I don't know if I apply but I'd like to to try :p (Ah, in fact I do not :p)
Edit: I think TindalosKeeper wants to join, but I'm not sure he'll see this in time, so you might want to consider him.
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Hey! Can I join the fun too? Some people recommended me here! :D
But please examine me first, please! :)
Thank you very much! :)
And thanks to FallenKall for telling me about the group's open state! :D
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Hah! Come at me, then!
I had to get dental surgery once!
Since then, I lost my fear to dentists! xD
Also, thanks everybody for vouching for me! Much appreciated! :)
I also read the rules too! 0.75 minimum ratio, not even less!
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Looks like the vote only eligible for members..
Anyway you have my support!! XD
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I'd like to apply too. I'm really digging the vibe of a sort of "everybody knows everybody" sort of vibe. I just think it'd be cool to be a part of :3
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I'll abstain from reapplying as life has gotten busy and I don't think I'll be able to invest the time like I used to. Also, my ratio's fallen quite a bit.
Nice to see you opening it back up again, though.
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I would like to apply, have been around for quite a while now :)
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Ah, yeah..
Looks like the vote only for members..
That means I need to add description on my vote on you.. :p
Anyway thanks for your support!!
Hope you could make it somehow to the group!!
You deserve to be in that group!!
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No One wants to join Ment to be a GOT joke
If possible I also would like to join to share all the stuff i buy during summer sale
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I really think about applying...
Just one question: Do I still get group ratio points if the GA is shared with Touhou and Charitable Losers? ;) if yes, I'd apply :D
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Depends on winner.
You don't get any points if non-2hu wins such giveaway.
You also don't get any points if the 2hu winner is in CL as well.
But yes, you're getting points if 2hu wins who is not in CL.
So if you want to base your activity purely on shared giveaways - it probably won't be enough. If as an extra, sure it's a nice way to make quality giveaways and get some points (if you're lucky). So decide yourself if you still want to apply.
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Okay - I'll cancel my application for now. I'm sure there are enough members shared between both of the groups.
Might return when the summer sale ended ;)
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What is Touhou Giveaways?
The Touhou Giveaways group was founded by Archi on February 18th 2015. We're a small, ratio-based group, sharing the spirit of giving away and winning games on SteamGifts. You might already recognize us from awesome events that we organize from time to time.
We have implemented many unique features into the simple concept of a private giveaway group, and today we are probably the most "technologically advanced" group that exists on SG. The objective is simple: the group should be a nice addition to the SteamGifts community and should require no extra effort from the member.
All group giveaways are tracked by our bot, which automatically handles everything - adding new giveaways to the database, tracking winners, calculating points and ratio, detecting current/finished giveaways, statistics, and more. We even reward members with our very own touhou achievements! Our group is fully automated, and thanks to that, our members can focus on creating and winning giveaways, instead of being forced to manually add them through the website or post links in a group thread. This way everybody is happy to make giveaways the same way as public or private ones, and ArchiBoT does everything else. We even created our own userscript which enhances further SG experience. All 2hus love it :3.
Basically you could say that the entire group is run by ArchiBoT, and humans are only helping him :3
To make the precious data gathered by the bot available for the members, we also coded our very own Touhou Giveaways website, which acts as a "frontend" to the data gathered by the bot. Members can check their stats, ongoing giveaways, giveaways won and many other useful information we provide in a nice, fancy and modern way. Hell, we even have a shop with some extra neat features.
We're always actively working on improving our group even further. Many things are being added and improved as the time goes.
Group goals
Touhou Giveaways is not a typical giveaway group that can be found on SG - we're more like our own small community of people that like spending time with each other, be it by chatting, playing or discussing SG
rantsthreads. We actively focus on the community aspect of the group - everybody knows each other, we chat together, play together and win giveaways together. If you treat SG group as a source of games only, most likely this group is not for you.I highly recommend joining us on the chat if you want to get more info, ask a question, or simply talk with us. Doing so will greatly increase your chances of joining, while at the same time finding out if you like our companionship or not :3. We don't force any member or candidate to stay on our chat for the entire time, but no interaction with group members apart from SG is rather discouraged and decreases your chances of joining. Show us that you care and you're really determined to join, and most likely you'll get rewarded for your effort.
We're looking for members who:
If you consider yourself a good addition, do not wait any longer and try your luck. Tell us why you would like to join the group, and why you consider yourself as a good candidate. After the deadline, all applications that meet initial requirements (rules) will be reviewed by our staff, candidates who get most points in our private staff voting will get an invite to the marvelous world of Gensokyo. If you're still confused, check out how previous recruitment looked like.
Useful links:
Website | Members | Rules | Introduction | Chat | Steam group | SG stats
This recruitment
Currently we're looking for up to 8 new members.
Mandatory giveaway for lurkers
We'll vote and choose lucky winners after finish of the giveaway above (deadline). Until then we're accepting applications. Giveaway is open for everybody of course.
Good luck!
In chronological order, updated from time to time.
Voting finished!
Congratulations to:
Better luck next time:
(Not listed candidates didn't get any points)
Our staff will contact with lucky winners and proceed with introduction :3.
Thanks for your interest!
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