In authentic Blizzard fashion, the new remasters are... Not very good.

Comparisons with original games and artwork showing really bad AI upscaling and retouch of original sprites, loading screens, textures and general gameplay stuff.

Warcraft 1 is the worst offender. With really horrible artifacts in the cutscenes, removed animations in the briefing before missions, and generally bad sprite work. Also removed the cinematic map, and the cutscenes in the victory screens.

Warcraft 2 also altered the victory screens, cheapened the cutscenes with the AI filter among other stuff.

1 month ago

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Will you keep giving Actiblizzard money?

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No but with more hate

Mostly play Starcraft. I still suck at Warcraft III, despite having played quite a bit back in the day.

1 month ago

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Yes I will if they ever make Starcraft 3. The only game I would buy at full price.

1 month ago

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Starcraft ended perfectly. Current Blizzard would only ruin it.

1 month ago

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Well if they make it, hopefully they won't ruin it. I still have hope.

1 month ago

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I would love to be optimistic as well but after a lot of mess they did consequently for years, I have no hope left.

Edit: Also I'll just leave this here.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Well, we already have a remastered version of the first game and second game does not need a remaster. It's also unlikely that they'll revive Ghost. Though anything could happen since they are on Microsoft's leash. I wouldn't be optimistic about it, whatever it is.

1 month ago

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I gave up on Blizzard a long time ago.

The original Warcraft 1 and 2 hold up pretty well. Warcraft 1's controls are a little archaic but it's not a difficult or very fast paced game, if you know what you are doing, at least. The originals are on sale on Gog.

1 month ago

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I think Blizzard pretty much died to me after the early days of Overwatch and after WOW Legion, they just stopped caring afterwards IMO.

1 month ago

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You would think they learned they lesson from Warcraft 3 Deformed, which I have called a "back alley abortion" in my refund request, after stupidly prepurchasing it in 2019, and then seeing the finished "product" on release. But no... the small indie developer Blizzard is at it again in full force.

1 month ago

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If this released on Steam then they would have gotten my money
Simply because I NEED to play Warcraft 3 again, and I'm not going to be doing it through the Blizzard launcher, or at the very least, not exclusively through the Blizzard launcher.

The remastering of WC1&2 is lazy if it's done through AI, BUT it's still simply better than the originals crunchy visuals, and makes that I'd actually play the first and second game.

1 month ago

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I don't even care about the use of AI. If the result was good, that's honestly what matters most to me as a consumer. The thing is though - they all look cheap Flash games with the new art style. And the cutscenes, like the one in Warcraft 1 where the two Orcs sit at a table, they didn't even bother animating it in the remaster. They just upscaled the single image and called it a day, how lazy can you get?

1 month ago

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I wish they would give it the Diablo II treatment. Completely revamped graphics that keep the original tone and theme. It seems like all they are doing is bumping up the resolution.

1 month ago

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Where's the never have option

1 month ago

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I registered the game keys for Warcraft III and Frozen Throne which were included in the physical Battlechest Edition on the battlenet servers eons ago. Just at the time Reforged reared its ugly head I wanted to re-install the game on a whim. As it was no longer possible to download the game files separately from Reforged I torrented Warcraft III as I hadn't the physical media at hand.

1 month ago

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