Hello guys and gals.

So, apparently AC5 in all its buggy mess has managed to sell more than AC4, srouce even with all the bad press and i tough can a game even flop these days looks like if they pump enough marketing money into it, it will sell no matter how shit it is.

Could it be that there are some people who dosent follow the ups and downs of the industry who just see the tv spots or banners and threat games like movies.. trow money at something just because is more of something they liked, but are there so many people like that??? is gamming that open and 'casual' these days?

Have you bought AC5?, what do you think of it..

I know that i cant have fun a buggy game, because thats what happened to me and AC3 xD

Giveaway for your trobules

10 years ago*

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Indie games can flop.

10 years ago

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so if they have a shit game all they need is marketing money?

10 years ago

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Established fan base, more like

10 years ago

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Assassin's creed 5? whats that. Never heard of it. I have heard about unity and rogue but not of ac5

10 years ago

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Assassins Creed: Unity xD

10 years ago

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i dont care about AC so i might be wrong here, but if its the 5th entry of the series that used to be marked with a number (or at least until AC3), why not call it 5 or 6?
are they not the successors to the previous installments?

10 years ago

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they probably do not consider Unity a step forward for the series to give it a number. And it isn't worthy of a number.

10 years ago

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i hate when that happens in movies.
like someone asks me what am i watching, and i dont no if i should say rocky 6(does not exist) or Rocky Balboa (not the first)
so for all i care this can be assassin creed E because,not worthy of numbers

10 years ago

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Ubisoft won't be adding number to their franchises anymore (at least AC). This is because they don't want new players to feel off from buying because "OH MY GAWD ASSASSINS CREED 7 MAN I WON'T EVEN BUY THIS BECAUSE 7".

10 years ago

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Any game can flop. Even if you sell thousands or have critical acclaim, if you don't cover your development costs plus have money to cover your running costs until the next game is released you're practically bankrupt. For indie devs that would mean a day job plus developing in your free time. For a studio that would mean the death sentence or getting financial help from a publisher for a big cut of the profits.

10 years ago

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It's AC5 beating AC4 launch. Launch performance is based on the last game plus hype. Review embargo meant that reviews came 12 hours after release at the earliest. Preorders and launch day orders weren't affected by them. I imagine that the bugs and performance did make some people not buy the game, but without a breakdown of sales it's hard to tell.

10 years ago

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And with this game being as buggy as it was, the next AC game, will likely have lower launch sales.

10 years ago

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Not really surprising, considering the embargo lifted AFTER the release. By that time the growing fanbase of the franchise had already bought their copies. Not sure how abysmal the console version is either, since that source basically tracks only console sales. PC sales are mostly digital, I don't think it would be a 52% PS4 / 46% Xbone / 2% PC split.... That and I still hope that console gamers tend to be more casual and care less about informing themselves.

10 years ago

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In AC case, I think you're seeing the response to the last game. AC3 wasn't great, and as a result, AC4 sales weren't great at launch.

AC4 ended up being great, so AC5 had great sales at launch.

I bet the next AC game won't do so well at launch.

10 years ago

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Interesting, what about COD then, Gosth wasent that great, but then Advanced Warfare is selling good.

10 years ago

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AC doesn't exactly attract a very sophisticated audience.

10 years ago

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I actually never played a single game of these series.
judging from what a learn from the internet (and as anyone knows, everything on the internet is always 100% accurate), all Cod players are children. Thing is most people i know that play COD are like 25-30 years old, and just want to go home from work sit on the couch and play something simple.
so my question is, how is the online experience?

10 years ago

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For starters, lots of positive press about the game pre-release. Also all the content released in advance made it appear to be a breath of fresh of air for the franchise, much like Modern Warfare was.

10 years ago

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Preorders, there you get it.

10 years ago

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Any game can flop. Which is why you just milk pre-orders as hard as you can before the game is released, because if it flops, it still gets good numbers.

10 years ago

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so heres something interesting, what is the last game you can think off that was pandered by everyone and also was then we never saw something from it again.??

AAA only

10 years ago

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In my opinion Resident Evil 6. It was really underrated. The game was fun, and fun is what everybody should look for in games. Rayman Legends. Don't know about review scores, but it didn't sell well, and if it weren't Ubisoft (they have a lot of money from other games) who knows if we would see the next installment (actually who knows if we'll see it at all, but the game is awesome and I like to think we will see more). And Ubisoft is the one to blame for bad selling numbers, as they pushed back the release date of Rayman so many times, that people lost interest.

10 years ago

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we still have RE kicking and screamming among us :c

10 years ago

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Define "pandered by everyone" because I would say TESO, Wildstar.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Gamers have pretty short memories, I mean just look at CoD sales.

10 years ago

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Oh games can definetly flop. Ubisoft actually hyped the game a lot (like Watch Dogs), got a lot of money from the game (like Watch Dogs) BUT their reputation is in downfall now. I myself follow the gaming industry and I knew that the game was fishy as soon as I heard that they wouldn't give out review codes, they have basically put out a half-finished project on shelves. An average joe will just see how shitty Unity is, he'll see the ubisoft logo and next time he'll definetly think twice before buying an ubisoft game. By the way, Ubisoft stocks went down a lot, so I hope this kick in the head will sober them up a bit. I love ubisoft, I am a PC gamer, do not have any console, and I really hope they'll change as they really have a lot of great series.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Should be asking:
Can a game nowadays Ubisoft?*

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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any game can flop, though it's harder for say a series like AC to due to higher chance of mindless fans and the hype machine. I mean for every one gamer complaining about AC5's issues, there's about 5+ who'd play it and ask for more to pay for.

10 years ago

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Darksiders 2 bankrupted the company.

10 years ago

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