 21
7 Gromer666 17
8 EndlessHorizon 16
. Maulen 16
. fedprod 16
9 Skibby 11
. Chombone 11
. Belmasv 11
10 Svipur 9
11 MattDaDerp 7
. Kuzurreesh 7
. KrisPy 7
12 danbu 6
13 Scroe 5
. MrRenard 5
. MaxterChief 5
14 ajsemprini 4
. Adzik 4
. AeroV 4
15 BigBadGoat 3
. malabagaa 3
. squall831 3
. Draconiano 3
. Mechanicc 3
. DemonicMaash 3
. Vecchia 3
. cpj128 3
. skycycle 3
. badbutcher 3
16 gonsi 2
. AHoopyFrood 2
. Hurda 2
. Gotem 2
. Blando 2
. Zorklis 2
. Veckpreb 2
. Wargharbl 2
. GoHoo 2
. marsHm311oW 2
. AliveShooterBR 2
. EsalRider 2
. proximus 2
17 Ctouw 1
. LukeMistycrest 1
. MissMokushiroku 1
. Shikinami 1
. Movac 1
. TheRebeloftheRebel 1
. Mostlyghostly 1
. Looshora 1
. Lillies 1
. momomodr 1
. BillyGnosis63 1
. combatbeard 1
. ToSeemJa 1
. PsyQ123 1
. RIP4You 1
. GiantClaw 1
. McWaffle 1
. Kaiserlucas 1
. Moooo 1
. Ushatek 1
. StarrySkyRain 1
. Ad4m 1
. washijyazo 1
. ASS 0
19 the.kuribo -4

Gamers in Paradise?

Yes, the subtitle is a spoof on Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise. Because the last thread reminded me that no matter how good you think you are at something, there is always someone more masterful that you can learn from. :)

Relevant scene:

7 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 5 years ago by thekuribo.