I cannot believe this thread.
Being banned for expressing an opinion is just plain stupid.
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No, immature and retarded. If you cannot take critique, don't post on the internet.
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Which is the point. OP is being just as stupid as the offending Admin by bitching about his banning here. Yes, it was a stupid reason to ban and said Admin is beyond butthurt. It's also stupid to cry about being banned from a private group for private reasons in a public forum.
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You seem to fail to realise that this 'private' group is one of the bigger public Steam groups and that someone who creates one should be mature and responsible enough to not abuse in this fashion.
Then again, as previously mentioned by both me and others, it's at their discretion who they ban for what reason. I'm not crying about being banned, I'm far from hostile as well, contrary to what your previous posts have implied.
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Trading is for noobs. If you want a game, go and buy it, otherwise you are a shitty gamer for giving away games you have for games you want. You want a game? Buy it then! :) And what if it is one of the biggest? It doesn't mean it's good...
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robs popcorn from belfour and then is so generous to give some back to him
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Well.... the point of Greenlight should be to give people voting power on which game should get on steam and which shouldn't. I know the game (and group) in question and I also would not up vote it since I don't believe the game belongs on steam. Its more of a no hard feelings kind of thing but there always are hard feelings.
So now you can't be in the secret club because you don't like their game. Its definitely not fair but what can you do?
PS: I hate the greenlight system and think no user should decide about what gets on steam. Right now its just a popularity contest.
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To be fair, it's technically their group and are free to do what they want, you criticized a work they probably spent a while toiling over and are by no means anywhere near done in such an early stage.
While it is an immature move to do what they did I think you were asking for it with such nonconstructive criticism. How you justify criticism without being constructive. Just my opinion of course.
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Now then, am I or am I not allowed to point out the group and Greenlight submission in question?
Edit: I still won't, it's for the few people who are shitting themselves over thinking they know what group and what submission it is, and I just want to release the kraken.
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Noted for future reference. Being banned from the chat due to a slip of the tongue I'd rather not repeat it on the main website, so I was playing safe.
I feel it's best for everyone if I refrain from giving out the group/submission at this point.
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The one in question is a puzzle title, however. It's also been proven to sell poorly almost 20 years ago and is now re-booted on modern platforms with nothing changed from the poorly selling version.
Why should I even try to explain this to someone whom, in a serious attempt, publishes this to try and make money off of it on Steam instead of giving completely straight and deserved profanity?
Edit: I think people—especially on SG—are fixated on trying to have a nice and friendly as well as always welcoming internet. Heroin shot of reality: it won't and shouldn't happen. The reason I'm so active on the internet is that here I can be the guy I'm not in real life; and I do mean all of the internet, not just largely 'similar to me inhabited' imageboards and international shitposting forums. I'm aware that this sounds very selfish of me, but, eh. Maybe I am.
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You should be explaining it for the benefit of potential buyers, so they won't spend money on donkey crap.
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I think you're kind of missing a huge point in that just because it failed almost 20 years ago, that doesn't mean it will fail again today. Times change. The Dreamcast failed when it was released, but people bought up those games when they came out on Steam. Office Space, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Idiocracy and so on, are examples of movies that pretty much failed when they came out, but they have huge followings today. I really think you need a better argument than "it failed when it was released, so obviously it will fail now."
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Hipsters don't exist on Steam in numbers high enough to make this happen.
The Dreamcast didn't fail in Europe, it had shit PR in the US.
Also the group admin was trying to bruteforce his way through Greenlight by promising free copies on the group once it gets lit. I am aware this is common practice but that's usually because the group itself is about the game, not about something completely else.
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First point: They absolutely do. Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux (the old game with the expansions re-released to work on modern systems with no other improvements) is currently pushing 40 on the best seller list. Are you telling me all those people bought it because they think it's a wonderful game that stands up to the test of time on its own merits? No, they're buying it because they played it when they were a kid and loved it, or just because it's a classic game and they love the classics. The term 'cult classic' exists for a reason. And for further hipster evidence, Steam has a linux version. No one except hipsters uses linux for gaming.
Second point: Plenty of games do that or something similar. The greenlight page asks "Would you buy this game when released?" but plenty of people only upvote because they'll get free copies. Should we stop games from doing that? Also, that has absolutely nothing to do with the argument of if the game will sell, or if you deserved the ban.
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I'm moving on to Linux when enough games exist for it, I'm getting annoyed at the direction Microsoft is heading in most of their business practices, even if you exclude the XBone.
This game is of the quality of Bad Rats gameplay wise, it really is. I'd link the trailer if it didn't go against my previous decisions.
I believe all that has been said has been said, this thread wasn't created to debate whether my comment was justified or not, but whether my ban from the second party group was. People are just too eager to derail from the original topic to victimise me and frankly I'm not going to take it.
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Is it bad that I would buy that day 1 most likely if the price was right? Idk looks so ridiculous that it would be fun, that plus I like those typed of games doesn't help.
Yes I voted it up... :-D
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Just stop it. You DIDN'T give feedback, you didn't critique the game, you just said that it's awful and that's all. It's like saying that CoD is awesome. Why the fudge is it awesome? Nobody knows why, they just say so... You are the same. You say it's bad, but you DIDN'T say WHY it's bad. So it's your fault. In trading you have to judge someone if he is reliable or not. Saying that someone is a good trader with NO reason, then it doesn't make him good at all to traders who are careful. You need to explain things, or you are bad. Do you get it now? Yes? Good! No? It's your fault! :)
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I hope you realise that you're being the biggest of hypocrites with your repeating comments doing nothing but repeating themselves trying to explore new ways of making me look worse.
Edit: Besides, as I'm adding I won't try to make things worse than they already are, you're still trying to add fire beneath the crucible. Just stop.
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I got banned from it for commenting on the group's main admin's Greenlight submission: "This game should be freeware, not a Steam game."
How immature is that? It had little to do with my activity on the Steam group and if I can't be honest on another matter than the group without getting punished within the group, something is fundamentally wrong.
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