When will you be content with your life?
Voted "I am happy now and I have one more more of those."
A lot of stories after living in Sri Lanka for a couple of years but one of my favourite memories is the first time I was driving a car and had to overtake an elephant on a main road .. surreal
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Those are all awesome places that look great to visit! I hope you can one day :3
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My vote went to "I am happy now and I have none of those." And it's true. I have two cats though >^.^<
I want to travel to
Australian Outback
a rainforest
and in fact many more places before my life reaches its end.
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Now that's what I like to hear, as long as you are happy! You deserve happiness! Kitties are always great :3
Ohhh awesome list! I didn't mention anywhere in the UK but Ireland and London are two I would love to go to one day :3
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Compared to the rest I'd say you'd find Ireland fairly dull. It's very pretty over here but very little things to do
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I'm happy that many in this thread want to come and visit Australia xD
Australia has some beautiful rainforests so you could do both with one trip there. The outback is nice but the rainforest and great barrier reef is breathtaking so i also highly recommend those if you come visit here ;)
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I was in Czech, Slovakia, Austria, Sweden, Greece, Malta and every place has something charming that I loved :) But for now I am really in love with Austria and if I had a chance I'd probably move there right away.
My top "to visit" countries:
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Oh thats awesome! Greece is another that is up there! Austria also! They all look like they certainly would be charming places! Oh definitely, if you ever can I certainly would. Austria looks like a lovely place to spend your life in :3
Lovely list! A few of those would have made my list if it was longer :3
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I think we're gonna visit Macedonia this year, it seems like a very overlooked country yet really beautiful and there are really nice people from what I've heard :) My girlfriend was in Argentina and said it's the most beautiful country she has ever visited (and she has visited A LOT of countries) :) And I was hooked by people in Austria too, wow - I felt there like home and I was just a turist. Everyone was so nice to us <3 If you'll ever got there be sure to visit some crazy lake near the border with Slovakia - it's so big that you can barely see its end yet it's only knee-deep at most, cool thing :D
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Well I guess Austria is nice if you are in Vienna or Graz since you will mostly meet young people there which are far more tolerant than all the racist scum you meet on the country side. I hate being in my hometown because I cant listen to the idiotic stuff people say here. I mean you will also find friendly people on the country side but there are many less educated people aswell that will follow the lies of the media and are also racist for no reasson. The simpy believe every steoreotype and act like they were true. They often dont have respect of tourists and refugees.
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To be fair a lot of those rednecks from lets say Traiskirchen or other areas that have a lot of refugees do a lot more than most of us educated city folks. We usually rather preach about tolence over the internet without taking the next step.
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I do agree that areas that have a lot of refugees actually do something for them. I know a lot about the situation in Gratwein-Strassengel since my girlfriends mom is helping out there and she is also part of the green party which do a lot for refugees in Gratwein. In this areas they have ensured a friendly live together side by side.
I am talking about villages far south from Graz which have none to a few refugees. For example Gross Sankt Florian my home town. Here people have rarely any respect towards people from other countries. And refugees are not really welcomed by the volk.
But yeah you are right we rather complain in the internet before we do something ourselves. But seriously I have tried talking to so many people about tolerance and immigration and it hasnt changed anything. Even if I bring up logic arguments which they cant prove wrong they still will think the same way as before. They simply refuse to see refugees as actual people. They talk about them as if they were some parasites and would love to see them die although they didnt to anything to them.
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Oh Antarctica would be awesome! I could just imagine being there :3
Scotland... I live there and I would highly recommend Edinburgh! It was historically used as a defensive site placed on a volcano and so it makes for a very interesting city! There are so many hidden places to visit and not to mention all the landmarks such as the obvious Edinburgh Castle!
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Top 5 places I want to visit:
Too poor for 5 countries :( .
