If a user obtained a key from a free and legal source (such as a promotional giveaway) that user must wait until said giveaway is over (or no more keys can be obtained, whichever comes first). After the giveaway is over and no more keys are being given out, users may give away the keys on steamgifts.

This rule will make the promotional key more enjoyable for the people that were not fortunate enough to get a key before the end of the deal and will allow time for people to obtain the free keys.

11 years ago*

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So what's to stop people from hoarding the keys and just giving them away after the promotion is over?

11 years ago

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^^ this

It would make no difference.

11 years ago

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they'd just be hoarded (and technically therefore run out sooner(which means not actually making the promotional key more enjoyable for the people that were not fortunate enough to get a key before the end of the deal and will allow time for people to obtain the free keys.) you change nothing, only slightly delay things.,,and it doesn't even do that since the people its meant to would ignore and post anyway. just like they do now when its completely against the rules instead of your temporally against.

10 years ago

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It'd be like an impending apocalypse to SG. The "Keys Remaining:" would be the countdown to the end SG as we know it.

11 years ago

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That's actually pretty badass.

10 years ago

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Heh, was the first thing I thought of too. They'd just hold onto the free key until the promo was over.
And besides, if this was made a rule, the people for whom the rule would be meant for wouldn't even be aware of it or pay attention to it so SG is still gonna get flooded until a staff member takes it off the GA list.

11 years ago

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10 years ago

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why dont we just ban giveaways altogether

11 years ago

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It seems like every few days there is some new reason as to why giving away stuff is bad and we should look down upon those that do!

11 years ago

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Is it really looking down upon those who make giveaways or is it being annoyed by those who flock to freebies on facebook or other websites, not because they want the game for themselves but because they want to increase their CV w/o actually contributing. Its generosity for sure but under false pretenses. If they wanted to truly be generous, they'd leave the freebies for those who would use it for themselves and go out and get a non-free game to give away.
I don't think anyone has a problem at all with those who make giveaways, so I wish you wouldn't have made it sound like they do.

A giveaway is just that...a giveaway w/o wanting or expecting anything given back to you. I don't think a giveaway is getting a free game from wherever and then trying to pass it off as your own with the main purpose to add CV or trying to circumvent the CV system so you can have a chance to enter for more giveaways for yourself.
Like or hate the CV system, its the one that's in place currently so it should be followed and not have people constantly find ways to get around it.

11 years ago

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My thoughts.

(We should just use that image as the Steamgifts logo.)

10 years ago

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Personally, I would have to say that for anyone that is concerned about steam gifts being "flooded" with a particular game, simply set limits to the number of copies of the same software being given away and restrictions as to how many can be given out by any one account. Basically, set a limit of a fixed number like only 1000 copies of a game being given out at a time total amongst all users and only 3 copies being given away per person per software maximum. This would control the "floods" better.

10 years ago

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its free. it is not generous to give something free, you don't deserve credit for it, and there is a limited supply of these free items so taking one(or 20) just to play hobo santa means somebody who legitimately wanted it won't get it unless they go through you. you're just needlessly inserting yourself into the process to claim a little credit for somebody else's generosity. its not even justifiable as regifting something you don't want because others do since it wasn't sent to you you had to go out of your way to claim it so this suggestion is stupid, and its not about being concerned about flooding and just blocking it with sg+ or delaying or limiting the flow.

walking down the street see a card table with a sign saying to take one of the cds stacked there "hey that band is giving free cds I'll just shove this pile in this sack here...welp christmas is taken care of time to ebay the extra and/or give away the ones that don't sell. time to go down the block and set up my own booth, hey everybody look I'm giving away cds aren't I nice"

grab half the whole bowl of candy from some "take one" halloween house, bring it to your own house for trick or treat. such a bro, saving candy for the kids who came late after that other house mysteriously ran out.

grab a pile of keys from some developer giveaway, bring them to steamgifts. ''I bring you games! love me!''

10 years ago

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I get the point. I am saying to just grab extras for your friends and one extra. I understand what you are saying. I am not trying to snatch up so many keys that no one else can get them. However, by the time I tell my friends about it, the giveaway is dead. If the steamgifts mods want to kill free giveaways then that is their decision. I am still going to wait a long time before putting up the keys. So long that I will probably forget about them. And I will probably only put up one key.

10 years ago

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If you take games from promotions just to give them away yourself, you are basically preventing those who would actually use it from receiving the game and abusing the giveaway. It is not a service to anyone, it is not a kindness in any way, it is just selfish. Furthermore, such abuse has a significant potential to limit or eliminate future giveaways, not only from the people involved in that specific giveaway, but also in general.

The only cases where such re-gifting is defensible, is when you were given extra keys as part of promotions or when you were sent unsolicited keys for whatever reason.

10 years ago

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I look at my steam friends' libraries. I find out what games they have. During a DLC promotion, if they have the base game, I will give them a key.
During these promotions, I only grab one key for myself, one key for each applicable friend, and one extra.
I do understand that this is selfish. However, with the time restraint on most giveaways, by the time I tell my steam friends about the promotion, it is already gone. Because it is first come, first served, I grab keys for my friends.
I understand that other people want these keys. That is why I only take one extra for me to gift out after a long time, possibly years later.
I allow other people to get the keys. I never wanted to prevent someone else from getting the keys. That's why I only take what I will use + 1 extra for another friend or a giveaway several years later.

10 years ago

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Someday we will have an Internet only Congress.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by pandagreggift.