16,79€ (90% off) 1,67€ historical low

Not the 1st time historical low, but not bundled yet and not sold out of Steam

  • by Gamy7

don't forget add two free DLC's aswell:

and free Tutorial:

1 month ago*

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On the surface it looks great and would buy in an instant at that price. But daaam - those reviews don't do it any favours.

1 month ago

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I just bought it yesterday on an impulse from the discount. Just finished the tutorial and started a campaign mission, so far it's playable and fun but i'm just getting started. It's possible that there are bugs further down the line or that it becomes repetitive over time, as the negative reviews point out, but at this price it doesn't cost much to try.

It reminds a bit this other game :

1 month ago

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I always think it's sad when a game that seems unique enough to suggest that a LOT of effort has gone into it, fails as this one seems to have. Reviews carry so much weight on Steam, and can make or break a title. I hope the company survived to fight another day, but can see all of their titles are on a deep discount at the moment.

I enjoyed one of their other titles Age of Gladiators (I & II), that also didn't get great reviews. Ok - will give it a go - thanks for the heads-up!

1 month ago

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4,5h playtime, just finished the 1st chapter of the campaign on easy, it's good fun at moment. I had to intercept an invasion, secure an area to get back a vip from an island, escort ships... Campaign follows the course of the war, we can gradually reinforce officers or sailors, get more anti-aircraft guns, more planes, and then but i'm not there yet get a better aircraft carrier with another elevator. That's right we don't control the planes directly to sink ships, we just can choose which ones are sent via a few cards from a deck, so it's simplified but as a game it's fun and i even prefer it to carrier deck it's far less repetitive.

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1 month ago*

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Yes, I have that game on my wishlist but it has "some" bad reviews.

I have just noticed there is a Free tutorial.

1 month ago*

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Tip remove the referral link (after /?cura...) it's not allow here I think, risk to suspended or so.
If remove after /? it's still same link.

1 month ago

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Thanks, I have removed It. The link was copies from Steam, I don't know how that referral part got there

1 month ago

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No problem, I know. At the moment are a lot referral links :(

1 month ago

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I played the free tutorial at a time and the game didn't appeal to me, but the final game has better integrated tutorials.

1 month ago

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Yeah I was stoked for this game when it first came out (but I never buy outside of sales), but when the large discounts rolled in pretty early I realized something was off...
Shame, I would especially enjoy managing a Lexington class, but not if its abandonware.

1 month ago

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Nah it's really playable from what i tried (but i'm still on early campaign, can't be sure about the end game), but it's a really arcade game, if you prefer simulation still you wouldn't like it.

1 month ago

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I prefer...a mix or at least a lot of options of how arcade you want to have it.

1 month ago

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Arcade i mean aircraft carrier side view only serves to send sailors to repair the various parts, you don't control what you do in each room of the carrier, you can't control manually the planes or canons. There's a tactical map to see the enemy and allies and move around, and missions to choose from : reco, interception, raid, and the right planes to put on the right deck. When you set a raid you choose a series of attack defense support cards, and then it's just a question of timing, sending the planes and recovering them with the ships having to move.

Game should be no more than 12-20h, but i'm pretty excited about replaying the pacific war at moment. It doesn't cover large-scale events, but it does present an interesting vision on a small scale.

1 month ago*

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I mean...not being able to control manually cannons (I guess you mean AA right?) or the individual planes...OK by me, managing the carrier as a ship and setting it up for attacks and defense is what it should be about.
Small scale, as in individual battles, but no big campaign?

I dunno, good for you that you're finding enjoyment in it, but that amount of bad reviews (with specifics grievances), were there's smoke there's fire...
And you say there's cards...that's a big no no for me :)

1 month ago

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Small scale, as in individual battles, but no big campaign?

Large campaign is divided between specific area missions
For example i just completed a mission defending Midway, the map was just centered around Midway area.
And before i escorted ships along Philippines, and it was another area.
As you complete missions, you progress through the big campaign of 16 missions

I dunno, good for you that you're finding enjoyment in it, but that amount of bad reviews (with specifics grievances), were there's smoke there's fire...

Nah. Or yes but here no. Probably the game was in bad ugly state at launch and has been mostly fixed. A bit like Ixion was in a terrible state at launch and has been balanced fixed after.
If you browse the recent reviews they are half red half blue :

And you say there's cards...that's a big no no for me :)

I respect that you don't like cards, to each their taste !

But just so you (or someone else who would browse the thread) know, it's not like a deckbuilder or magic, it's just a choice between some attack/defense/support cards that symbolize orders, each card symbolize 1-2 planes that you've then to launch. The result is pre-shown as you choose the cards, like "if you select these 5 commands in this order you'll sink 2-3 ships and lose 1-2 planes". The AI doesn't play card at all, it just receives damages. Not mine but here a screenshot

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1 month ago*

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Looks like the game was abandoned before it was finished.
It's becoming more and more common on Steam sadly.

1 month ago

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Why wouldn't you capitalize on the non-existence of guidelines on Steam and shove your unfinished stuff out the door if funding runs out? It's unethical maybe but capitalists have no morals.

1 month ago

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A guy managed to finish the campaign...
Some people complain that the sandbox doesn't work. This i don't know, but the campaign itself is playable.

1 month ago*

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Oh nice thank you i add them in the initial post now

1 month ago

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very welcome 😊

1 month ago

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1 month ago*

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Great find! Thank you so much, dude! Just bought it!

1 month ago

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you're welcome. : D

1 month ago

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10h playtime, i just finished 2nd part of the campaign on easy
missions follow the pacific war, it's good arcade, didn't have so much fun on a ship game since Atlantic Fleet
underrated gem for those who like arcade ships games, for 1.67€ you miss something really for sure

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1 month ago*

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Watched full game first look by SIM UK and bought the game. Will be the nearest I'll come to my dream of being an Admiral in the Swiss Navy and command a carrier group on Lake Constance.

1 month ago

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I managed to finish the campaign !! 🥳 22h... on easy.

But even on easy, there are times when i've sweated it out : campaign gets off to a slow start, with difficulty rising crescendo to the end.
Campaign stops at Guadalcanal and doesn't go beyond, which you might think is a shame, but it's still 16 missions.
Got just 1 annoying bug on last mission, sometimes enemy destroyers don't appear if you lose the mission and directly reload the save, so you have to redo the whole mission in one go. Had to restart 3-4x but it's doable.

48h left for the sale
A player on youtube called the game Carrier Command, and he's not wrong. The feel is really close to the Amstrad game.

1 month ago

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Amstrad game

Man, hearing that name takes me back.

1 month ago

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Ah ! ^_^
I loved so much Carrier Command, i was little and couldn't understand a word of English. So i was like hey i'll build a "factory" on this isle, without knowing what is a factory. Also remember that the journeys took an incredible amount of time, so we'd schedule one, go for lunch or do something else, and come back - it was either over or not.

Aircraft carrier is much faster fortunately, so it's more what we could call the ideal sequel to carrier command.
Except here you can't colonize isles, it's a historic game with missions, so it's Carrier Command 2.0 but the sailing / fight parts !

1 month ago*

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I caved and bought it despite it's flaws. Not got stuck in yet, but glad you enjoyed it. I never start games on easy - but think I will for this one, lol. Thanks again.

1 month ago

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Glad you bought it, tell me in the future what you'll have thought of the game, i'm curious !

1 month ago

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will do!

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by coleypollockfilet.