The group in question, like I mentioned somewhere, is not a trading group in itself, it's more of a group of finding potential trades to be made, based on whom can access deals other people want, not necessarily for profit.
The places you listed are either full of scammers or full of people seeking to profit, or in most cases, both.
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True, but your comment stated that way is more rudeness than actual feedback, unless there was more to it (though if what you quoted above was submitted in those words, that's still fairly rude)
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If someone is trying to feed a bucket of shit to a cow instead of using it to fertilise the soil to grow that cow some hay to eat and is trying to make it acceptable based on a good reputation, I'm going to call them out on that, and I won't be nice about it.
tl;dr - the video games industry is a cow
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If you're going to be immature then expect to be treated the same way as well or/and there to be consequences. It's not that hard to
Lancestarr did not imply you couldn't be rude, he said to give actual feedback instead of saying of what you wrote. You have to understand saying "oh this game looks like shit release it as freeware" isn't the way to go. Instead explain in detail why you explain that way.
I don't see the point in this topic rather than you bragging how you got banned from a group. You won't even go into detail because you think it's breaking the rules when it's not. We've had many topic on the forums that go into detail of people getting kicked/banned from groups. The latest one I can recall is the incident with a user name CEO. He wasn't banned from SteamGifts because it's considered a group related problem, not an SG one.
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Take my earlier example of a bucket of shit, and make it a video game scenario. The reasoning is so obvious that no elaboration is required, as is the case with the game earlier.
Everyone else wants to know what group it is, so why doesn't someone have a moderator contact me in way or another and tell me it's alright to tell more, then I will. I'm not bothered with people not knowing what group it is from the top of their heads.
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But how do you expect people to take what you say seriously if you don't elaborate on what you say?
Criticism is vital and developers can't improve if you can't elaborate why. If you keep giving short answers like "lol this game should be freeware". Believe it or not Greenlight developers do listen to feedback if someone brings good points and elaborates on them.
You have to understand that you seemed like a mindless troll with that comment from the developers perspective.
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You don't really understand what they mean. If it is how you say, then you HAD to say something like this:
"In my opinion, your game is not improved enough in order to have a value. I believe that there are some improvements that you could make into the game to give it a more immersive and realistic looking. The most annoying problem I was able to locate is that the cows should not be just fed by a bucket of ___ (whatever it is) in such a plain and uncreative way. I think that you should improve it and create a more nice way of feeding the cows which will make the game get a real value. I also noticed and decided to feedback to you about these unimmersive characteristics of the game....... etc."
Instead, you just said:
"You game has no value and it should be a free to play game."
Now explain me WHY is what you said a feedback? A feedback contains:
1) Bugs/Gliches you noticed - You said non of these
2) Things that ruin the fun of the game - You said non of these
3) Ideas about of how could the game be improved - You said non of these
4) A NON rude opinion of the game - Well, you WERE rude. You could say at least: "In my opinion, I believe that the game will be of a fair value after it will be improved." Even though this is still not a feedback by itself.
So, tell me why should they have not banned you? You contributed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
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A polished shit is still a shit, and me calling it shit doesn't change it.
There is no elaboration required when the criticised object is of almost insultingly revolting quality.
Edit: Wait a second, why am I trying to explain myself, this is not what the thread is about. The thread is about punishing me in the first party for a second party offense where the people involved just happen to be the same as the ones in the first.
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Then stop "baiting" yourself. You had to know those questions were coming
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I meant the "Mentioning the group and game qualifies as calling out" part
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The rule is there so people don't call out SteamGifts users for breaking SteamGifts rules. Being unfair is not the same as breaking a rule, and even if it was, those happenings were all on Steam, not SteamGifts. I'm not saying it's bad idea to not post the name/group/greenlight item, caution is always advised, but I do believe you would be alright posting at least the greenlight item. But I'm not a support staff so take that with a grain of salt
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I don't think that that's the only reason, no (I know that calling people out for cheating you in a trade is also against the rules.)
It's also because the mods don't want to deal with the massive ugly arguments that it causes, or with the fallout of someone using SG to raise a digital lynch mob, or anything like that.
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Exactly, and I respect them on this. I'm not trying to cause the downfall of a great community or two of them in the worst case.
I'm trying to avoid saying that the steam trading communities are like fortresses and this is a crack. I'm throwing a tiny rant about how I was banned from it, and I'm not disclosing information to prevent unnecessary shit from happening.
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Ah now I know why I have you tagged the way I do x_x
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I found one admin in a popular trading group with a greenlight game, tho the game itself doesn't look that bad to deserve such a comment, so I'm wondering.
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An admin of a group took offence to your comment and used his powers to ban you from the group for posting what in his mind was an offensive comment?
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You mix up public law with private run Steam groups. If a admin bans you from his group he has the right to do so.
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More like getting fired from your job for not blowing the whistle in a football (the not hand-egg one) game as the referee when the boss' son should have been given a free kick without knowing it's your boss' son and from a completely unbiased POV.
I only after getting banned learned it is the group admin's submission.
