Hello everyone,

I have made my first ever my own group. What we do is chat, trade and giveaway games. Why did i make this kind of group? Well trading groups and giveaway groups are seperate plus you cant even talk about other things in the chat which sucks. There are still rules of course but its a bit better than the chat rules from any other trading/giveaway group.

To join our giveaway
You must go here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RCNT
Enter our group and invite people! It will increase more chances of getting group giveaways and what not. I want to make sure your always- most of the time active on the group. Ethier on chat or just online. Ill ethier kick you out of the group if you have been in-active for a long time. Anyways, our giveaway is

Make sure you join and stay active :) Have fun!

12 years ago*

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"Enter our group and invite people! It will increase more chances of getting group giveaways"
Uhh what

12 years ago

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are you always this positive just asking

12 years ago

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How is that positive? How is that anything?

12 years ago

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my point exactly i was being sarcastic its more negitive like ur criticizeing him or in other words pointing out the flaws in what he said. just was woundering if u do that alot.

12 years ago

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He is a nolifer btw, I see him posting everywhere. I mean.. EVERYWHERE

12 years ago

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Yeeeah I have no life.

12 years ago

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yes, I see

12 years ago

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how exactly do u join groupd btw

12 years ago

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Good luck! However I don't see a private giveaway in your profile so not sure what that toohard puzzle links to ._. Unless it's CS 1 Anthology

12 years ago

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The puzzle is for a group giveaway -.-

12 years ago

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Yea I kinda figured that if you read the whole comment. I just prefer to assume it's actually linked to a private giveaway that someone else created :P

12 years ago

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That's useless, nope?

12 years ago

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Guys please do not share answers!

12 years ago

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it wasn't leaked...
everyone can go to it since it's a group giveaway and is on your profile
what you probably wanted to do was a private giveaway

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Garbener.