Should I keep doing giveaways for everyone or focus on high levels?
Pretty much this.
Plus there are already a plethora of people who make GAs for the lower levels (0-3), so I don't feel guilty for contributing to higher levels which don't get anywhere near as many GAs.
In the end it's your decision though.
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I meant for public GAs. i consider invite only GAs different.
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Eh, can't please everyone. And there's no point in listening to such complainers.
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^^^^ This.
I've done "stepped" trains before, and while every level got some good GAs (along with the trash), the very best ones went to higher levels. I think that's how it should work...saying thanks to the people who made this site what it is is a good thing IMO.
I know that when I joined, seeing how the level nines and tens were really generous and created cool events made me want to do it too. And now I'm seven years in to doing this stuff. :D
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Higher levels are more likely to uphold and maintain the rules while regarding the principles and morals that a SG user should have. We all know ways to fool the system and higher levels are less likely to be the ones doing that.
Just my opinion, but I don't see much point in levels 6 and beyond, I'm not answering for the entire community, that's just a personal opinion over the years.
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Problem with this is they only do current reduction of value for games so people from 10+ years ago have less reduction than people from 6 years or less. So there can still be people with old accounts and high levels who are not on the level. I don't worry about it anymore I just give what I can and enjoy the site. But on the big picture, yes typically people 5 and higher seem to be more legit.
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Are there bots? Sure. But that will apply to later levels too, and let's not forget there are genuine real people too that start at level 0, and we all been there at one point, and i came here when there was a whole "different" site with different people and a lot has changed since.
Including people feeling the need to put their giveaways on higher levels, it's nothing different then some making them exclusive to their groups only.
But it's not like that there are no giveaways at all at level 0 either, so i don't know.
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than 0?
Ofcourse there is! SG is unfortunately not as ideal as it may initially seem. There are many users who dont touch the games they win, who use alt SG accounts, who are looking to farm cards rather than play games, who dont at all give back, etc.
Think about it from a nefarious point of view. You have an alt account, you make an SG account. You start using a script/extension to enter giveaways automatically.
And voila! you just won a AAA game that some naive user hosted as a Public GA.
At the same time, if a giveaway is at Level 3. That means you would have to host a bunch of garbage giveaways in order to attain the cheap thrill of wasting someone's money. And then after you do that, the trusty script/tool/whatever will take care of the rest of the GAs. Profit.
So you see while levels aren't the ideal solution. It is still mildly helpful against lazy bad actors who wouldn't want to make some GAs to qualify higher levelled GAs. As setting levels is better than nothing and helps one reach potentially legit users.
If you are looking to share with the community, you could consider making your giveaways Private aka invite only. The best IMO is using SGtools , setting additional restrictions ensure that even if set to lower levels. The chances of reaching non-exploitative users is higher. As you can set restriction against those who have previously broken rules, who have been VAC banned, who have extremely bad giving ratios, etc.
But if you are looking for users to play your games, joining certain exclusive groups is the way to go. As the group's 'play your wins' rules can be enforced.
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I would at least do level 1 so your winner at least gave something.
But it's really up to you. The higher the level the more they gave away. But that doesn't mean they will play it or haven't won hundreds or thousands games themselves. You have to decide what's important to you, I would also make it dependant on the game.
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One of the things is that you have a bigger chance that the person is online somewhat daily and could mark the game as received sooner...
Especially if you are doing steam sale and you wouldn't want to have the person come online when the sale already eneded and now you have to either gift them the full price game or get some keys... Or ask them to be able to delete giveaway...
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To reward people who giveback to the site
No offence since I see you started to make giveaways now but it also helps stop leaches
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I just read all the comments. Thanks for the thoughts.
Think I know what I'll do from now on.
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I mostly just do a few group/whitelist giveaways because I don't have much money and if I buy the cheap keys there is a high chance someone will report me as abusing the site or something and the cv gets completely removed instead of reduced which kind of takes some of the incentive out of giving. When I make public giveaways I always put it to 1 because I just don't understand why anyone can't give away a 0.10 key or whatever, level 0's just seem like people who don't care to even try and most are probably mutli account bots anyway.
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It basically depends apon the person who is giving away the game.
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I just started making giveaways and I was wondering if there's any advantage of making giveaways to higher levels than 0.
Like, I understand that higher the level, you're rewarding the ones that give back to the community, but besides that, what other gain do I get from making giveaways based on level?
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