Yes I think I'll do that. I was curious how it came out for other members that went through this.
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Some giveaway creators have lives outside of Steam and SteamGifts. I know, I find it hard to believe too.
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Yeah the nerve of some people :D. Although with how many played hours he has I would believe otherwise.
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I hope you'll get your gift... just wait few days. It happens heh
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Some people understandably take their time. It's only fair you let the week pass. In the meantime, you may receive the e-mail or friend request anyway (have you made sure your e-mail is valid and no messages in spam?).
If the week passes, then you have reason to start considering other options. Btw, some people are considerably picky about who they accept friend requests from, even vetting their giveaway winners. I wouldn't read too much into it yet.
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My e-mail is valid. That's how I received my first won key. I can't really understand why some people are so picky. You can verify them on steamtrades or take a look at their accounts. Not everyone that adds you has bad thoughts. And thanks for the advice, I will wait for that week to pass.
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What made me add him were the 2 other giveaways made by him that ended before mine and were still waiting for feedback. I didn't do it just to annoy him.
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What were you going to do, question him as to why he hadn't delivered the previous two or demand that he send your gift? Some people don't care to talk to randoms and don't appreciate when random people add them on Steam. Regardless of whether you had "bad thoughts" when you added him, they just don't like it.
Are you trying to be subtle about calling him out in hopes it'll scare him into delivering the game? You state "I was curious how it came out for other members that went through this", I'm curious how would anyone else's experience help you? It would depend on the person who created the giveaway and their intentions, not anyone else's experience. You then go and insult the creator by saying Although with how many played hours he has I would believe otherwise.
I somewhat hope the creator doesn't deliver to be honest.
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First of all how if replying to someone's joke an insult? I'll admit that I'm still fairly new here and maybe I said something without noticing that bothered you. I didn't throw any accusations, I didn't give any link and the giveaway can't be seen in my profile since it's still waiting for feedback.
When I said "I was curious" I was so subtle that only you could understand this. I was bored and I wanted to hear other people's stories. If it bothers you stop replying, block me etc.
Thanks for the reply and next time don't make yourself look so superior because you might just get laughed at.
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There's a difference betweek adding someone to beg for the gift and adding someone just to talk about the situation. Also if a week would have passed I think it would be already too late for the creator.
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Well, I have heard about this incident where the giveaway's creator was away from SG for weeks. So he didn't see the green banner and the winner didn't contact him. It took weeks before the winner finally got his gift, after the creator finally decided to check on this site and remembered his giveaway. I still think it's not rude to remind someone of their giveaway, because they might really have completely forgotten about it. And it's supposed to be the giveaway creator's responsibility to make sure the winner gets their gift.
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Thank you very much for saying that. But I think I'll just close the thread before it ends up in a war and since there are so many members that seem to get offended very easy.
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So what you're saying is that I don't even have the right to ask? If he can't deliver the gifts and needs more time I can't know? You are so righteous with your words and all your 36.98$ worth of giveaways. I said that I'm fairly new and I'm not trying to offend anyone here. Stop being so b**thurt already.
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Uhm, having other giveaways "awaiting feedback" is not suspicious, especially as you say he registered 3 days ago. Therefore he at least 4 more days to give his gifts to the winners (including you). He'll probably send them all in one go. It's only suspicious when he has giveaways marked as "not received". Be patient, man.
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I actually haven't thought about this. Thanks for telling me.
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Well thanks everyone for the replies and the advices. I'll just wait for the week to pass without bothering the creator anymore. When I said that I added him to my friends list I meant that I only tried once. I didn't mash my mouse button until it broke. Sorry if I offended anyone.
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I've won a giveway today and haven't received the gift. I know that I shouldn't report the creator until at least 1 week has passed. But I'm asking because he has created 2 more giveaways that have ended and none of the winners received their gifts. He has 300+ games in his Steam library which makes me think that the giveaways aren't fake (also they were for pretty cheap games). When I added him to my friends list he refused the invite.
Also he registered 3 days ago and he was last online 2 days ago.
I assume I'm not the first one to have this happen to him so I'm asking if I can expect to receive my gift or just start waiting for that week to pass.
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