Fortix? Never heard rumors about it
"Thanks for Fortix"... It doesn't even sound good
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Having played it and its sequel, they're not bad. They were kinda used as currency back in the day, though...or something. Not sure how it became a meme.
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Not sure how it became a meme.
As I understand it, Fortix as a meme first started as a thing because it was one of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) games on Steam pre-trashware-spam-era. Then users started giving the game away en masse, which was then followed by the developer doing a mass giveaway for the game. (See this thread.)
That all led to the game being firmly imprinted in users minds, especially considering the circumstances back then- after all, as I noted earlier, trashware wasn't really as established a thing (meaning mass giveaways were rare :P). Conversely, Bad Rats became "a thing" because it was trashy, during that period when trashy games were rare.
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Thanks! I was around those days, but I'd completely forgotten about all of that.
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I think the best part of that bit of SG history was when a few SGers started to dominate the public high scores for Fortix and there was one of us who could occasionally dethrone the SG Fortix Queen, who would then fight right back for her title!
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Conversely, Bad Rats became "a thing" because it was trashy, during that period when trashy games were rare.
I've only played Bad Rats Show, but it's astonishing how okay the game is compared to the peak "fake game" era.. Physics is wonky beyond belief, a tad distasteful here and there, but it works and while through - mostly - absurdity, there's fun to have.
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After reading your comment, I felt slight sadness when I realized how I had accepted it as a norm that we have endless supply of garbage games on store. There has always been bad games, of course, but now it is common to find these things that are mere husks of actual games - never meant to be completed.
I think that we consumers gorge way too happily too much shit. What a race to the bottom.
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The tradition wanted that if you won fortix, you would gift fortix, kind of a relay race.
I was lucky enough to win fortix and bad rats on sg, while skyrim was gotten elsewhere.
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Question. I've won Fortix 2, but acquired Fortix through a bundle or something. Are people like me disqualified? Thanks.
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How am I to win skyrim if you don't provide a safe road into the land of dragons?
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I remember them all, but I only won Fortix from the holy trinity.
I think I was part of a Fortix chain, where if you won you were expected to make a giveaway for the same game.
Skyrim was in too high demand and I couldn't win, so I bought it myself. Bad Rats...well, it seemed to be promoted as a so-bad-it's-good kind of game, so I avoided it!
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It's bad, I admit it. But compared to the real crap one can buy in Steam today, I have to tell you I had some fun playing it :)
I didn't had to grind for achievements.. got most of them by playing normally.. just replayed some level to get a better score
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I can't believe it, I won two of three. The only one I haven't won is Bad Rats 😂
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I have Bad Rats, but Fortix is still out of my grasp.
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I did indeed win Skyrim on SG, but it's never crossed my mind to actually enter GAs for Bad Rats. As for Fortix, this is the first time I've heard of such a meme, must have been before my time.
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I won a copy of Fortix here, got the achievements and joined the steamgroup
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Sadly(?), only one of the three here as an SG win, though I own all three.
Fortix - picked it up on Steam in 2011, as part of this package: Indie Fantasy Pack for $4.99 (also included Faerie Solitaire before Pkeod's massive SG debut giveaway!)
Bad Rats - from Indiegala Bundle 5 in 2012, for $6.00 (and Fortix 2 came from IG Bundle 2!)
Skyrim - a 2012 SteamGifts winter holiday group giveaway win! :D (after which, GamersGate made a price booboo on the Bethesda pack, and so I promptly gave away a copy of Skyrim myself a few days later!)
Still hoping to get Bad Rats Show from SG at some point though! And maybe Skyrim VR, but I don't own a VR set yet.
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Guess this is for the old timers then. Been here two years and I have yet to see a GA for Fortix or Bad Rats. Skyrim has a legendary special super ultra version now so I've seen a handful of them.
Thanks for the puzzle. Not sure if I can get into it but I'll definitely give it a go.
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Hi everyone :)
Not long ago, someone made me realize that winning all of those three games that are part of SG's history is not that common.
Of course I'm referring to
So, if there's any of you who (like me) was lucky enough to win em all, they can be admitted into this super elitist group. =P
Every requester will obviously have their wins checked, just to be sure they are not lying.
: I don't get any notification when someone requests to join the group so, if you do, please let me know (here or on Steam), thanks :)For those who don't, here's a little chance to see the almighty space cat and rise to an higher level (win-wise)
Just follow this link and look for the right path to giveaways.
Heard there's a safe road along A14 AM6 H17 AH21 Y15 while another should be through J17 G16 E11 AE16 B8. Have a safe journey :)
If you don't trust links, there's an image below of what you find if you click the link :)
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