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Ah Switzerland looks so beautiful! Almost dream like! Definitely one to go to :3
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Places wanna visit
New York
New Zeeland
Even though already been in NY i wanna go back cause it feels like barely scratched the surface of things to see there
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I definitely agree! I feel like you would need to spend so much time in New York to explore all it has to offer :3
London looks amazing! Although, I'm more hyped up about Harry Potter Studios xD
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Yeah and were never able to visit statue of liberty cause whole island were closed off to public then was there , spent most time in MSG then was there and watched hockey and watched matches in NJ aswell
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Australia looks like a fantastic place to visit! I bet the people or lovely there too. Definitely one place I would love to go to. I would love to just get lost there :3
Norway would be lovely, especially for the Northern Lights. Thats one of my dreams to experience!
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Chile is awesome. At least the places I visited (Atacama desert near San Pedro de Atacama and Valdivia).
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Lmao, well it doesn't feel like I'm travelling out to somewhere! Feels like home ;3
But if you are going to be a smart ass then UK and Ireland list
Liverpool/Manchester (we still need to go at somepoint xD)
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You should bump Barcelona up to the top of your list, it's such an awesome city, especially if you're interested in architecture (Gaudi <3). Even though I have to admit, I fell in love with the whole catalunya area, it's great for the seaside areas and for the mountain hikes. I like Girona even a bit better when it comes to just walking around in a city.
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I know... It looks like such a stunning place! Its definitely high up there! It looks like there are so many amazing things to do! That really sounds awesome, I'm going to be looking at it now dreaming :3
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Also, unless you go for 100% beach time, I'd advise against going in summer. Autumn and spring really are the best times to walk around and not die of the heat.
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Wow, you have visited a lot of places :O
Oh! How exciting! You must tell me all about it when you get back from Japan! Ally showed me a youtuber who lives there and it makes me fall in love with it every day!
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Hey, I like this website! Bookmarked. Thanks for the recommendation.
Mine looks pretty similar to yours: http://tinyurl.com/mxyc49v
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People are never content with their life. When they fulfill a wish or a dream, a new bigger one takes it place
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Very true! I always believe you should never stop trying to better yourself. Its just at what point do you feel like you are content? If that makes sense...
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obviously the moment when our wish gets fulfilled. or should i say climax, just like an orgasm (shortlived though) ;)
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I believe one should never be content with his life. There's always room for improvement in every area: social, financial, etc. Why would you be content when you're just a speck of dust in the Universe with so much more to know and experience?
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I feel like we are always growing as people but maybe people may be content with how they are living, such as how you talked about improving. Maybe people are content with how they are improving themselves like opening businesses, going to college getting multiple qualifications, travelling to learn about language and culture. I don't feel like you can only be content with achievement but you can be content with the process.
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Might be true, but you didn't list it, so I doubt you thought of it before, since as you've listed those rather materially-oriented poll options. And i quote:
"I feel like I will be content in the "normal" sense as in happy in my job, own a home and have a family that I can share my experience with good and bad! :3"
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Well, I am quite the traveler... if we're just talking about countries in general, I've been to Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, France, Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, Netherlands... but I've been in Germany several times, visiting several different cities and I've visited a lot of Italy (which is the country I live in); Ireland and Great Britain were both roadtrips so I've seen several cities and places I'm not even sure where towns (the cliffs of Moher are one of the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life, period).
The city I fell in love with is Heidelberg, Germany. I've studied there and I just left there a piece of my heart (there's a song that says "I have left my heart in Heidelberg" and that's.. that's so true, really).
Wien, Austria, is such a beautiful city, really. I'm thinking about pursuing there my second level degree.
Cliffs of Moher, as I said, have to be seen
Newquay is a city that hasn't a lot to visit, but its beach it's just so nice! I've thought about spending there a summer, but I still haven'd done it
As for a 'to visit' list:
Iceland (I think it would be an awesome roadtrip)
As for when I'll be content... well, when I'll be high enough that I can enter the epistory giveaway obv! :P
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You certainly are quite the traveler :O I would love to do what you are doing. Experiencing all these amazing places!
Thats so touching to hear that Heidelberg stuck with you so greatly! I'll have to look into it!