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You're making a mountain out of a molehill. His wife is a living, breathing, drinking and snorting fucking legend.
This game is a video game, and an uninspiring and horribly outdated one at that.
Edit: It's more like calling the boss' own painting that is clearly pathetic, well, bad. It should be accepted. I wasn't calling the game bad in the comment by any means, I was saying it doesn't belong on this century (and wasn't created during it) and should be marketed as the other ones from said century.
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True this. I'm not resisting my ban, just where I'm not resisting my ban from other groups/group chats. The admin does not even need to reason why I get banned, it's completely his decision to ban me for whatever reason and without warning. I'm making a statement of how large groups are being ran and by people of what caliber. I'm not running a group so I assume all rights to act immature and 'unprofessional' (been trying to avoid that term, steam groups aren't a fucking organisation and nowhere near as serious).
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Look, if you want, then enter some small trading groups. If you want to go to big ones, nobody cares at all! :)
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Good on Playblink. You donated those games out of your own free will expecting nothing in return. They have no legal obligation to refund you and you were a bit silly to expect it. The amount of people who get banned here for being stupid (scamming and the like) who expect refunds is absolutely insane. Please do not be part of that problem.
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While I like Playblink for what it is, I feel that donations there are more like a form of gambling rather than donating. It's still quite silly for mrzone to ask for a refund, of course, but I think 'Good on Playblink' is a bit cruel.
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Right, right, I forgot the pay to win aspect of it. I was thinking solely of the games given out.
Man, when was the last time I logged into Playblink...? I kept going for that "log in every day for X days" crap and never even got the first one...
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"I'm not complaining about it, but seriously doesn't someone want to ask me about it?"
"I'm not saying the ban was wrong, but wasn't the ban WRONG!?!?!?"
"I'm not saying who the admin is, but you guys should find out and be MY FRIENDS INSTEAD."
"Something about cow shit and driver licenses."
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Ah, out of context quotes that have been mildly exaggerated including my slightly sarcastic cow shit analogy.
Good job, you deserve a medal. A medal made out of gold painted wood, but nobody lets you know it's not actually gold. You think you won gold but you're holding a plate of driftwood carved into the shape of a coin.
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For realz, he definitely was a dick for banning you; showed his maturity by doing so. That said, the way you've handled this thread has revealed yours as well.
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And who could argue against fighting fire with fire?
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Shall I mention I've answered all questions to my best ability while avoiding pointing a finger at someone, I can't trust normal users to know the rules better than me, as a normal user, whom has read and interpreted the rules and learned the hidden ones the hard way.
The way people interpret what I say is completely on my own responsibility and I have accepted this responsibility replying to them. If people misinterpret what I see as obvious I will 'immaturely' be condescending to them.
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Eh, most of the stuff on Greenlight is crap. It makes it harder to find the gems.
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I'm happy when I see humans dying! Can you do so, please?
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Stop insulting peoples hard work maybe? No one cares if you think a game should be free to play, many f2p games are better then full retail games, not sure I see the point....Also just saying a game is shit and giving no reasons or how it can improve is equal to trolling.
I would ban you to probably if you came into my house and shit on my door rug.
Unless I am mistaken, thats what you did, correct? I am not going to dig for the game/page, post it if you want people to understand the situation better, because all I get from this is "wah wah wah".
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Stopped right after your first sentence. Anyone bringing a creative work to the world, in ANY capacity, should expect inevitable criticism. Creating isn't for the accolades, there have been "haters" since life went multi-cellular
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Indeed, not "Lol this is shit, should be freez".
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People will fling poo as well. People love to fling poo
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Yeah but its considered barbaric if a person does it, see :-P?
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This would make sense if there wasn't a precedence for it, such as the entire history of art itself. My point being, yes OP is a dunce for such a reflex "criticism," but the Admin is being childish-- as if banning OP will silence such opinions.
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Point was if you don't have real criticism then don't criticize.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
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How so? Its a valid point, I don't go around saying "Oh god thats awful" without any explanation, no shit is being started here, thats sorta in your head.
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"This may not be what OP said, I am doctor Doolittle and ride ponies."
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Isn't it hypocritical coming from you when you have "I am a sexually frustrated woman who likes making her house look nice and also enjoys firearms." in your profile? (I assume you are of course, referring to Hillary Clinton)
Stop insulting people's hard work, but insult the person directly?
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Actually you missed the joke, its more deep rooted then that and actually is not about HillaryClinton.
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You said just that? Or you posted a founded opinion on the game?
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You're right, that was pretty immature of you to post such a comment in the game's Greenlight page. If you don't like a game just downvote and move on, no need to be a prick about it.
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Yet another case of misuse of power. Considering how easily humans are corrupted when given power, such cases are inevitable. It's still not excusable though, and I hope you get OK'd to tell us who it is. I'd like to know who to avoid and/or not be nice to.
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I got banned from it for commenting on the group's main admin's Greenlight submission: "This game should be freeware, not a Steam game."
How immature is that? It had little to do with my activity on the Steam group and if I can't be honest on another matter than the group without getting punished within the group, something is fundamentally wrong.
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