Cliffs of Moher looks like a stunning place to visit! Absolutely breathtaking :O
I'm sorry about the level ;-;
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don't worry, I was just joking <3
But yeah, if you have the chance to go, visit the cliffs! Heidelberg, I obviously would suggest it to anyone, but tbh if it's you first/only trip to Germany, maybe it's not the most important city to visit... it's very beautiful and I love it, but it's not that rich of things to see, it's more like a small town to spend a quiet and peaceful week, but not somewhere with a strong turistical appeal (I don't know if it's clear what I mean haha)
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This is a perfect attitude to have! I think everyone should follow it :3
Well there is a whole world to discover so get looking :3
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I'd love to go to Greece! A couple friends have went and it just looks so beautiful :3
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I would love to go to all 5! I was surprised also! I would love to go, just endless white plains to explore! Would be awesome :D
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Normally I would say that "progress" makes satisfaction. When you reach a new goal you will get used to it and then it feels normal. I see this with my wage, after a few month every increase is normal. As a poor student it was normal to buy at a discounter and I was happy with this. Now I buy local and bio and I am happy with this. Can´t feel a difference in meaning of an overall happienes-level.
The most un-happy people are people after loosing a certain Level of life-standard. (i.e. loosing job, loosing familiy,etc...).
Top 5 destinations for me. All have a special meaning for me. For touristical advise I could do another list.
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Thats a very interesting way of looking at it actually. I need to keep that in mind when looking at life :D
I'm glad those places have a special meaning to you. I hope they are all incredibly good memories :D
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I've only been out of the country a few times and one of them was only over to England to see relatives. My favourite was Lisbon, but I have quite hazy memories of that trip cause it was a festival. I also went to larnaca in Cyprus, to visit my grandparents, but it was far too hot over there for my Irish skin.
I would like to go to Amsterdam, my dad's side of the family is from there and south Africa. Germany and Japan would be my preferred ones though, enjoy things from both countries a lot, and maybe Canada as well, since the people I've met over here from there have been cool
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Oh I feel your pain! I'm sure I would suffer in the hot weather... I am so pale... I've been called Snow White in the past with my pale skin and dark hair xD Cyrus looks awesome though :O
Amsterdam looks incredible, its a popular destination to go where I live! Seems like everyone is going! Germany would be great, but Japan has just been a dream I just love the culture but have gotten more into it recently. Oh thats great, would be nice to go there especially if you know people :3
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Portugal looks good! Definitely plan to go at some point :3
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Washington would be incredible! Tbh anywhere in the US would be brilliant to be honest....
Prague <3 Ah would love to go! It looks perfect :3
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I'd put Rome at the top of that list, and visit the city ASAP. With the current administration, I'm not sure how long will it last before it crumbles :P
As for where I've been, Prague is probably the most beautiful city I've visited. Salzburg has its own beauty as well. I've also been in Munich, Rotterdam, Corfu and several other European cities. Worst experience, definitely Sao Paulo (Brazil), i've been there a couple times for work and it always looked like the whole place was on the verge of anarchy (everyone of the locals was constantly warning me about going around alone, taking public transportation, getting sick, pretty much doing anything beyond my hotel's armed guards sight) :/
My next visit would be Edinburgh (a coworker of mine has been there recently and he was very impressed) or Reykjavik (i've always been fascinated by Iceland). But it mostly depends on my finances and my fiancee (she doesn't like flying).
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Oh I really should! I'm going to bump it right up there! D:
If I made the list a top 10 Prague would definitely be up there! It looks like such a great time, such a pretty looking city! Oh I'm sorry to hear about Sao Paulo :/ I'll make sure to avoid that! I hope nothing bad happened to you and you stayed safe D:
Edinburgh is amazing! Honestly, there is so much to explore there. If I could live in any city in Scotland it would be Edinburgh! Sadly I live in Dundee... Ugh! Iceland looks great! Would love to go at some point :3
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Oh well, I would love to visit a lot of places, different cultures, languages, etc, but... I'm not joking and I know that will never happen... the space :3
I've always been fascinated by astronomy, stars, planet, etc...
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Maybe in another lifetime you can visit space! I've been the same. The Universe is so incredibly interesting :3
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